Wednesday, April 29, 2020
These are such interesting Times.
So get done, but....
we must, proceed with caution.
; )
Don't know...if I should dust off my Flannels, or...
remain, still.
Bills keep finding their way to The Rabbit Hole,
we have Plenty of Work, to take on...
We Must, be careful.
I thought about having online Sales, but...don't want to mail, anything, nor...
do I want Folks risking their health, to pick up, at the door.
what shall I do?
Don't know.
I, do know...this virus is extremely serious.
I'm...a risk taker, when it comes to most everything.
; )
Not, when it comes to a virus.
I have Clients, who want us to get goin' on Estate Sales.
I, get it.
We have three Sales, waiting.
I don't think...legally, we can have them in Linn County, yet.
Even when we get the Green Light, should it be in the next couple of weeks, will I feel comfortable.
Some Folks, are chomping at the bit...
but, I'm not one of them.
There are too many unknowns, concerning this virus.
Younger Folks, who've tested positive, with few symptoms....are having strokes.
isn't one to fool with.
Some Folks, are saying this virus, isn't any worse than Flu, on a given year.
I've been doing some research.
That's not so.
I won't try to influence anyone, but...I suggest Folks do their own homework.
{Not from a single source, or news media. Read what Doctors, and Nurses...who are on the Front Line...are suggesting.}
Compare, how many Dr.'s and Nurses, have been sickened, and, or... have died, in a few short months, while battling the COVID-19 virus, compared to the AIDS virus, that spanned over many Years.
It's alarming.
With this virus, there isn't a sure fire way, to keep it away from us, except...physical distancing, stay away from others.
If you must go out...
Wear a Mask around others.
Wash Hands...and bring Home.
Until we have a vaccine, least, a very good method to take the 'Deadly'...out, of this virus, it isn't safe to be around people.
When DC Opens up, for Public Tours....
Everyone is Back to Work, side by The Capital, in Iowa...
I'll feel a lot better, about inviting Folks to an Estate Sale.
We'll see.
Things could a matter of Days.
Better, or...Worse.
I'm watching, by day.
As We All...
Are. You.
Stay Well.
Keep Singin' Those Powerful Prayers.
<3 <3 <3
We All...Need Them.
Barb C.
{The Nursing Mom, was Cedar Rapids, has lost MANY.
The Most....
in Linn County.
I, always...Promised my Mom, I'd Be There, for her.
No Matter What.
I...can't Imagine, what I'd be Doing Now...if my Mom, was There.
I'd most in Jail....or, dead.
NOTHING is Worth....Taking Chances, like...This.
I, don't Trust any of the Numbers, that are being put out.
They are Much Higher.
Time will tell.
: (.............
Let's use some Common Sense.}
The Most....
in Linn County.
I, always...Promised my Mom, I'd Be There, for her.
No Matter What.
I...can't Imagine, what I'd be Doing Now...if my Mom, was There.
I'd most in Jail....or, dead.
NOTHING is Worth....Taking Chances, like...This.
I, don't Trust any of the Numbers, that are being put out.
They are Much Higher.
Time will tell.
: (.............
Let's use some Common Sense.}
Mom, went 'Home'...March 20th, 2014.
She's with The Lord.
<3 <3 <3
I...Know, He's....Good, and Protecting...Mom.
<3 <3 <3
{This photo...was taken at Heritage.
They didn't like me...much, there. ; )
I, was kinda Tuff, on them.
They, were supposed to be taking 'Care'...of my Mom.
I held 'It', the Best...I could.
Many...of the LPN's......were Amazing. <3 <3 <3
{May God Bless Them. <3 <3 <3 }
The Head Nurses, and...Corporate...
Not So Much.
: (
oh...dear. }
<3 <3 <3
When This...Virus, is All...Said, and Done.
who Walked the Walk.
Who...Took Care, of Us...All.
made excuses.
I do.
She's with The Lord.
<3 <3 <3
I...Know, He's....Good, and Protecting...Mom.
<3 <3 <3
{This photo...was taken at Heritage.
They didn't like me...much, there. ; )
I, was kinda Tuff, on them.
