Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Life...is Full of 'Plan B's'

Oh my....
It's been a little over two years, since I took the quickest trip down the basement steps...
; )
{if you have a weak stomach, don't look at the pictures...below. ; )}
When I think about it, I sure see the Blessings.
I'm still healing, but...I'm alive.
My, Dr.'s back then...reminded me, that many don't survive this kind of a 'trip'. 
I had some Wonderful...Dr.'s. 
and...a Very, Very...Special,
 little Hound, Sweetie, 
that held that door open for me, 
for nearly two hours, {according to my FB posts, before, and after.
Evidently... I was unconscious, on the basement floor, for about two hours. 
Had that door latched, I couldn't have opened it. I wouldn't have been found, until the next morning.}
The first thing I remember, after opening the basement door, to do laundry, 
{I was leaving for Texas, the next morning, with Pal, Allyson, and was trying on clothes, washing, and packing.}
was looking up, from the floor, and seeing Sweetie, at the top, in the doorway.
I couldn't figure out...what had happened.
{Thankfully, I don't remember the Fall, itself.}
I, couldn't move, either.
Then, I heard Peg's voice...
I looked to where I could hear her coming from.
I couldn't see anything of her, except her old, pink, Crock work shoes, and her Bib Overall, pant legs.
I, wasn't afraid... just, extremely confused.
Peg, Ordered me...up those stairs.
She said...
"Get Up Those Stairs!!!"
I remember thinking...Okay. : )
I, tried...and tried. 
I've never felt so exhausted...completely....Exhausted, in my life.
I, got about halfway up the stairs, and...didn't think I could go any further.
Peg, Yelled at me Again!!
; )
{it never crossed my mind, Peg, had been gone, for two years.}
I looked up, and Sweetie, was still standing there...waiting for me.
One Step, at a Time...I made it to the top.
; )
I laid on the kitchen floor, with my knees, still on the steps, holding the door, with my body.
Sweetie, was Kissing my face....hahahaha.
I, thought...If I can just make it to the front of the Old...Cookstove, I can pull myself up, to my feet.
I made it, but...I didn't have the strength, to pull myself up.
My phone was at the other end of the house.
So, I crawled through the house, down 6 steps...and to the chair John always sat in, where I'd been sitting, and posting on FB, before I went to throw a load of clothes in the dryer.
I climbed into his chair... 
grabbed my phone, 
called Daughter, Liz...
she was working a few miles from here.
{I took a picture, and posted it. Said I thought I'd just broken my arm, doing Laundry.}
: (
Told Liz, I'd probably need a ride to the hospital, because...I thought I'd broken my arm, doing laundry.
She said..."I'm sure it's not broken, you probably just sprained it."
No, I said... I think it's broken, and...I don't think I can drive with it. 
In a few minutes, she was here. : ) <3 
Liz, was very quiet, as we were driving.
When we got to the hospital, Liz said...she'd check me in.
So, I sat down.
Then, I heard Liz, telling the admission Nurse, that she should get me in right away, because there was blood all through the house, and she didn't know where it was coming from.
I thought, 'Who is she talking about?'
 I looked at my arm, and no bones were sticking out, then...I looked at my feet, moved my legs, and...saw my right leg, was wet, below the knee, and mushy.
My leggings hadn't torn.
I, said...Uh Oh. 
I think I skinned my knee.
: )
After they cut my leggings off, Liz said...she went into the bathroom, and laid on the floor.
She was so nauseous. : ( 
She said, Nurses were taking turns going into the exam room, to look at the wound.
They got me patched up, and...I left with Allyson, for Texas, the next morning.
; )
The ER Dr., said I could go. ; )
Had I known, how truly...broken, I was...I wouldn't have went.
Allyson, is a Doctor, so...I knew I was in Good Hands.
It wasn't until we were driving through Dallas, a day and a half, later... a Doctor, from Cedar Rapids, called...
{I thought it was a Prank}
and...said, he'd looked at my x-rays, and...my arm, was badly broken, and required surgery, he'd cleared his schedule, for the following day.
There was no way, I could get there.
It all worked out.
Had surgery a few weeks later.
Was Blessed, with an Amazing Doctor, at The University of Iowa.
I had vertigo, for months. 
Couldn't feel the right side of my head, for many weeks.
My leg, healed...but, since it was sutured up so tight, it couldn't drain, and basically...rotted.
So, two months after the fall, had to have it cleaned out.
So Many...
Plan B's!!
oh my.
So Many...Blessings.
Dear Lord, what would I have done, without...my Beloveds.
All of Them.
I think, going to Texas, in many ways...was a very good thing.
I had the chance, with Allyson close by, to figure out what my abilities were....and how to adjust, and manage, when I got home, and was alone.
I learned, how to open a child safe prescription bottle, with one hand.
; )
The Girls, and Dear Friends... came in, and cleaned the house, and got everything set up, for me...while I was away.
<3 <3 <3 
Friends brought Food, and helped me out financially.
Oh my.
I, Truly...don't know How... I could've managed.
A Dear Friend, came...and helped me with my hand therapy.
<3 <3 <3 
Friends, helped with the Shows, and...kept the World Turning.
May, God...Bless...Them All.
<3 <3 <3 
I'm Forever...Grateful.
There are So Many Blessings, Every Single Day.
With Every Mountain...There are Blessings.
Sometimes, it's difficult to see them, but...They, are There.
Ya can't give up.
If Plan A, doesn't work.
Go to Plan B.
If Plan B, doesn't work...
Go to C, but...
Don't Give Up.
Keep Moving Forward.
It doesn't Matter, how fast...
as long as you're moving 
I remember, a leaky faucet....that was dripping in the sink.
I set a pan under it.
Tho, it was dripping very slowly, by morning, the pan was Full.
; )
Love to You.
Barb C.

I remember, a little over a year ago... complaining to my Friend, who had helped me...with Therapy.
Said... I was So Angry, because my Hand...wasn't working, like I...thought it Should Be.
 I'd Busted my Butt, Working That Hand.
She said, "Barb...I want to cry."
 {I, thought...'Me Too!' : ( }
She went on... and said...
"Most people, with the kind of injury you have, have a 'Club'.
To 'See', you, have So Much Function.....makes me want to Cry."
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
{She, should see it...Now. ; ) <3 }
Much Thanks....To Her. <3 <3 <3 ; )

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