I, have never in my life used the word 'Liar', about someone, or accused, someone...
unless I could prove it,
and was willing to call that someone {s} 'Liar', to their face{s}.
That word, is one...that should never be used lightly.
This morning... I realized, I've used that word, to describe people, in the last 4 years, more, than I have Ever, in my entire life, before then.
I'm a Fighter.
I'll move Heaven, and Earth....
for what's fair, and right, even...if it's not the best outcome for us.
Right is Right...
Wrong, is Wrong.
![]() |
May God Bless...The Pet Cemetery. <3 The...Old, Old...Pine. <3 <3 <3 Priceless. |
If I'm wrong, I'll be the first to admit it.
But....make no mistake, if I'm fighting for what's Right, and...Truth,
I won't back down.
Here's the problem.
When fighting for the Truth, and the opponent {'s} is a Liar, well...
It's like fighting the Wind.
Liars, don't understand, how cruel they are.
Liars, don't have empathy.
Liars, will twist, and turn... 'Manipulate', every 'fact'...they can, because they have no Standards.
Liars, will twist, and turn... 'Manipulate', every 'fact'...they can, because they have no Standards.
When they are caught, most Liars, don't have any remorse...as long as they got their way.
The sad thing is, the person who Trusted them, is forever broken.
Trust, is a very fragile thing.
Once...it's betrayed, 'broken', it's very difficult to mend.
I had that discussion, with a young Man, this morning.
I pointed out, to him...
The Damage...
Liar's, can do...
to a Soul.
He, didn't want to 'see'...it, or the Truth,
who would, especially...
when you've been directed not to.
I'm pretty sure, he did.
It's pretty difficult to ignore when it's staring you in the face.
This day...has been mighty brutal.
I'm sure, it has...been, for many.
Including, the young Man.
Life, is truly...about 'The Journey', I believe.
This 'Hell'...I've been walking through, I...know, is for a reason.
{doesn't make it any easier.}
I'm learning, I...believe, others...who are 'Walkin' it with me, willing, or not...
are, also...'learning'.
That's how God Works.
My hands...were trembling, as I held them to my face, in utter Brokenness, when the young Man, informed me of more broken promises.
My mind, was racing, trying to figure out how to 'Handle' yet, another rug being pulled out from under me, because I 'believed', what I'd been told.
My mind, was racing, trying to figure out how to 'Handle' yet, another rug being pulled out from under me, because I 'believed', what I'd been told.
Tears, that...I, couldn't stop...poured, from my eyes, like rain,
as I pointed out,
how...'Fighting Liars',
has consumed my life,
and...what used to be my 'Life'...
has crumbled, in ruins, while I've been away, on the Four Year...
'Battlefield' with Liars.
I told the young Man, as we parted...
The only person worse than a Liar, is one...who stands with a Liar,
when they've been shown the 'Truth', but...chooses to ignore it.
I've often said....I'm gonna write a Book.
I, always thought it would be about the Adventures, with the 'Old Souls'.
It'll be about This...'Journey'.
When 'This'...battle, finally...wraps up, I will be writing a Book, about...'This Journey'.
This, is a Story...that Must, be told.
Please...keep my Family, who are Struggling, tonight....in your Powerful Prayers, along...with So Many, who are Struggling, with Them.
May...God Bless Us All.
<3 <3 <3
Barb C.
{I'm gonna Take This Battle, to 'The Limit',
I, have to.
Even...if I have to walk...alone.
I, have to.
Even...if I have to walk...alone.
Please...Pray for me.
<3 <3 <3 }
{I had to leave ya....with a Little Humor, tonight. ; ) <3 <3 <3 }
{I should make it Clear.
I'm 'Truth Gathering', on my own.
It's extremely difficult, a Thousand Times...more Difficult,
when 'Omission of The Truth', is the 'Truth', to so many.
It's Not.
It's a Lie.
I always Find It, but...it takes a Lot of Time.
You Can't Imagine, how Grateful I am, when I'm Blessed to
cross paths, with Someone... who Tells The Truth, on This Journey.
<3 <3 <3
{There have been a Few. May God Bless Them.}
I'm also, Extremely Blessed, to have an Amazing Lawyer, with
: )
'Josey Wales'
He understands The Law, and Truth. }
I'm 'Truth Gathering', on my own.
It's extremely difficult, a Thousand Times...more Difficult,
when 'Omission of The Truth', is the 'Truth', to so many.
It's Not.
It's a Lie.
I always Find It, but...it takes a Lot of Time.
You Can't Imagine, how Grateful I am, when I'm Blessed to
cross paths, with Someone... who Tells The Truth, on This Journey.
<3 <3 <3
{There have been a Few. May God Bless Them.}
I'm also, Extremely Blessed, to have an Amazing Lawyer, with
: )
'Josey Wales'
He understands The Law, and Truth. }
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