They, were supposed to be taking 'Care'...of my Mom.
I held 'It', the Best...I could.
Many...of the LPN's......were Amazing. <3 <3 <3
{May God Bless Them. <3 <3 <3 }
The Head Nurses, and...Corporate...
Not So Much.
: (
oh...dear. }
<3 <3 <3
When This...Virus, is All...Said, and Done.
who Walked the Walk.
Who...Took Care, of Us...All.
made excuses.
I do.
Monday, April 27, 2020
Dreams...oh my.
The weekend weather, was quite lovely...
in Iowa.
I didn't get nearly as much done, as I would've liked to.
Must be...
'Spring Fever'.
I sat outside, with Peanut, Sunday morning...
and, listened to the birds.
: )
They...were so happy.
The Sun...was so warm.
: )
Headed down the rabbit hole, to work...
but, the music isn't playing there, anymore.
: (
I, climbed up on the ladder, messed with the cd player...
tried to figure out why, to no avail.
I, simply...can't work there, without Alison Krauss playing.
So...moved on.
Worked outside, for a bit, then...had enough.
Don't have a plan, for today.
Need to finish filling the dumpster, and get it down the road.
I don't like working outside...when the IDOT is working.
Even, when they aren''s difficult to see what's happening here.
Had a wonderful dream...last night about John, and Dad.
: )
It was after some sort of a big job, like one of the Sales, here.
I told John...
"Let's Go. Let's get Out of Here. : ) Let's go to the Gulf Coast. : ) You Have to See the Gulf. <3"
To my surprise...
: ) <3
{John, always preferred to Stay Home, so...I was Delighted, when he agreed to Go!}
Just then, Dad...came walking up.
: )
I said... "Dad, Come With Us!!"
: ) : ) : )
Dad, said...he'd probably...better stay Home, and take care of the Critters.
He said...he had too much work to do...and, really couldn't come with us.
I, took his mine, and....said.. "oh...Please, come with us. : ) You don't have to go all the way to the Coast, with about, just follow us to Nashville, or...Memphis! We can stay over...and have BBQ, in Memphis!!"
: )
Dad, agreed.
John, and I...bailed in the Olds Toronado, his 'Driver'...when we first started dating.
We were on the highway, headed South,
John...was driving, I turned around, and saw Dad following
in Mom's little red, Opel Kadett.
{Hahahaha! I, hadn't thought of that little car, in Years.
I'll Never forget the day, Dad bought it, for Mom. I was about 15.
It was at a 'Sheriff's Sale', they were auctioning off vehicles that had storage liens against them.
I, didn't notice that car, but...I Did...notice, an Old...Mustang.
: )
It was rusty, and...beat up, but...oh my, That was The Car, I thought we should be bidding on.
Dad, thought otherwise, and bought the little Opel.
: (
I, pouted....over That, for several days.
For Dad, to buy a Foreign Car, over a '68 Mustang, was unbelievable.
Dad, fixed the little Opel up, did run like a little sewing machine.
I, swore to myself, I'd never drive it, tho.
Mom, drove it...for a brief time, but....shortly after Dad bought it, Mom began having grand mal seizures, from a brain tumor, so...I drove Mom, when she wanted to go, anywhere.
I'd moved out on my own, then...but, it was easier for her to get in the Opel, my old Truck.}
It was so the dream, to look out the Toronado's rear window, and see Dad, driving that little Red, Opel, and not one of his Old...Trucks!
Guess, even in my Dream, Dad knew...the Old...Trucks, couldn't make it too far out of Linn County!!
Where does This Stuff Come From???
I, even saw my Pal, the Dream.
As John, and I {Dad, following... : ) } were heading South, on 218, we drove by Charlie's Farm, South of Mt. Pleasant, Iowa.
Charlie was outside, burning brush, and Junkin'!!
We didn't stop, but...I reached over, and Laid on The Toronado's Horn...and Waved, to we Flew by!!
oh my.
: )
My Dream, would've been in the 1983 time frame....I, didn't even Know Charlie, then!!
oh my.
