Saturday, November 20, 2021


 Worked at Jerri's Estate...this afternoon, Pal...Dale, came and helped.
Bless his heart.
: )

We got quite a bit done.
I'll have a few more the morning.

 Needed to get to the grocery store... pick up a few things, for Thanksgiving.
Tho...I won't be preparing the Feast...this year, Daughter, Liz...insists, that I bring The Stuffing.
It's...amazing, if I say so...myself.
; )
Always make Fresh...Candied Sweet Potatoes, that...are also...
; )
{ooops...forgot to get Butter. Another trip to Hy Vee. ; ) }

When I walked into 'My' Hy Vee, Johnson Ave. in Cedar Rapids, there was a 
Salvation Army Bell Ringer, at the door, that was Amazing.
Promised him...I'd catch him...on the way out.
; )
He told me...he'd be there.

He made such an impression on me, as I walked towards him.
: )
He was Joyful...and addressed Everyone, coming...and going.
: )
When I told him..."I'd catch him..." he said...that he was so grateful...for anything Folks could give.
Last year...The Salvation Army he volunteers to, helped over 2400 Families, with Toys for Tots.

On my way out...The Man...was still there, Ringing His Bell.
I, I'd promised.
Thanked him...again.

Got about 50 feet from him, nearly to Jethro...
 and heard a man...yelling at The Bell Ringer.
The man...told the Bell Ringer, to go... F--- Himself.
Then...repeated it, over...and over.
: ( : ( : (
I...spun around, as The Bell Ringer, told the man...that he'd be in his Prayers.
The man...kept screaming The Bell he walked away.

The Bell Ringer's eyes, met mine...
I gave Him... a 
; )
Immediately...thought of the Joe Diffie Tune, above.

I was putting the groceries, in Jethro...had intended to walk back to The Bell Ringer, and tell him, what an Amazing Man...he is, when I took the cart back, 
then...turned around, and The Bell Ringer, was standing beside me.
His shift...was over, he was heading to his car.

Told The Bell Ringer, we're living in troubled times.
The Bell Ringer, told me...
we always have, 
The proof of that.


Told proud I am of him, he was The Best Bell Ringer...I've Ever Seen!!
how Grateful...that He was ringing that bell, tonight...
and, not a so often, they are.

We both agreed, the 'man'...was
: (

The Bell Ringer, was so lighthearted.
: )
<3 All, who Gave, during his shift.
He's retired from working at a local Community College, and...volunteers, all over, but...said, with Glee...
 his 'Profession', is being a 'Professional Grandfather'!!!
: )

Love To You.
Prayers....for All.


Barb C.

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