Sunday, December 10, 2023

Movin' Mountains... One Grain of Sand at a Time.

Spent the day.... Down The Rabbit Hole, yesterday.
Ran across... many 'Old Souls'... hadn't visited with in a long time.
Above is an 1850's School Workbook.
Handwritten problems, and solutions.
Have one in the house... that a Dear Friend gave me, back in the 90's.
It's from the 1830's.
Absolutely Incredible.

Friend, Anna... and her Family, brought the Rolled Stone Fireplace.
I... can see it used in so many different ways.
It would be very Cool... as a Garden Feature.
: )

This is an Old...Old... Table that was below the Old Pie Safe that left last week.
I've always used it as a 'Fixture' at The Rabbit Hole.
Found it... decades ago, in Wisconsin, while 'Junkin'... with an Old Friend.

A Dear Friend, Pam... used to watch over The Rabbit Hole back in the day...
while I attended Events
Pam... worked at several Shops, in the Cedar Rapids area.

One day... after I returned from Heart of Country, in Nashville, hooked up with Pam, to settle up with her.
Pam said... as I was paying her, for Looking Out... for the Shop,
"Barb... I just have to tell ya... I work at a lot of Stores, but...working Here is so different. 
The People that come to this Shop... are 'Angels'. 
They're The BEST People.
 Barb, They...are 'Angels' "
: )

Pam didn't have to tell me, that.... but, Loved to Hear It!!
I've ALWAYS Known... That.
: )
I could count on one hand, over the years.... the people, who've... stopped by, and weren't.... so nice.
I, believe... 'they' were sent, to make me Appreciate, All The More, 'The Angels'... that Visit.
{I've even had people... steal from The Rabbit Hole, then...
 bring Everything Back.
 One time... a Man broke something, and didn't tell me. Found it, right after he left. 
{I NEVER charge for something that gets broken... 
It Rarely... happens, but... 'Sh!t'.. often does, in Life. No Worries!!}
; )
The Man, felt so guilty about it, he sent money to me, 
{anonymously... but, I knew. <3 }
 far more... than what the little gem, was priced, with a note apologizing for what he'd done. 
: (

It was about a week... after Pam had watched The Rabbit Hole, we went on the Wisconsin run.
We stumbled across a far... out of the way... Shop.
We didn't find much, there... 
the Elderly Woman... who owned it, was Lovely.
We had... a great visit.
: )
I, asked her... if, she could think of any...old 'Primitive' pieces, she might have tucked away...
 before we left.
The Lady... was very frail.
Couldn't come outside with us, but... she directed me to look under her porch.
The Lady said...
"I... think there's an old table... under the porch, you might like."

I crawled under her porch, and found... the lonely little two board top...Table.

Bought it.
: )

As we were loading it... on the Truck....
flipped it on it's Top.
 on the underside.
{Was probably built from a shipping crate, back... in the last quarter, of the 19th. Century.}
{yes... there was a Time... We weren't a 'Throw Away' society. : ) }

Took me a second... to make out the 'Writing'.

 'Lady of Angels'...
 was all I could make out, but...That was Enough.
Knew... That Little Table,
Down The Rabbit Hole.
<3 <3 <3 
; )

The Corner Cupboard...
I'm making Strides.
One Grain of Sand...
at a Time.
: )

Pal, Allyson stopped by shortly after we got the Stone Fireplace situated.
Showed Allyson, the little two board top... table, and... told her...
'The Story'.
: )
Told her... 'She's ONE of Those 'Angels'...
Pam, noticed.
: )

Can't Begin... to write all of the Amazing Stories about The Most Amazing People, who've... found their way here.
People... I never would've met... 
without...such an Insane... 'Place' for us all to Gather.
one another.
; )
<3 <3 <3 

Allyson... brought her Homemade RUM BALLS, yesterday... and... all Sorts of Treats!!!
: )
LOVE... The Beautiful Hand Towel, Allyson brought back from her, and Sis, Bethany's... Amazing Trip to Japan.
LOVE Those Girls!!
: )
{Never would've met either one of them... without 'The Rabbit Hole'. }

<3 <3 <3 

Had a bunch of Crap... come down the pipeline, just after Allyson left.

: (

Long Story... 
I was heading to be on The December, 2023... Agenda, at the Fairfax, Iowa, City Council Meeting.

Seems... Important Public 'Records' concerning 'Us', and our 'Property'...
 have been 'Lost'.
: ( : ( : (

One of our Neighbor's knew that, and wondered why... my name wasn't on the agenda, and called me.

Seems... There's a 'BIKE TRAIL'... that, ought Not Be, in front of our property, with Fairfax's latest Hired Engineer's 'Plans'.... that Just came out.
: (

I 'knew'... 'Guessed'... because... of how we've been Lied to, again, and again... over the DECADES by IDOT and Fairfax, Iowa.... City Hall.
{Please... Ask Me...for The Mountain's of Documents, to Now... Prove That.}
: (
Once your lied to, at least for me, anything I'm told by a caught liar, I question. 
: (
: (
It's incredibly disappointing, to say the least... discovering the 'shenanigans', by people we should be able to trust. 

I'm going to attend the December, 2023 Fairfax, Iowa.... City Council Meeting to Support a Neighbor that's being Wrongfully... in my opinion, 'Targeted' by The Council.
By One council member... especially, in my opinion.
: (

I'll be, If I have to... be...
 on the January 2024 Fairfax, Iowa, City Council's Agenda to address our concerns. 
This December Council Meeting could be Interesting. Sadly.

Not, blaming anything on our Mayor... 
'New' Mayor.
She's Givin' It Her Best!!!
{So Far!}
God Bless... Her!!
Fairfax, Iowa... 'City Hall'....
isn't Diggin' our 'New' Mayor, from what I hear.
: (
Imagine That.
: (
Fairfax, Iowa... 'City Hall'... is, from what I hear...
 making her life, incredibly 'Difficult'.
: (

I Thank God... for Mayor Beer.

The First Thing Mayor Beer 'Made Happen' were Cameras at the City Council Meetings.
{Like Every Town Around Us Have Had For YEARS.}
Fairfax 'City Hall', Council, and Former... Mayor,  wouldn't consider having Cameras.. before Mayor Beer.
They'd... 'consider' them... at the meetings, then... 
Forget about 'em. 

{Check out my YouTube videos. I've posted a couple. There are many, waiting. I, had to capture videos... with my phone at the Horrible 'Meetings'. So did Dan Wozniak, and others.  Gratefully, Dan's just been elected as our newest City Council member. Dan didn't like what he saw at the meetings, either. }

: (

in my opinion.

I despise... 

Liars...  that don't come clean. 

Is Everything.

in my opinion.

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

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