: )
Charlie, Waved Back!!
With a Big Smile...on his Face!!
: ) : ) : )
oh my.
I'll have to give him a
See how he's gettin' along.
: )
{Just called Charlie... we talked for a Long Time!!
; )
He Roared, when I told him about my dream!
He said...
"I'll be that little red Opel, didn't go any further, past my place, knowing the 'Junker', you've always said your Dad was!!"
Then, I Roared!!
He was Probably Right!
My dream ended, right after John and I...Blew Past Charlie's !!
Dad, Couldn't have Driven Past Charlie's!!
: ) : ) : )
It was Great, visiting with Charlie.
: )
I, think...we got All of the World's Problems... figured out.
: )
We Both...agreed, at the end of our Long visit,
We simply have to Take'r...One a Time.
; )
Love to You All.
Stay Well...
Keep Singin' Those Powerful Prayers, for All...
who are Struggling.
Barb C.
{It was So Good, Seeing Dad, and John.
even, seeing...that little, red...
Opel Kadett.
; )}
Dad.... and... my Beloved... Dolsey. <3 <3 <3 |
John, and Nicky. I'll always remember John, this way. The fact is, John...always looked the same, to me. From the day I met him... until... the last time, I saw his face. <3 <3 <3 |
![]() |
Dreams... |
My Friend... Charlie. ; ) <3 |
{The Alison Krauss Tune, 'Stay' The Rabbit Hole's...'Tune'.
<3 <3 <3
Always will be.
<3 <3 <3 }
<3 <3 <3
Always will be.
<3 <3 <3 }
Friday, April 24, 2020
Dancing...through The Storms.
Busy...busy, today.
Moved more mountains.
The Boys, worked so hard.
I, did...too.
It's difficult, moving things....that I remember John, and...Peg, helping me with.
The two pictures above...
are two...of my Favorites of them.
<3 <3 <3
I...walked past several areas today, where the Boys...had moved things, while I was working elsewhere...
my heart...
: (
I, know...they don't know....'The Meanings', behind so much of this.
I, carefully...asked them to help me, put things...back, where they Belong.
; )
I got a kick out of them, several times, as they were trying to figure how many it would take...
to move, some of the things around the rabbit hole.
: )
It only took, 'me' put them there, the first time.
Maybe...that's why my body hurts, so much...these days.
: )
When I went into town, today...
I heard the above tune, 'Rainbow', by Kacey Musgraves.
It reminded me of John...and, Peg.
Made me smile.
oh my...
we've Danced in some Mighty Big...Storms, over the years.
Most Folks...have.
John, and...Peg, would always be The First to tell me,
"There's a Rainbow, up ahead. Keep Movin' Forward.
It'll alright."
<3 <3 <3
I, always...always, Believed them.
; )
Indeed. You,
Barb C.
{Daughter, Liz...was going to come by...and help me move some things, in the house...tonight.
I called her, a bit ago, when the Boys left, and...told her not to come.
: )
I've had enough...for one day.
Sometimes...ya have to just say...
for...One Day,
not feel a bit, guilty about it.
<3 }
My head spins...trying to direct Folks.
These Boys...Move a Lot...Faster, than an Old...Mad Hatter.
: )
They want to Git'er Done, NOW.
I...always...have to stand back, and visualize.
: )
It's a Trick... to make everything Fit, and...Flow, in such Tight Spots.
No Time...for That.
They are Piling Things...out of the way.
I'll sort it all out, later.
: )
I'm just so Thankful to have The Muscle.
: )
{The Granddaughters, the Tiny Ones, Meadow, and Willow,
where here, yesterday...workin'.
Pickin' up what they could. <3
Little Worker Bees.
<3 <3 <3
Little Justin, too.
<3 <3 <3 }
It's a Muddy Mess, so...I'll try to work in areas, that aren't so Ugly, today.
We've had to burn...a lot, that I sure didn't want to.
: (
No place to go.
I got a Dumpster in, too.
It's heartbreaking.
It's...also, costly.
: (
As I stood at the sink, doing dishes, last night....
