Sunday, December 31, 2023

New Year's Eve... Eve. 'Christmas'... in the Country.

Yesterday was a Lovely... New Year's Eve... Eve, spent with Justin's Family...
and Friends.

Kids... Hounds... Friends.
: )

That little Shepherd Pup...
is most certainly Loved.


Long Time Friend, of our Family...
Bobby, lives with Justin... and his Family.
Bobby... Is 'Family'.

Bobby Loves to Cook... 
It's pretty Wonderful... how they all take care of one another.
: )

We had Plenty... of Food, and Fun!!
: )
Many... Interesting Conversations, as well.
: )
They... liked to Rib me... a bit, over Politics.
uh... oh.
; )
Here's the deal...
We're All... Americans, and have Far more in Common, than not...
in my opinion.
'United We Stand... Divided, We Fall.'
We need to 'Get Along'... 
: )
This isn't about a Football Game.
This... is about our Liberty.
: )
The Constitution. 

The 'Hounds'... don't get far from the kitchen, at Holidays.
: )
They're a little spoiled.
; )
As... They Should Be.
: )

The Girl's... got a Rock Tumbler, for Christmas.
Miss. Meadow wanted me to Pick my Favorites, they had polished.
: )
Turned out...
me, and Christy picked The Same Three!!
; )

They'll have a Lot... of Fun, with That.
: )

Gave little Justin the .22  Dad... had given my Nephew, Billy, when he was around 10.
Billy, and I... are close to the same age.
Billy gave it to me... last year. 
He has two Beautiful Daughters, that have no interest... in guns.
: )
Billy.... wanted me to keep it in 'The Family'.
I know... Justin will take Great Care... of it.

Miss. Willow, and Miss. Meadow...
had fun drawing on me... and each other... with their Invisible Ink.
: )


I whipped up an Apple Pie, yesterday... while food was cookin' away...
Miss. Meadow liked a little Pie, with Mountain's of Whipped Cream!!
That's My Girl!!
: )

Bear... and The Pup.
They were Both, Worn Out...
by the end of the day.
: )

Love this picture... Christy captured of little Justin, and Romeo...
Didn't get any images of Justin riding, yesterday...
was too busy cookin'.
; )
Justin and Romeo are The Best of Pals.
They spend So Much Time... together.
Yesterday... they took off, {after helping me unload... Food. : ) }
and went down to the Iowa River.
They were scoping out the sandbars, with the river being so low.
: )
That Romeo.... is Quite a Horse.
He sure Loves Justin.
The feeling, is Mutual...
I do... believe.
; )


I'm gonna try to stay up...
 Welcome In
The New Year.
: )
Drink a little...
Dance on The Table.
: )

 I believe, 2024...
is gonna be Quite a Ride.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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