This is one, of two, Wonderful Old Gate Tops....I bought over the Fourth... I was surprised they didn't sell...They are quite large...nearly 3 feet wide....and a couple feet tall....
That's why I buy what I Love.... I'll enjoy looking at them, until they find another home....
Speaking of which....I sold a darling....and ever so Gnarly...upholstered chair, this afternoon....I keep buying the Gnarliest....most Tattered.... Upholstered Furniture...{with the most Amazing Bones...} in hopes....I'll get to enjoy them, in the shop....and no one could possibly be tempted...by the Tattered Old Beauties...Their only requirement is to provide a Soft...worn...Comfy....place....to kick back....and relax...for me...and my Friends...
Guess....there are Cool Folks out there... that Love Gnarly...well Loved Things... as much as I....

I ran across these lovely old Silver Plate Treasures....this afternoon....I tried.......to put the tiny tea pot back.....but....I simply could not.... It spoke to me.... it's dated 1898, and is so Darling... it had to come back, to the Rabbit Hole....The Tray is Lovely...and tho, you can't tell by the image... it's a very odd shape...Long...and Narrow....and...I've never had one, like That Before...so....it had to come home with me....and...the Castor set...{I have all of the bottles....} well...the price was too good to pass up.... so...Down the Rabbit Hole, Goes It!

I keep taking images of the Big Fountain....The Flowers keep Blooming and Blooming....It makes me smile....every day......

The Guardian Angel has found Her Place....She Greets Folks, at the Gate... Perfect....

Love....love....love....love....The Hollyhocks....really....all the Summer Flowers...The Queen Ann's Lace, is beginning to Shine....oh my....I do Love that....only....it makes me sad.....Summer, will soon be Fall.....and seems....it's been so Cold and wet....for so long.... I can't let my Heart believe....Fall is coming soon....

We made it through the Funeral...Liz and Scarlett came, and sat with Mom and I.... The Folks who criticised me, for waiting two days, to break the news to Mom, never came to the Funeral, at all....or even the viewing...Bless Their Hearts.....{the second song...well...it's Dedicated to Them!!!! {bless their hearts...}
I visited with my Cousin Judy, today....I will keep in touch with her... Her Family is Wonderful....it's sad...the only time we get together, is when someone passes away....
Mom, and I were both exhausted, after the Funeral....I got a killer headache....came home, after Mom was all settled in.....and that's where I stayed....I'm physically....and emotionally....drained...
Had many obligations to handle, today...and got most of them done....
Another Funeral, tomorrow....John's Cousin....oh my....
Alyson, Dale and I are headed to a Show, on Saturday, in Bishop Hill, ILL. We have to leave here before Dawn...
Oh Dear....
Love...to You...
Barb C.
{the second song....well...it's really.... for me....I've always loved it....much truth...and... Bless all of their Hearts....in Peyton Place....}{a Great Reminder...when you are getting ready to 'Cast...that First...Stone.....} oh dear.....
darn I wish I could go to that show!
Wish you well in Bishop Hill.You know there are always people with sharp tounges,but they are soon enough cut by them. Just remember what the Queen of Hearts says"TIME WOUNDS ALL HEELS"
Hey Girls....
The Show will be fun....always is...
I enjoy spending the day sparring with Dale...and Alyson is a great Grounding Force...it is...all about the Journey....
About the Peyton Place Folks....ahhhh...no worries...
I can hold my own... and...
Bless Their Hearts!
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
I was envisioning dancing around your garden to "Summer Place". Took me back to a place I had been. How refreshing this morning. Thank you!
Bless Their Hearts.....they must have been to busy washing windows in that glass house they house they live in to make an apperance. I'm needing another trip down the rabbit hole or the lighthouse ; ) we'll catch up soon my dear. Be safe in your travels - Love ya!
Hey, Miss Liberty....
I was Dancing in the Greenhouse, this morn.... and walking over the Lawn....Capturing a Bit of Summer....with the Kodak...
I sipped on an Iced Starbucks.... and Polly enjoyed the early morning stroll....
It was Grand....
Love to You....
Barb C.
We Shall....have an Evening Out....Gussied Up...at the Lighthouse.... ahhhh....Sweet Jazz...maybe a Martini...and simply Soak it All in...
Two Funerals....and a bad Accident....in one week....is enough....
Love to Ya....
Barb C.
I spit coffee all over my screen here at work when I saw the "Harper Valley PTA" song!!! Where's a paper towel! LOL!!!! Anyway, the world is full of gossips and busybodies. And you are right-bless their "little" hearts! You did the right thing by taking time and breaking the news to your mom gently. My mom is pretty fragile too-and I would have to do the very same thing. You put her first-you are a loving daughter. I'm always up to kickin' some tongue waggin' busy body butt-so I give you credit for biting your tongue and taking the higher road. But it makes me feel better to know that karma will give them the big bite in the "end"(((HUGS))) Love ya~Betty
Hey Betty G......
Oh My....I USED to be such a Hot Head...and....I could have easily given all a tongue lashing....{I'm pretty good at it....}but....it's that 'Journey' thing... I know, in my heart...I'm doing the Best I can... maybe...that's not the best, someone else could do....but, it's all I can do...and maybe, what those folks are doing... or, not doing, is the best they can do...I can't cast the first stone... I'm not perfect, by any means...
I was a bit shook, at first...but then...all I could think of is..."Bless Their Hearts"....
After two Funerals...and my friend being seriously cut up, this week....I say...I'm not wasting too many moments, worrying about some one elses, issues...in Peyton Place...I have Plenty of my own, to deal with...Down the Rabbit Hole!!!!oh my...
I Love Ya...Betty...Good to Hear from Ya!
Barb C.
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