Friday, April 10, 2020

Like a Rock...

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When I woke up...this morning, I...thought, 'If...I can just get One Thing,, that'll be enough.'
I, did.
; )
That's more..than I got done, yesterday.
: )
I watch, how so many, are struggling...with isolation, these days.
: (
Guess, I'm Blessed, being used to it.
After John went away, nearly...six year ago...
that's where I have lived.
I work, and do what I have to...but, then...retreat.
I find solitude, very comforting.
Guess, that's why, these Battles, with the city, and IDOT, have been So...
I, simply...want to be left..alone.
Guess, that's not in The Plan.

The 'One Thing'...I got done, today...was clearing a spot, by the rabbit hole's back door.
As I was luggin', and...haulin'...
I heard The Lonesome Dove.
He's...never far from me.
Doves, mate...for Life, too.
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You, probably can't see him, but...he's there.
His, gentle cooing, soothes my spirit, every time I walk outside.

There are mountains, and...Mountains, to get through.
Estate Mountains.
I, cleared this small area, today.
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Might not look like much, to you...
but, it was all....I could do.
I looked out the window, around noon, as the workers were taking their lunch. just another Job, for them.
; )
It's my Life, they are directed to destroy.
: (
Wrongfully, I might...add.
I've kept on much, as I can...with this IDOT's condemnation.
One of the inspectors, sent an email, to the Engineers, about my concerns with Flooding, in their 'Plans'.
He, made...such...light, of it.
In, so many words, said I was being a 'pest'.
: (
This..below, is where I live.
Yes...I, worry, a little...about 'Flooding', and 'Drainage'.

These IDOT Folks, will do their 'jobs', then...move on.
We're....stuck, with the mess.
: (
Been there, lived that, 20 years ago...with their last condemnation.
; (
So, if you wonder...why, I'm so consumed...with This, well...
Try Living It.
I will be asking the young man, who made such 'off the cuff', remarks, how he'd like...
watching his world, torn apart, solely for...a Trail, that shouldn't...ever,
More than that, 'Taken'... in a proven,  fraudulent way.
; (
Folks were posting images of their Siblings, on FB, today.
I, have few images of my Brothers, and Sisters.
I'm the youngest, and only child...between my Mom, and Dad.
They'd been married before, and each had two Girls, and a Son.
So, I have {had} Two Brothers, and Four Sisters.
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Trying to get us all...together, was like herding cats.
This, is a picture..Mom, insisted was taken, in 1983, or so.
My Sis's, Chery...and, Merry Jo, Brother,, and...Mom.
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Merry,, are the only ones left, here.
: (
Chery, and I...were 21 years apart.
She, and I...were So Close, when I finally...grew up.
Best Friends.
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She left us, in 2003.
Peg, was so much like Chery.
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Daughter,, too. 
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In the last few years, we've lost Peg, Brother, Larry... Brother, Sonny....
Sister in Law, Shirley, Mom, and...John.
Watching the IDOT, {on behalf of Faifrax, City Hall}
Chery's Memorial...that John and I...created, in 2003, 
for Nothing, well it's been a Tuff Pill.
oh my.
Watching them, 'Take'...
what John, worked his life...away, for....
that's Heartbreaking.

When I look at this picture, oh my.
Times were Tuff, back then...
but...I had 'Purpose', those days.
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This virus, will pass.
; )
Be Safe.
Be Careful...
Be Strong.
Be Thankful, for being Stir Crazy.
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That means, You, Have Purpose.
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Please, keep all who are Struggling, and Suffering, these days, in 
Powerful Prayers.
Love, to You.
Barb C.

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