Thursday, December 7, 2023

For... 'The Good Times'.

Helper, Brandon... and Grandson, Justin...
trying to get the Old...
Pie Safe, down... yesterday.
: )

John, and I hung it...many Moons ago.
; )
John used 3 inch screws, to hang it.
: )
The Boys got all... but one, out.
That 'ONE'.... wouldn't let go.
: (
It's head was stripped.

I climbed up on the ladder, worked on it, to no avail.
Had Brandon get a pry bar.... I worked on it, for about 10 minutes...
trying to pry it away from the wall.
Justin... had to head Home... so, me, and Brandon... kept working on it.
told Brandon, to "Stand Back."
; )
I grabbed the bottom... of the Old...Old... Pie Safe, lifted it Up, from the bottom, and from the wall...
gave it a Major Twist, and... Major...Pull.


Everything, I'm forced to let go... of, has Claw Marks... on it.
: )

{I don't 'let go'...of what I Love... easy.
Seems The Rabbit Hole, doesn't... either.}
; )

A Very Wise Man, told me... a long, long... time ago, 
"Don't ever 'Love' something... that can't 'Love You'...back."

I've thought about that statement often... over the years.

Obviously... he'd never experienced 'The 'Love' of Old'.
{not 'The Greed' for It. The 'Love'... of It.}
<3 <3 <3 

The Love... of 'Nature'.
The Love... of an Artist's Hand.
The Love.. of 'Details'.

Maybe... what attracts me to what some believe... can't 'Love me back'...
is, 'they' can't break my heart... either.

takes a bit of insanity, to understand...
 according to many, it seems, 'These' days.

There's only a Handful... of Folks, on this Planet... who could understand The Beauty...
of the Old Pie Safe.
It... Finds the Hands of Folks who Do.
Old Souls... always do.

The Beautiful... Construction... 
'Artist's Hands'...
 that Created...
this Old... Civil War...era Hanging Pie Safe, oh my.

Hand... Punched, and Creator Designed...One of a Kind...

Hand... Chamfered Wood Panels... on the Sides, Back... and Door, that's remaining.

This Old... Pie Safe has a Two {WIDE) Board Back.
We don't have Trees big enough, These Days... to commercially purchase Lumber that Wide.

Me and Helper... Brandon, loaded the Cupboard's... that were heading away...
and, we Brought a BIG Early... Corner Cupboard, inside... The Rabbit Hole.
Corner Cupboard's... are Incredible,
They... are, also... a Mess to Move.
; )
They're awkward.
: )

Brandon backed me into a corner... while bringing The Monster Corner Cupboard inside The Rabbit Hole.
I went Down... was Pinned.
: )
Oh Dear.
: )
{We need a camera crew, to watch us when we Move Furniture. ; ) }
: )

{Stop!! Wait!!! Look Out for The Chandelier!!! Stop!!! Set It Down... Set It... Down. Stop!!! I'm Goin' Down!!
Then... the naughty Words... come spewing.}
; )

Long Story... short....
that last 
with the 
Beautiful Massive Corner Cupboard, in the back Greenhouse, tweaked my back.
; )
Couldn't find my feet, without excruciating pain, this morning.
: (

Feeling much better, this Evening.
Hot Baths,  Aleve.... a Lazy Boy... 
and, a little Cuervo, at the end of the day...
seems to always do 'The Trick'.
; )
'Livin' The Dream'.
: )

While laying on my back... this afternoon...
called Peg's 'Michael'.

Michael... has been on my Heart... for days.
I've been so 'busy' with 'Everything', haven't reached out to him, like I should.
: (
Just hearing Michael's voice...was so reassuring. 
: )

Peg Loved Michael... So.
{Love Story <3 }

This was my First... 
conversation... with Michael... 
since Peg passed away,
 Michael... didn't cry.
Nor, did... I.
Grief...  has Many Avenues.

So does Life.

It's All About The Journey.

One Day... at a Time.

Love to Ya...
Prayers... for All.

Barb C.

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