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Love... this picture of Miss. Scarlett. <3 <3 <3 It was captured a few years ago...in front of the rabbit hole. : ) |
A Dear Friend, texted me, about the Gnarly Chandelier...
a few weeks ago.
Wanted to know if I was ready to part with it.
She's asked about it, several times, over the last year.
I, didn't reply.
Then...yesterday, she texted me, again...about it.
I, apologized for not getting back, to her.
Told her...I wasn't quite ready to get serious, about letting it go.
Just after we visited, this picture popped up, as a Memory, from a few years ago...on FB.
; )
I'm quite sure...I could fill it's loss, with other Chandeliers, but...oh my, somehow...
I don't think the rabbit hole, would be the same...without it.
Told my Pal, when I'm ready to let go...She's First on the List. <3
This is the Hen House.
Pal, Maurina...helped me Gut It, several years ago.
We turned it into a 'She Shed'.
<3 <3 <3
Oh my....
: )
It's back, to being a Storage Shed.
: (
Sure enjoyed it, until it had to become a Work Horse, again.
Such..is Life.
During one of the Sales, a few years back...several of us, piled inside,
Smoked Stogies, and Sipped Lots of Wine.
Oh My..
If Walls Could Talk!
; )
Yes...we've had some Good Times, down the rabbit hole.
I could live...in this tiny shed.
It's about 10x20. There's a place for a chimney, where a wood stove used to be.
I could imagine it, near a River.... tucked in the Timber.
I remember, telling John, years ago...when we were building the rabbit hole...
"Build me a 'Box', I'll take care of the rest."
; )
He did.
I, did.
<3 <3 <3
With all of the bullshit, going on...
between this virus, the city, and IDOT....
My Hair...has turned Gray.
Big Time.
The roots, had about 4 inches of new growth, since the last color.
I looked like a Skunk.
Yesterday, I thought...maybe, it's time...to cut the color off, and Go Gray.
I've Earned...Every Gray Hair on my Head.
; )
I had a couple of boxes of color, from a long time ago...
and, decided....
I Need Some 'Fire'.
; )
Not, quite ready, to go Gray.
; )
I don't wear gloves, when I color.
I have Matching Nails...Too!
oh my...
It's Amazing, how an 8 dollar box of Color, and a little 'paint', can Lift Your Spirits!!
I remember Tammy Faye, years ago...saying,
"Every Old Barn can use a Fresh Coat of Paint, now...and then."
: ) : ) : )
So True!!!
So, I gave the 'Old Barn', a Fresh Coat of Paint!!
Pal, Marianne, created the above, for me,
from 1850's Iowa City, Iowa...
that I'd found, at a Home, where my Dad had lived in the 1940's,
several years back.
She, created this....from the mouse chewed fragments, that...were in ruff, ruff...shape.
May God Bless...the Artists.
<3 <3 <3
This...hangs from The Ford's rearview mirror.
<3 <3 <3
I think of Marianne, every time I bail in The Ford.
<3 <3 <3
May God Bless...the Mice, too.
This little Mouse, came to visit the rabbit hole, several years ago.
We sat, and tried to figure each other out, for over an hour...
that Sunny...Summer day.
<3 <3 <3
This virus...is very serious.
We Must...Stay Home.
I won't get in to all of the concerns, I've had about it, for months.
That, doesn't matter, now.
We Must...Stay Put.
How many times, have we all...said, "If I just had some time, to be at home. Rest."
Here It Is.
Like Mom...always said, when things were turned Upside Down...
"This too...shall pass."
It Will.
The Spanish Flu, back in 1917, was horrible.
Think...about what came shortly, after.
'The Roaring 20's'
; )
We'll get Through This.
Must Take This Seriously...
We Must Listen to The Experts.
Do Your Homework.
Pay Attention.
Enjoy Every Moment.
; )
There are Many, who are on The Front Lines.
May God...Bless Them.
<3 <3 <3
Let's Not...make Their Jobs, more...Difficult.
Stay Home.
We live in a Time, that's so Much Easier, than it was a hundred years ago.
We have phones, computers, television.
We can go outside, jump in a vehicle...and Drive.
take this time, to simply...
<3 <3 <3
Love You...All.
<3 <3 <3
Please, Pray...for All, who are struggling, and suffering.
Be Thankful...for Everything.
There's So Much, to be Thankful...for.
Barb C.
{Like Dad...Always used to end his conversations...
'Take'er Easy'. : ) <3 }
{Don't come down on our Governor, too hard. I...didn't vote for her, but...I'm Proud of her. She's walkin' a Tightrope. She's...trying to Protect People, and...keep the wheels turning. I trust her. }
{Like Dad...Always used to end his conversations...
'Take'er Easy'. : ) <3 }
{Don't come down on our Governor, too hard. I...didn't vote for her, but...I'm Proud of her. She's walkin' a Tightrope. She's...trying to Protect People, and...keep the wheels turning. I trust her. }
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