Friday, December 1, 2023

Fairfarren... Dale.

Received some very sad news, today. 
Friend, Dale Beeks, has passed away.

These images, aren't the best. Screenshot them from a video that was taken here, at a 2015 Sale, for Pal, Jan. 
Dale... Showed up, out of the blue, early... that morning, carrying his Fiddle, and played Music, throughout the morning.

It was an Insane Sale, Dale nearly got run over by the Charging Crowd, when I cut the ribbon. 

Dale was an avid Collector of the
 Very Cool...
Dale was a Musician, and Truly Enjoyed Life!!
Dale.. Was an 'Artist'.
I remember Dale coming to Sales here, on his Vintage Motorcycle, and Roaring right up through the Yard...
Stopping at my feet...
Grinning from Ear to Ear!!
Dale, and his Beautiful Wife, Leanne, were Always a Sight, for Sore Eyes. 
The Best, of The Best. 
Dale will be
Deeply Missed, 
By Many. 
Dale, was a 
'Cool Cat'.
So Incredibly Knowledgeable.
So... Incredibly Kind. 

Fairfarren, Dale.

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