Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Monday... Down The Rabbit Hole.

Gonna have to write separate posts... for Monday, and The Fourth.
So Much... went on each day.
; )

So Enjoyed... Everyone, who stopped by.
: )

Cheryl, {another 'Cheryl' <3 }
stopped by, first thing Monday.

She was interested in The Dancer... Statue/Fountain, that used to stand by our House, had...for 20 years.
The derecho... sadly, took her down, broke her into several pieces.
: (
The Boys, and me... brought The Dancer's pieces to The Rabbit Hole, so I can work on trying to put her back together.
Cheryl... spotted her there, and wanted to buy her 'brokenness'.
She was going to take her 'fragments'... and Create a Fountain, with them.
: )
Cheryl Creates Fountains... from 'Found Objects'.
I've Got To See some of Her Creations!!
Told Cheryl... if, I give up... on putting The Dancer back, together...
I'll sell her.
; )

The Dancer... has much sentimental... value, to me.
I've got to Try... to put her back together.
Cheryl... Totally... Understood.
She... Loves... The Rabbit Hole.

Rick, and Karen.. stopped by, with their Pups!!!

Rick was showing me their Treasures... they found a The Firecracker Antique Show, in Amana.
Rick... and I, LOVE... the Same type of things.
: )
Old... Soulful.

This Family... stops by every so often.
Makes my heart Swell... when they point out... the 'Beauty', of The Rabbit Hole.
I... struggle so, to find it, anymore.
Makes me Happy... when Folks 'smile'... when they visit.

These Cool Dudes... Oh My Gosh... 

They Crack Me Up!!!
: )

I was standing by The Big Fountain, when they arrived.
They came walking up to me, and asked if I have a Fountain...for sale.
Told them... Actually, I do.
; )
" You walked right past it. : ) It's still in the back of The Ford."
They said... that They Knew... when they pulled up, I'd have a Fountain.
: )

I'd just gotten it, last week... but, couldn't get it unloaded myself.
Not... without putting it in jeopardy.
I used to be able to back into the ditch, with these big, heavy... things, have a straight shot... off of the Truck.
We don't have a 'ditch'... anymore.
We 'are'... the ditch.
: (

The Guys LOVED The Fountain!!
Backed their Truck, up to The Ford...
and Away They Went!!!
{That's My Kinda Unloadin' : ) }

I Laughed, and Laughed... when they looked at each other, and said...
"Why... do we Buy This Heavy Shit!!???"
Told 'em I'd Just written about another 'Fountain'... where Those Exact Word's... were
: )

One, said...to the other... as they were lifting the Heavy Bowl...
"Just Keep Thinking We're Still 55!!"
: )
{thought to myself... I'd be trying to 'Think'... I was still '17'!! Hahahahahaha!!!

They sent me the above text... yesterday morning. : )
They got it all Set Up!!!
Sound's like It's Not Going Anywhere!!!
: )
They have a Beautiful... Home. 
It used to belong to Dear...Pal, Gail. 

Had So Many... Great Folks, stop by... on Monday.


Monday Evening... decided to sit by The Fountain... after closing, and sip a little Wine.
; )
The Rabbit Hole, has put the Most Amazing Cloak around itself.
Buffers... some of the 'wrongfulness'.
The Gnarliness... from The Wild Grapevine, and the Shade... from The Wild Cherry, truly makes it feel like a 'Secret Garden'.
: )

As I was sitting... thinking... relaxing... pondering...
 felt the presence of someone... standing behind me.

It was Gabriel.
: )

Met Gabriel for the first time, this year... during The Memorial Day Weekend Sale.
He's doing all sorts of water features... in his back yard, and has been using the mismatched concrete fragments that came from Friend, Randy... when he closed.
: )

He's been back, many times... diggin'... as he creates new areas.
Gabriel picked out three more... little pieces... Monday Evening.
Told him... to just take them.
: )
He's bought so many... I've been treated so well, by Randy.. and others, thought I should
 'Pay it Forward'.

Gabriel... wouldn't Hear of it.
We argued... I finally.... 
; )
I didn't.

When I got back to my perch, by The Fountain...
Noticed money tucked on the concrete table, I'd been sitting at.
Gabriel... told me to use it for 'The Cause'.
{Battle with IDOT/Fairfax}
I Will Pay It 'Forward' for 'The Cause'.
; )
Leave it to someone named 
: )

I'll write about The Fourth, later... today, or... first thing in the morning.
We're working on The Marion FLASH Estate Sale.
More on THAT...
That Sale will be July 12 - 15!!
Stay Tuned!!
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

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