Sunday, July 30, 2023

Face to Face.

Discovered a very, sad... and ugly thing, yesterday morning, as I was rushing to The Rabbit Hole, to meet with Folks.
I looked up, as I was heading up the stairs, and noticed what I thought... was a spider web.
Grabbed the broom... to quickly knock it down...
but, to my horror, it wasn't a spider's web.
It was a Crack.
A Huge... Long, Crack... in the ceiling.
: ( : ( : (
It's on the East side, {Highway 151 side}
Then... spotted another, on the East side, of the addition, on the north end.
My Heart... Sank.
: (

Since the Highway 151/Fairfax Bike Trail Project, this house Shakes.
Especially... when Semis roll by.
{I know which loads are 'Heavy'... don't need a scale}
Guess... House's are much like people.
You get beaten long enough... eventually... you're probably gonna Crack.

Sent an e-mail to our Lawyer... sounds like I'm going to have to hire an engineer.
: (

Never Ending...

Pal, Steph... called me shortly after the 'Folks' left.
We hadn't visited for a long time.
I was sitting beside the Fish Trough, at The Rabbit Hole.
Steph asked me what's been goin' on...
I... uh, Melted.
: ( : ( : (
: (
{I... 'Cracked'... a little, too. : ( }

Steph walked over... after she was done at work.
{Steph's Store, {Frond Design Studios'} is about a quarter of a mile away from The Rabbit Hole.}

We sat under John's Old Oak... and visited.
 Took Steph through the House... and showed her the cracks.
: (
{ I was going to write about it yesterday afternoon, but... knew better.
 I...was too Crushed, too raw, to write about it.}

Miss. Peanut.

Steph... knows better than most anyone, what This... Room... means to me.
; )
It's been the One Place, I could find Shelter, and lock the world outside.
The 'Wrongful' IDOT/Fairfax... messes, hadn't touched it.
it appears, it has.
: (

Have to hire an engineer.
: (
{and... Never Look Up, in this room, again.}

Friend, Jodi...was telling me today... about her horrific ordeal with IDOT, not long ago.
: (
She had so much damage to her Home... from the recent Highway 30 Construction.
When she pointed the issues out, to IDOT...
well... they basically laughed at her.
: (

Told Jodi, I... sadly, learned... a lot, back in the 1990's, with our First...
: ( : ( : ( 
you have to take
'Before' Pictures.
Many... Many... Many...
'Before' images.
They'll laugh at you... and walk away.
: (


Rule #1. 
{when going against Iowa Department of Transportation...}

Don't talk to them.
{I, initially tried to, both times. What a MISTAKE.
 'I' was... 

Rule #2.
Get a Lawyer.
The Best... You can Find.
; )

{You're gonna Need One. 
The IDOT... has unlimited resources... 
Lawyers, and Engineers at their disposal, 'We' are paying for.}

Rule #3.
Capture 'Before' 'During' and 'After' Images.
Record Everything.
Every Conversation... 
Every Meeting...
Every Step.

how incredibly...
: (

What I find... so laughable...
 IDOT simply....
 Not Intentionally Breached... our Recorded Settlement Agreement, that our
 Amazing Lawyer negotiated, and finalized... with IDOT...
I, wouldn't be in a pool of tears, far too often.
: (
The heartbreaking damages... keep mounting, day after day....after day.
: ( : ( : ( 

It's time I start knocking on doors.
{If our Amazing... Lawyer approves. 
That's actually Rule #1. Listen To Your Lawyer.}

This is an Election year.

It's Time... some of the Folk's who are 'Handling', 'Distributing'...
 IDOT's Funds, 'See'... how 'Our' Money is being Spent.

I want to Visit with Them...
Face to Face.
Eye to Eye.
Documents in Hand.

Not... through an 'e-mail'.

So Grateful... for Steph.
: )
Yesterday... was a very, very... very...
Bad Day.
: (

Love to Ya...
Prayers for All.

Barb C.

{Sadly... it appears to me, 'Law' and 'Recorded Agreements' Mean Nothing to
  The Iowa Department of Transportation.}

uh... oh. 

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