Saturday, November 13, 2021 a Highway. It's All...about 'The Journey'.

Was Flying So Fast....on Thursday...heading back to Des Moines...forgot my laptop...
{Remembered everything else, so...I'll count a Win. ; ) }

Couldn't post, from my phone, on Blogger.

It's been an AMAZING Show!!!
I've Bought, and Sold....
I, believe...Everyone Has!!

But...tonight, that's not 'The Story'.
It will be in a day, or two.
; )

On my way Home...from Des Moines, this evening...
two hour drive....
 The Insane...Interstate 80, hauling Amazing Treasures, with...
to deliver to Friend, Patti...
on my way...
a Van...was flashing his lights at me.

Me and The Ford....were movin' Fast.
; )
We passed The Van...
The Van...passed us, then...backed off.
Then...passed us again.

It was raining, there was no way....I'd pull over on 80.
Knew the load was secure.
when I turned on my right turn exit 80, it was flashing fast.
That, along with The Van's strange behavior ....spelled TROUBLE.
: (
I pulled over, as soon as I could, at that exit, on the shoulder.
Jumped out of The check The Load.

The Load...was fine...
the weld, on the Ford's bumper...had let go.
It was dragging, probably...Putting Quite a Show, on...on 80.
: (

It was raining...that bumper, is heavy.
I looked up, there was a Truck Stop in sight.
I, crippled The Ford in, bumper dragging...
 saw a Ton of the Gas Station, but my eyes zeroed in....
on a Semi, 'Cattle Hauler', and the Truck his he was fueling, in the back.
; )

Pulled The Ford up next to the Semi, and asked The Driver....if he could lend me a hand.
: )

Told him...I used to Drive, and....know 'Truck Drivers'...can Do...Most Anything!
: )

He said...he'd Help...if he could.
{ Knew He Would.}

The Driver's Jim, he's from The Hills, of Virginia.
Jim looked the situation over....and offered to grab one of his straps.
Told Jim...I have Straps, and 'Wire'...but, I needed his hands, to help me put everything in place, to secure that bumper.
; )

We both crawled under The Ford...between the two of everything Up, and Taut.
; )
No Tail Lights.
Nothing Draggin'.
; )

Me, and The Ford...flew, made the delivery...on our route Home. Pal Steph, and Husband, Marc, who helped unload, and were our 'Tail Lights'...the rest of the way...Home.
{Steph, even brought me supper...she'd prepared. <3 
Steph said..."Girl, I Know All About 'Show Time'. Insanity." 
Yes...She Does. Hahahahaha!!!}

I'd have given Jim...a Hundred Dollar Bill, for his help...he wouldn't consider it, so...
asked him, if I could give him a Hug.
: )
That...he accepted, and gave me a peck, on the cheek.
; )

May God Bless...Jim, and All...of The Wonderful Truckers.
They...are Amazing People.
<3 <3 <3 

With The Ford...Down, 
Helper, Brandon, and I...will have to squeeze...Everything into The FUSO, at the end of Junk Jubilee, tomorrow night.
SO Grateful...for Amazing Sales.
Should be a light Load....coming Home.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.


1 comment:

Joy Phelps said...

Beautiful!! The Lord sends His angels!! ❤️