Wednesday, November 3, 2021

That's My Girl!!

Saw a bit ago... Jo Ann Beer, who is my favorite Fairfax Mayoral Candidate, 
Ain't Throwin' In The Towel...
; )

Only 5 votes... off.

I can't Proud I am of her.
Not just for questioning this outcome...
but...for Everything she's questioned, and worked tirelessly for, for this community.
She's put up with a Lot...of Sass, from City Hall, when she questions their spending, and interesting ways of doing things.
It's painful to watch at The City Council Meetings.
She's always so well prepared, with facts...and, they try to shoot her down, so disrespectfully.
: (
{Get's a 'Mad Hatter'...kinda Sassy, back at 'em, on her behalf.}

Jo Ann...never lets them ruffle her feathers.
She's Amazing.
May God Bless Her.

Above, is Jo Ann...waiting outside, at the last Fairfax City Council Meeting.
Listening to the Meeting, on the phone.
Cynthia, the clerk...wouldn't let us in.

I was allowed inside, before Jo Ann, but...gave her my 'seat', because...
Seriously, one would Think...They Would've had a Seat...for Her.
oh my.
; )

Sure Hope...things turn around for Jo Ann.
This Community Needs Her.

Had Friends, shopping the House, they just left.
This entire day...has been Insane.
oh my.

Helper, Brandon...and me, tore the heck out of the Rabbit Hole, this morning...
pulling Cupboards out.
Loading...lugging, and moving Tons.

When ya move one thing, there...ya have to move a Thousand.
That's Just...How It Is.
; )

Don't like bringing inventory...into the Big Room.
Had to, when The Masses of Chandeliers came in.
That Room, as most Folks know, is our Sanctuary.
The 'One'...Place, where...we could escape.
It's not like...I don't want Folks to visit, it's just so CROWDED...outside, in the Real World.
I've always believed...John, did...too, that there should be One find Shelter, now...and again.
A...Place, where...when you close the door, 
it's CLOSED.
<3 <3 <3 

The Chandeliers...are slimming down.
The Pier Mirror, well, tonight.
{Not The BIG One. ; ) It's getting Closer, to my bedroom, daily. ; ) }

Back on Jerri's Estate, tomorrow.
; )

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{I...Pray...there are enough Votes...for Jo Ann. <3 }


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