Monday, December 11, 2023

Hittin' The Road.

Hittin' The Road, this afternoon.
Taking cards for The Anamosa & Vintage Market, around to the Shops!
Always so Grateful to Those...who help us Promote It!
; )

May take a Illinois.
It's been Way Too Long... since I've visited there.
Miss It!!
: )

After my Meltdown... concerning Fairfax...yesterday, and Saturday evening... thought I'd better clarify some things, a bit.

The Neighbor, who phoned me, Saturday... asked me if I'd watched November's Fairfax, Iowa's... City Council Meeting, on YouTube.
I had... but, not in it's entirety.
It's long.

Sat down, Saturday evening, and watched it.... all the way.
: (
{along with another... from 6/6/23 concerning Fairfax's West Cemetery Road bridge/bike trail project. }
; (

The Neighbor, that's being 'Targeted'... in my opinion... 
is a Longtime Citizen, who has helped out Fairfax, over and over.
He, and his Family... are wonderful, honest... people.

I remember listening to him months earlier at a Council Meeting, he simply asked the Council for a load of dirt, to repair a flooding/wash out.... issue, that the city created on his property.
The Neighbor was very respectful, while asking.
That...simple request, turned into a mess, especially... with one council member.
A Very Bad Mess... some very unkind statements were made towards the Neighbor, and his Family, in my opinion, who weren't present, to defend themselves.

That one, council member... at last month's meeting, requested to bring this all up, again... show Only the City's side, with No Discussion, concerning the City's presentation, after.

This 'mess'... is going to consume much of December's Council Meeting, I expect.
That's why... I held off bringing up our Issues, until January, if need be.

I intend on attending December's Council Meeting.
It's so incredibly wrong, in my opinion... to put a presentation together, against someone... and not allow them to respond to it, in any way, at the time.

I'm misunderstanding what I heard the council member request, in November...
that is on the upcoming agenda.
Guess we'll all find out.
It'll be on YouTube, thanks to our New Mayor.

Looking Forward to Finding The Road... today.
These 'Messes'... drive me crazy.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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