I thought, I should be more Grateful...
for what I Have,
than being so hurt, and... angry, about what we don't.
I...forget, about All...I've Got.
<3 <3 <3
There are Folks, who are in a lot worse shape than me...and Mine.
: (
I've been in a lot worse predicaments.
Lots Worse.
Yep...God's given me, a 'Pretty Fair Hand'.
<3 <3 <3
I, think...the most Valuable Thing, others can Take....From you, is your Peace.
'They' can only Take It, if You Allow Them To.
I've done a pretty good job, of 'Allowing' them to, over the last 4 years.
: (
I handed them...a Lot of power.
No more.
When they steal your Joy, and...Peace, they Steal it from Everything, and Everyone...
you Treasure.
: (
: (
It's amazing, when you stand back, and....
realize what You Have.
'That'... Far Outweighs everything, they've taken.
<3 <3 <3
One Day at Time....
Inch, by..inch.
; )
Love, to You.
Keep Your Powerful Prayers Singin'.
There are So Many...who Need them, and...Count on Them, these days.
Barb C.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Flowers on The Wall.
Let's Count Them.
; )
at the end...of The Day,
I'll have to admit,
It's All in God's Hands...
<3 <3 <3
It's All in God's Hands...
<3 <3 <3
Spent yesterday, and today....
'Moving Mountains'.
My Whole...World, is Turned...Completely Upside Down.
Less, than 'Nothing'...
but... 'They' Can.
; )
{We'll see... ; ) }
As we were Moving Mountains, I couldn't help..but notice
how Extremely Blessed I Am.
<3 <3 <3
Friends, and...Family.
Sweet, Hardworking...
stepped up, like...
They Always Do, when the Rubber Hits The Road.
<3 <3 <3
; )
I have a MILLION Miles, to Go.
Inch, by Inch...
We're Getting It Done.
I' Incredibly....
<3 <3 <3
I'll try to take pictures tomorrow.
Today, was insane.
Everyone, needed direction, at the same time...
and...were Moving So Fast.
: )
I'll rebuild, the rabbit hole...
I'll...rebuild, the Memories.
I'll rebuild...the Life, they've taken, from me...and, Mine.
Yes...I Will.
<3 <3 <3
Inch, by...Inch.
One a Time.
May God Bless, the Beautiful...People, who will Stand Beside...Ya, No Matter.
The Folks, who aren't afraid to Git'er Done.
<3 <3 <3
It's been incredibly difficult, to write, put...into words, how Broken...I am.
I, don't come across angry, and mean.
It's the Most Difficult Thing, to use Powerful Words, tho...they are True.
: (
: (
I'm at the end of my rope...
when, 'Truth' longer matters.
: (
So, when I ran across Mother Teresa's Words...
I, thought, Yep... All, in God's Hands.
<3 <3 <3
He...can Make...The Crooked Roads...Straight.
Whatever, and...Wherever...they are.
I, sure....can't.
I, can...
Love, be, do Good, be Forgiving, and, Best.
<3 <3 <3
It was scary..having to go grab supplies, and work so close around one another, because...
we, today.
: (
oh my.
: (
We Did.
<3 <3 <3
God, will Guide All...of This.
Every Step...
Every Inch.
<3 <3 <3
Love to You.
Please...Keep Your Powerful Prayers...
<3 <3 <3
There are So Many...
who Count on Them.
<3 <3 <3
Barb C.
{ <3 <3 <3 }
Monday, April 20, 2020 la la la Lie.
Spent the day...
Moving, Everything....
I was Promised, verbally....
over a year ago, I wouldn't have to move....
with The Trail Plans pulled out, with our Lawsuit, that's South of our Drive.
{Never Trust... : (}
The IDOT denied a 'Trail Plan', on the Bridge over DD #1, {Cross Creek } until...April 13, 2020.
I've been questioning...since last November...when The IDOT, and, PCI Contractors..were so adamant, I move things, that were Promised, by the IDOT, I wouldn't....have to.
Yep, these little sheds, are slightly in their ROW.
But...that didn't matter, last year.
Without Trail Plans.
