Sunday, April 12, 2020

Wishing Everyone a Happy Easter!

The Weatherman had forecasted a cold, rainy...Easter Sunday, in our area.
I was delighted, he was wrong, when I opened my eyes this morning.
It's cloudy, now...but, it was so Beautiful....Earlier.
: )
The Sun, was Beaming through the Windows.
This, is going to be a very different Easter, for all of us.
The Kids, are all staying at their Homes, and, for the very first time, I'll be spending Easter, alone.
Many, will be.
Haven't decided if I want to fix an Easter meal, or...jump in The Ford, and...Drive.
Over my life, on Easter Sundays, since I could drive myself, 
{from the time I was 12. 
Was supposed to be driving to feed the Horses, but took a detour, on Easter Sundays.} I'd head to the Farm, near Keystone, Iowa... and remember my 'Favorite Easter',
 when I was 7 years old.
Mom, Dad...and me, moved there, that Easter Sunday.
Most of my Family, was there...helping us move in.
It was Such a Beautiful, Beautiful...Easter Sunday.
It was warm, and Sunny.
 Brothers, Sisters...Nieces, and Nephews... were there, along with Aunts, Uncles....and Cousins!!
 Us kids, were taking turns riding the Ponies, Skamp, our little Terrier, was running around, Barking, chasing us all... and...Laughter Filled the Lawn!!
Mom, was preparing an Easter Lunch, I still remember the aroma of her Fried Chicken, that filled the Big Old Farmhouse, and wafted through the kitchen window, outside, as we were playing.
I found my 'Easter Basket', on the steps that led upstairs to my new bedroom.
It wasn't until a few years later, I realized, my Sister, Chery...had brought it, for me.
: )
The 'Basket', was a Marigold, Carnival Glass Basket, with Easter Grass, and Jelly Beans.
{Chery Loved Antiques, her Home...was Filled with them. I, think...she's one of the reasons
 I...Love Them So, too. 
Dad, too. <3
 He would look at some of these Old...Treasures, and drift back in time. He seemed to slip into another world, while sharing his fond memories of his Grandmother... his childhood, growing up on the Farm, in Derby. <3 }
My childhood, was always uncertain. We never stayed in one place, for long.
Chery's Home...was such a comforting place.
I, so Loved to visit her. <3
It was filled with Old...Cupboards, and Clocks....<3 
She had a Beautiful Round Oak Table...that she'd restored...I admired so, as a little girl.
Mom, and Dad....Loved each other, so....
but, couldn't seem to get along, for long stretches.
They were divorced, two years before we moved to Keystone.
We moved...a lot.
They, were Together, Again...
That, Easter....Sunday.
That Day...All was Right, with the World.
<3 <3 <3 
So, Easter, after Easter...I drive there, and sit in the driveway, looking at that Old...Farmhouse.
It sat empty, after we moved away.
We only lived there...a year.
Then, one Easter Sunday, I turned down our Gravel Road, and....
I couldn't see the Old...Farmhouse.
I, thought...I must have taken the wrong road.
I, didn't.
The House...was gone.
I was about 16.
Not once, had it ever entered my head, that ...the Wonderful Old...Farmhouse, wouldn't be there, one day.
That, was a huge....shock.
I, don't even have a picture of it.
In my memory...It'll Always, There.
I can see it, and every room..inside.
Sometimes...when I park in the old drive, I close my eyes, and can still hear the Laughter.
: )
The old, Screen Door, slappin', Mom...yelling at us to 'Stay In, Or Out!' 
Sometimes...I can even get a whiff of that Wonderful, Fried Chicken, I've tried, and tried, over the recreate, but...
Only...Mom, could master.
<3 <3 <3 
I never told my Folks, about my detours, even when I got older.
John, went with me, sometimes, over the years.
I've taken the Kids, a few times...too.
They all knew, after Easter Dinner, was done, 
Everyone was Stuffed, 
dishes were washed, and...everything put away...
I'd be heading to Keystone.
They could ride with, or...not.
I, was heading to Keystone.
I'll be heading there...later, this afternoon.
I hope, You...have a Lovely Easter.
Find the Blessings, in This Day.
There are Many.
Love, to You.
Barb C.

{Called the Kids, and Grandkids, this morning, and wished them a Happy Easter.
Told them, how much I miss them. 
They are having a Wonderful Easter. <3 <3 <3 
Called a Dear, Dear Friend, as well.
She's moved into assisted living, recently. I know, it's been difficult, for her.
I, so...Love, and Admire....her.
She' Angel, truly. 
She, is such a Gift, and Blessing, to so many.
She sounded so down, and...weary. worried she is, for our World.
"Uh...oh" I said...
: (
"You know 'who' loves to see us worry?"
She said, "No...who?"
I reminded her...
about that, old...'evil' one.
We can't give him, that pleasure.
; )
I, told her...not to worry, about 'tomorrow', it's not promised to anyone.
 'Tomorrow', is in God's Hands.
We need to find the Blessings, in This Day, and...told her, she' of Mine, and How Thankful...I am, for her.
Then, after we visited, for awhile....longer,
she Broke into Song!!!
<3 <3 <3 
The Easter Song!

We each other.
<3 <3 <3 
I reminded her, we are so Blessed, to live in a time, we are just a phone call away.
<3 <3 <3 Truly, Blessed...we are to have The Lord...<3 <3 <3 }

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