Whew...Remind me...never...ever...to go down That Path...again...after a Hot...Hot day...Loading and unloading....oh yeah...it tastes great....but my head was in a TIGHT VISE...all night long....
I think the combination of the Stout Beer...Red and White Wine....Not much food...and HEAT....Turned my brain into a Pulsating Bouncing Ball... LORD!!!
I made my deliveries....and pick ups...yesterday...now we are going to unload the Big Corner Cupboard....and bring Tin Victoria, inside the house....{She's on 'HOLD'...for two different folks....} Peg and her husband, Mike, are stopping by, today.... so I'd better get the Big Dust Rabbit's Corralled!...another friend is swinging by, this morn...as well....I just watered everything...and took Polly for a walk....then...promptly cracked my skull on a hanging cupboard, in the kitchen..when I was unsnapping her leash!..I have a Lovely Goose Egg on my forehead....Man!
Here are a few treasures I gathered, yesterday...More, images later....
Love to Ya!

Steph and I stopped at Henry's Market, in Homestead, Iowa {one of the Amana Colonies} I bought my lunch there...{a bag of dried Figs...my first mistake....they were good...but not very Hearty...} I also bought some fresh Dill....I LOVE the smell of Dill....I'll hang some in the house...and a little in the shop....mmmmm......

The Butter Stamp is a Big One! Very Cool...and the Lilly of the Valley Box, is from 1906....very sweet size!

I took a chance on the Big Candle Mold...it only had three of it's tin tubes, left....But...It's got a Great Surface...it's from out East...and...I've never had one like THIS before....I'm Bad....
Barb C.
Love the candle mold holder. Never seen one. Can you believe this heat -- & ugly dry. Hope your head is feeling better. Take care! Jan
So glad to hear you're coming...the barn in Story City opens at 9am. The barn in Nevada is also 9am. We open at 10am! Call my cell at (515)520-0344 anytime. And soooo love that sofa...craftsmanship is unbelievable!
Hey Jan...
Looks like you have been a busy Girl!
Having Lots of FUN! Yeah!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
Hey Brenda!
See ya this Morn!
Can't wait!
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