It Matters Now.
Because 'Trail Plans'...were Never Taken Out Of The IDOT's Plans.
: ( : ( : (
I, guess....I'm pretty Dumb, believing...
A Legally Binding Contract, The IDOT Agreed To...
that was Recorded on January 16, Linn County, Iowa...
would Stop Them.
Seems to me, They Take Whatever They Want.
Snub...The Law, and...ask for Forgiveness...
oh my.
: (
Shame...on Them.
Shame, on Them.
: (...............
I saved all of the seeds, I could....
as I cut all of the Beautiful...Living...Vines, and...Plants away, for
The IDOT's Trail Plans.
Make No Mistake...
EVERYTHING They are Taking,
Is For a Trail, that They Refused to Conduct a Safety Study On, Next to One of The Most Dangerous Stretches of Highway 151, in Fairfax, Iowa, that Nobody should Ever be Close to.
More, than That.
They are Making Accommodations for a Trail...
where, they Agreed 'Not' To, Legally.
I have the documentation...
Every Denial of a Trail.
{untruthful denials}
with, 'The Truth'.
In Writing.
A Man Hears What He Wants to Hear....
The Rest.
{We're just...'the rest'.}
Above, is the IDOT's ROW {Right of Way} Stake.
The Old...sheds...are slightly, in their ROW, with a Trail Plan.
I'm Moving Them.
I'll Obey...The Law.
So...Shall They.
This shed, is 4 Feet, over.
My Mistake.
I'll Move It...
; )
May God Bless Us...
Barb C.
Saturday, April 18, 2020
Friday, April 17, 2020
In the Midst of Brokenness.
I, have never in my life used the word 'Liar', about someone, or accused, someone...
unless I could prove it,
and was willing to call that someone {s} 'Liar', to their face{s}.
That word, is one...that should never be used lightly.
This morning... I realized, I've used that word, to describe people, in the last 4 years, more, than I have Ever, in my entire life, before then.
I'm a Fighter.
I'll move Heaven, and Earth....
for what's fair, and right, even...if it's not the best outcome for us.
Right is Right...
Wrong, is Wrong.
![]() |
May God Bless...The Pet Cemetery. <3 The...Old, Old...Pine. <3 <3 <3 Priceless. |
If I'm wrong, I'll be the first to admit it.
But....make no mistake, if I'm fighting for what's Right, and...Truth,
I won't back down.
Here's the problem.
When fighting for the Truth, and the opponent {'s} is a Liar, well...
It's like fighting the Wind.
Liars, don't understand, how cruel they are.
Liars, don't have empathy.
Liars, will twist, and turn... 'Manipulate', every 'fact'...they can, because they have no Standards.
Liars, will twist, and turn... 'Manipulate', every 'fact'...they can, because they have no Standards.
When they are caught, most Liars, don't have any long as they got their way.
The sad thing is, the person who Trusted them, is forever broken.
Trust, is a very fragile thing.'s betrayed, 'broken', it's very difficult to mend.
I had that discussion, with a young Man, this morning.
I pointed out, to him...
The Damage...
Liar's, can do...
to a Soul.
He, didn't want to 'see', or the Truth,
who would, especially...
when you've been directed not to.
I'm pretty sure, he did.
It's pretty difficult to ignore when it's staring you in the face.
This day...has been mighty brutal.
I'm sure, it has...been, for many.
Including, the young Man.
Life, is truly...about 'The Journey', I believe.
This 'Hell'...I've been walking through, I...know, is for a reason.
{doesn't make it any easier.}
I'm learning, I...believe, others...who are 'Walkin' it with me, willing, or not...
are, also...'learning'.
That's how God Works.
My hands...were trembling, as I held them to my face, in utter Brokenness, when the young Man, informed me of more broken promises.
My mind, was racing, trying to figure out how to 'Handle' yet, another rug being pulled out from under me, because I 'believed', what I'd been told.
My mind, was racing, trying to figure out how to 'Handle' yet, another rug being pulled out from under me, because I 'believed', what I'd been told.
