Monday, November 1, 2021

Barkin' Dogs...

Ran across this quote, this morning.
oh my.
It reminded me...of something, a Friend...recently told me.
; )
A Very...Wise Soul.

Had an Ugly thing...happen, I was going to pick up Hay.
Someone...recently...hit the stop sign, in front of the rabbit hole, laid it out...where Fairfax's Trail...has been graded for.
: (
I...was rattled.
: (

Pulled it away from the Highway, and laid it beside the 49 Ford,'s safe.
{Let the IDOT, know about it this morning.}

Someone...put up a temporary stop sign, but left the big one, down...between the temporary sign, and the highway. Not good.
Don't know why...they left it, for someone to hit.

It's pretty obvious, Folks seem to have a difficult time, keeping vehicles on Highway 151, in Fairfax.
{or...on the new... 'Stallman Dr., in front of the rabbit hole.
Too Tight. 

It's also...obvious, that...after these 'improvements'...Stallman, and 151, intersection...will be like the rest, in Fairfax.
This is the first 40 years, there's been an accident there. my opinion, it won't be the last.
I...tried to tell Fairfax, and District 6, that....long before they broke ground.
Newman, and I...walked it.
The Mayor...and I, had several chats.
but...what do I know.

Where Stallman is now...used to be our 'drainage'. It's gone, too.

When I saw that sign...laying on the come, it really rattled me.
Went on...and got Hay, but...I couldn't leave it, when I returned home.
Pal, Patti...was here, when I got home.
Pointed it out to her.
She...just shook her head.
Told her... " begins."
She said... "It 'began'...a long, long...time ago."
: (

Over the years, we've seen so much
So much.
From Critters, to Folks.
Seeing that Street Sign/Stop Sign, down... was sickening.

We're getting started on Jerri's Estate Sale, today.
{December 2, 3, 4, and 5.} get done.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.


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