Friday, April 24, 2020


My head spins...trying to direct Folks.
These Boys...Move a Lot...Faster, than an Old...Mad Hatter.
: )
They want to Git'er Done, NOW.
I...always...have to stand back, and visualize.
: )
It's a Trick... to make everything Fit, and...Flow, in such Tight Spots.
No Time...for That.
They are Piling Things...out of the way.
I'll sort it all out, later.
: )
I'm just so Thankful to have The Muscle.
: )
{The Granddaughters, the Tiny Ones, Meadow, and Willow, 
where here, yesterday...workin'.
Pickin' up what they could. <3 
Little Worker Bees. 
<3 <3 <3 
 Little Justin, too. 
<3 <3 <3 }
It's a Muddy Mess, so...I'll try to work in areas, that aren't so Ugly, today.
We've had to burn...a lot, that I sure didn't want to.
: (
No place to go.
I got a Dumpster in, too.
It's heartbreaking.
It's...also, costly.
: (
As I stood at the sink, doing dishes, last night....
I thought, I should be more Grateful...
for what I Have, 
than being so hurt, and... angry, about what we don't.
I...forget, about All...I've Got.
<3 <3 <3 

There are Folks, who are in a lot worse shape than me...and Mine.
: (
I've been in a lot worse predicaments.
Lots Worse.
Yep...God's given me, a 'Pretty Fair Hand'.
<3 <3 <3 
I, think...the most Valuable Thing, others can Take....From you, is your Peace.
'They' can only Take It, if You Allow Them To.
I've done a pretty good job, of 'Allowing' them to, over the last 4 years.
: (
I handed them...a Lot of power.
No more.
When they steal your Joy, and...Peace, they Steal it from Everything, and Everyone...
you Treasure.
: (
: (
It's amazing, when you stand back, and....
realize what You Have.
'That'... Far Outweighs everything, they've taken.
<3 <3 <3 
One Day at Time....
Inch, by..inch.
; )
Love, to You.
Keep Your Powerful Prayers Singin'.
There are So Many...who Need them, and...Count on Them, these days.
Barb C.

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