Tears, that...I, couldn't stop...poured, from my eyes, like rain,
as I pointed out,
how...'Fighting Liars',
has consumed my life,
and...what used to be my 'Life'...
has crumbled, in ruins, while I've been away, on the Four Year...
'Battlefield' with Liars.
I told the young Man, as we parted...
The only person worse than a Liar, is one...who stands with a Liar,
when they've been shown the 'Truth', but...chooses to ignore it.
I've often said....I'm gonna write a Book.
I, always thought it would be about the Adventures, with the 'Old Souls'.
It'll be about This...'Journey'.
When 'This'...battle, finally...wraps up, I will be writing a Book, about...'This Journey'.
This, is a Story...that Must, be told.
Please...keep my Family, who are Struggling, your Powerful Prayers, along...with So Many, who are Struggling, with Them.
May...God Bless Us All.
<3 <3 <3
Barb C.
{I'm gonna Take This Battle, to 'The Limit',
I, have to.
Even...if I have to walk...alone.
I, have to.
Even...if I have to walk...alone.
Please...Pray for me.
<3 <3 <3 }
{I had to leave ya....with a Little Humor, tonight. ; ) <3 <3 <3 }
{I should make it Clear.
I'm 'Truth Gathering', on my own.
It's extremely difficult, a Thousand Times...more Difficult,
when 'Omission of The Truth', is the 'Truth', to so many.
It's Not.
It's a Lie.
I always Find It, takes a Lot of Time.
You Can't Imagine, how Grateful I am, when I'm Blessed to
cross paths, with Someone... who Tells The Truth, on This Journey.
<3 <3 <3
{There have been a Few. May God Bless Them.}
I'm also, Extremely Blessed, to have an Amazing Lawyer, with
: )
'Josey Wales'
He understands The Law, and Truth. }
I'm 'Truth Gathering', on my own.
It's extremely difficult, a Thousand Times...more Difficult,
when 'Omission of The Truth', is the 'Truth', to so many.
It's Not.
It's a Lie.
I always Find It, takes a Lot of Time.
You Can't Imagine, how Grateful I am, when I'm Blessed to
cross paths, with Someone... who Tells The Truth, on This Journey.
<3 <3 <3
{There have been a Few. May God Bless Them.}
I'm also, Extremely Blessed, to have an Amazing Lawyer, with
: )
'Josey Wales'
He understands The Law, and Truth. }
Thursday, April 16, 2020
Another...Afternoon, Dancin' with The IDOT.
Received an email, earlier today.... oh my.
Seems Much, was left in my Easter Basket, on Monday.
It's been an Interesting Week, to say the least.
Oh my.
: )
Sometimes...I feel like I'm in the Old, Statler Brothers Tune,
'Flowers on The Wall.'
: )
Drink Way...Too Much Coffee, and Smoke, Way....Too Many Stogies!
Gotta Stay Sharp!!
{ easy task, for this Gal!! Hahahaha!}
: ) getting short, and...things are gonna be moving very quickly.
The good News, I don't have any time, to think about a 'virus'.
The bad News...
I, can't think...about anything 'else', either.
: (
oh my. Each, and Everyone.
Keep Those Powerful Prayers...Goin'!!
One a Time, my Friends.
<3 <3 <3
Barb C.
{Just received some very, very...difficult news.
Please...say a Special Prayer, for my Family.}
<3 <3 <3
Please...say a Special Prayer, for my Family.}
<3 <3 <3
Wednesday, April 15, 2020
John's Robin.
I cannot tell you, how Thrilled I was, when I stumbled across the folder, this evening, that had these images of John, and his Robin.
<3 <3 <3
I can't remember the exact year, but...I think it was 2011.
We'd had a big Storm come through, and John found this baby Robin, on the ground.
He only had pinfeathers.
John, brought him inside, took the baby...up to Daughter, Liz's old room, put him in a tote, with a heat lamp, and fed the baby, every couple of hours, for weeks.
I didn't even want to get attached.
I've tried to save these babes, and....sadly, had never succeeded.
: (
That little Robin, became so tame, when he feathered out, he began to fly around the room, when John walked in, and would perch on his finger, to be fed.
