Friday, July 28, 2023

'Mad Hatter'... 'Ditch Witch'. Hmmmm. ?

Was up Bright...and Early, this Beautiful July Morning!!
{Knew... I'd Better Be! It's gonna get Warm... today.}

Sat under John's Old Oak... sippin' my Mornin' Brew, with
 Miss. Peanut.
I was wearing a light top, and jeans... when we stepped out the door, to my surprise...
it was kind of 'chilly'... had to throw on a flannel.
{Not for long. : ) By 8 a.m. it was warming up.}

It's so quiet here... just after Dawn.
: )
The Bird's... are Singing so Happily.

Gave Everything a Big Drink...
It's supposed to get up to around a 100, today.

Peg's Turtle, always makes me smile.
: )
Peg...would get so Blue... in the Winter.
She'd say... "I'm like a 'Turtle'!!! I NEED SUN on My Shell!!"
<3 <3 <3 
I bought the Tennis Shoe wearing Turtle, for Peg... Long Ago, from Neighbor, Randy.
: )
After Peg Passed... away, her Husband, Michael... gave The Turtle... back to me.


Grabbed the loppers, and started trimming, while it was still cool.
: )
The Wild Grape... had Completely Swallowed Up... The Little Blue Horse!!
Oh Dear!!
: )

Miss. Peanut Loves It... when I sit outside with her.
I, Love It... Too.
: )
Used to sit outside...nearly every morning, 'before'.

There's something... so Wonderful about the Break of Day.
'New Beginnings'.


Captured many images, and videos... yesterday mornin'.
One... was So Funny!!
: )

A Young Man... stopped his Truck, and asked me if he could 'Pose' for a 'Picture'.
Told him... "Sure!!"
; )

When he pulled away from the corner of West Cemetery Road, and 151, I noticed he was pulling a trailer, that said "Ditch Witch"... on it.
I've always considered myself, as kind of a 'Mad Hatter'... but, 
these last few years, after livin' in a 'Ditch', maybe...
I'm more of a 'Ditch Witch'!!!
So Fittin'!!!
{I'll try to post that video, above. It's a short one, it may not 'Go'.}

; )

Looking at this Ongoing... Never Ending... Wrongful, Memory, well... 
somehow, I don't believe... anyone has to be an engineer, or...
have a Crystal Ball...
to see what's going to 'Happen'... here.
oh my.
: (

Yes... Indeed.
; )

{Where The Hell... is my 'Handbasket'??}

: )

Signed the Contract for a Living Estate Sale, yesterday.
It's got Some Great Things on It!!
Stay Tuned!!!
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C. 

{Helper, Brandon...stopped by yesterday morning.
He was here, to help Justin!!!
: (
So Much for 'Resting' All Week!!
{That Kid doesn't Listen.... any Better than our Other 'Children'!!}
So Grateful... he's doing better.
Brandon's face was all skinned up, and bruised.
: (
'Heat Stroke'... is Nothing to Take Lightly!!

Stay Cool... Out There.

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