<3 <3 <3
John laughed....and said, he thought he'd spent 40.00 on Nightcrawlers, raising the little Robin.
: ) <3
Peg, was absolutely Amazed, that John kept the little Robin alive.
She'd tried, many times over the years, to no avail.
Peg created a Beautiful Gourd, that Christmas, for John....with a Baby Robin on it.
<3 <3 <3
When the Robin, got big enough, John found a Woman, in Marion...who had a Bird Sanctuary, and took him there.
She had an area, with Robins, that could no longer fly, but could teach the Baby, how to survive, in the wild.
<3 <3 <3
I remember the day, John took him there.
I, was difficult for John, tho...he tried not to show it.
After one of John's radiation treatments, probably, early May, of 2014, just a few weeks, before John left us...
We pulled up by his Shop, home.
It was a Beautiful day.
We sat in the car...and talked, for a long...time.
All of a sudden, a Robin landed on a branch, just a few feet from John, and...just sat there, and watched John, for a long...long, time.
John said... "I, wonder...what ever happened to my Robin..."
I said... Maybe, that's him. : )
I've heard, they can find their way Home.
<3 <3 <3
I'll Never...Forget, that day.
John, was an Amazing Man, on So Many Levels.
<3 <3 <3
So Glad, I found these pictures.
Love, to You....
Barb C.
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 Full of 'Plan B's'
Oh my....
It's been a little over two years, since I took the quickest trip down the basement steps...
; )
{if you have a weak stomach, don't look at the pictures...below. ; )}
When I think about it, I sure see the Blessings.
I'm still healing, but...I'm alive.
My, Dr.'s back then...reminded me, that many don't survive this kind of a 'trip'.
I had some Wonderful...Dr.'s.
and...a Very, Very...Special,
little Hound, Sweetie,
that held that door open for me,
for nearly two hours, {according to my FB posts, before, and after.
Evidently... I was unconscious, on the basement floor, for about two hours.
Had that door latched, I couldn't have opened it. I wouldn't have been found, until the next morning.}
The first thing I remember, after opening the basement door, to do laundry,
{I was leaving for Texas, the next morning, with Pal, Allyson, and was trying on clothes, washing, and packing.}
was looking up, from the floor, and seeing Sweetie, at the top, in the doorway.
I couldn't figure out...what had happened.
{Thankfully, I don't remember the Fall, itself.}
I, couldn't move, either.
Then, I heard Peg's voice...
I looked to where I could hear her coming from.
I couldn't see anything of her, except her old, pink, Crock work shoes, and her Bib Overall, pant legs.
I, wasn't afraid... just, extremely confused.
Peg, Ordered me...up those stairs.
She said...
"Get Up Those Stairs!!!"
I remember thinking...Okay. : )
I, tried...and tried.
I've never felt so exhausted...completely....Exhausted, in my life.
I, got about halfway up the stairs, and...didn't think I could go any further.
Peg, Yelled at me Again!!
; )
{it never crossed my mind, Peg, had been gone, for two years.}
I looked up, and Sweetie, was still standing there...waiting for me.
One Step, at a Time...I made it to the top.
; )
I laid on the kitchen floor, with my knees, still on the steps, holding the door, with my body.
Sweetie, was Kissing my face....hahahaha.
I, thought...If I can just make it to the front of the Old...Cookstove, I can pull myself up, to my feet.
I made it, but...I didn't have the strength, to pull myself up.
My phone was at the other end of the house.
So, I crawled through the house, down 6 steps...and to the chair John always sat in, where I'd been sitting, and posting on FB, before I went to throw a load of clothes in the dryer.
I climbed into his chair...
grabbed my phone,
called Daughter, Liz...
she was working a few miles from here.
{I took a picture, and posted it. Said I thought I'd just broken my arm, doing Laundry.}
: (
Told Liz, I'd probably need a ride to the hospital, because...I thought I'd broken my arm, doing laundry.
She said..."I'm sure it's not broken, you probably just sprained it."
No, I said... I think it's broken, and...I don't think I can drive with it.
In a few minutes, she was here. : ) <3
Liz, was very quiet, as we were driving.
When we got to the hospital, Liz said...she'd check me in.
So, I sat down.
Then, I heard Liz, telling the admission Nurse, that she should get me in right away, because there was blood all through the house, and she didn't know where it was coming from.
I thought, 'Who is she talking about?'
I looked at my arm, and no bones were sticking out, then...I looked at my feet, moved my legs, and...saw my right leg, was wet, below the knee, and mushy.
My leggings hadn't torn.
I, said...Uh Oh.
I think I skinned my knee.
: )
After they cut my leggings off, Liz said...she went into the bathroom, and laid on the floor.
She was so nauseous. : (
She said, Nurses were taking turns going into the exam room, to look at the wound.
They got me patched up, and...I left with Allyson, for Texas, the next morning.
; )
The ER Dr., said I could go. ; )
Had I known, how truly...broken, I was...I wouldn't have went.
Allyson, is a Doctor, so...I knew I was in Good Hands.
It wasn't until we were driving through Dallas, a day and a half, later... a Doctor, from Cedar Rapids, called...
{I thought it was a Prank}
and...said, he'd looked at my x-rays, arm, was badly broken, and required surgery, he'd cleared his schedule, for the following day.
There was no way, I could get there.
It all worked out.
Had surgery a few weeks later.
Was Blessed, with an Amazing Doctor, at The University of Iowa.
I had vertigo, for months.
Couldn't feel the right side of my head, for many weeks.
My leg, healed...but, since it was sutured up so tight, it couldn't drain, and basically...rotted.
So, two months after the fall, had to have it cleaned out.
So Many...
Plan B's!!
oh my.
So Many...Blessings.
Dear Lord, what would I have done, Beloveds.
All of Them.
I think, going to Texas, in many ways...was a very good thing.
I had the chance, with Allyson close by, to figure out what my abilities were....and how to adjust, and manage, when I got home, and was alone.
I learned, how to open a child safe prescription bottle, with one hand.
; )
The Girls, and Dear Friends... came in, and cleaned the house, and got everything set up, for me...while I was away.
<3 <3 <3
Friends brought Food, and helped me out financially.
Oh my.
I, Truly...don't know How... I could've managed.
A Dear Friend, came...and helped me with my hand therapy.
<3 <3 <3
Friends, helped with the Shows, and...kept the World Turning.
May, God...Bless...Them All.
<3 <3 <3
I'm Forever...Grateful.
There are So Many Blessings, Every Single Day.
With Every Mountain...There are Blessings.
Sometimes, it's difficult to see them, but...They, are There.
Ya can't give up.
If Plan A, doesn't work.
Go to Plan B.
If Plan B, doesn't work...
Go to C, but...
Don't Give Up.
Keep Moving Forward.
It doesn't Matter, how fast...
as long as you're moving
I remember, a leaky faucet....that was dripping in the sink.
I set a pan under it.
Tho, it was dripping very slowly, by morning, the pan was Full.
; )
Love to You.
Barb C.
I remember, a little over a year ago... complaining to my Friend, who had helped me...with Therapy.
Said... I was So Angry, because my Hand...wasn't working, like I...thought it Should Be.
I'd Busted my Butt, Working That Hand.
She said, "Barb...I want to cry."
{I, thought...'Me Too!' : ( }
She went on... and said...
"Most people, with the kind of injury you have, have a 'Club'.
To 'See', you, have So Much Function.....makes me want to Cry."
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
{She, should see it...Now. ; ) <3 }
Much Thanks....To Her. <3 <3 <3 ; )
Said... I was So Angry, because my Hand...wasn't working, like I...thought it Should Be.
I'd Busted my Butt, Working That Hand.
She said, "Barb...I want to cry."
{I, thought...'Me Too!' : ( }
She went on... and said...
"Most people, with the kind of injury you have, have a 'Club'.
To 'See', you, have So Much Function.....makes me want to Cry."
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
{She, should see it...Now. ; ) <3 }
Much Thanks....To Her. <3 <3 <3 ; )
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