Here's Allyson, Laura, {the rusty pumpkin} and Laura's Sweet Son...Ethan!....{great Cookie Baker...wowza!} Allyson and I had a great time, in Story City, at the sweet Antique Market....that 'Carter Station', and 'The Rusty Pumpkin' hosted...Great Stuff...Great Prices! Laura will be subletting my spare booth, as she did in May, in August....Gold Rush! I am delighted... Laura has been a customer of mine, for several years...{I was going to say many...but...I'm still struggling with this....'getting old' thing...so several, will do...} I have watched her gather...and form such an interesting Style...She is so bright...and creative...I have listened to her...and watched her use all the new fangled gadgets, {smart phone...facebook...and all the great new 'tech' approaches} to form a bridge, for the Next Generation...of Antiquers...
Thank You...Laura...

Our next stop, was in the Tiny.. Ames, Iowa neighboring village...of Gilbert! J.B. Knackers....I felt totally Enveloped... I gathered and gathered.... Brenda, is AMAZING!!! Her shop is DARLING!!! She had several vendors on the lawn...with such Cool Stuff!!! From handmade jewelry...to FRESH STRAWBERRY PIE!!! {Allyson couldn't resist...and took one home! We were drooling all day...with the Sweet Strawberry Aroma...incensing the Little Ford's Cab!}

Brenda's Shop...is filled with a wonderful mix of Industrial...and...Soulful...French Victorian....A look I hold dear... Her Shop is lighter...and brighter.... than mine...{the rabbit hole, tends to be a bit subdued...} But...it's that Soulful... 'Leather and Lace'. feel...both of our shops have... that make me feel, right at HOME! Love It!!!!

We stopped in Ames, at the Farmer's Market...then had a Lovely Thai Lunch...with Wonderful Iced Thai Coffee... Yum! Then we stopped at a Chocolate Shop... Yum Yum!!!

Brenda had told us to pop in at 'One Man's Junk'....just the name sounded Great to us! So...we made a stop...{108 Duff Street, Ames} What a Sweet Place! I found a darling little Victorian Needle Point Footstool, there...and was impressed by the really Good Prices!

We also stopped in Nevada...I said at least 3 times...I have got to get pictures...but, as usual...spent time Visiting...and not clicking!!! Barntiques! what a Fun Place! I so enjoyed visiting....and bought some Great Treasures! I'll Be Back!!! {with jaws wired...and camera clickin'!!!!}
Allyson and I made a few other stops...and gathered some very cool stuff... the truck was Loaded...the cab...was too...her Strawberry Pie...was pounced on, more than once, by the 'pink thing'! But...I'm sure it tasted fine...it just had a ruff day!
I made deliveries, yesterday....today, I have folks coming my way....and I deliver Sweet Tin Victoria...This Evening! I'll be getting the New Weed Whip...whippin', this afternoon...whew...I live in a JUNGLE!!!
Hope ya'll have an Amazing Day!
Love to ya!
Barb C.
{I'm still dancin' to Rehab...I hear some criticise Amy Winehouse....well... Bless Their Hearts! What they don't understand, is...folks with addictive behaviors...are filling a gaping hole...or running from something...something...that rehab...can be a tool, to help fix...I prefer, looking up...looking within...and talking to my friends...the ones, who love me...no matter...{I call them Angels..} I count my blessings, everyday...some folks, haven't found their Angels, yet...}
Those that are casting stones, at Amy...well...they must all be perfect...and have a perfect life....
Good for Them...Me...I kind of see...how one could spiral...and, me...I Cast No Stones...She was an Amazing Child...to some...Woman...to her acquaintances...Daughter...to her Parents... Friend....to many...Artist...to me...... and countless others...world wide......we all can relate...a bit...on some level...it's about walking in some one's shoes...try it...} {ultimately...even the perfect ones...have to, eventually walk a tough road...that's just how life is....Crow is a bit easier to swallow, if you keep the 'stones' out of it...}
Dear blog friend,
I am trying to put together a bloggers board.
This board would contain the name of the blog, the first name of the author ( last name, if you allow ) and birthday-- month and day only.
Once I get this put together, I will email to all participants.
If you know of others who would like to be listed, please give them my email address so I can add them.
I just think it would be handy to know when our friends birthdays are so we can send them our best wishes.
Those of you who have not yet sent me your address, please do. These will not be part of the blog board, but for my own personal address book. I like to send cards now and then.
I agree with you about Amy ,such a great talant so so sad she couldn't find her angles in time.Now they have her all to themselves,to hear her beautiful voice in God's choir
Yes...I'm sure Heaven sounds Amazing....Patsy..., I'm sure was standing at the Gates...saying...Welcome Home...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
looks like you guys had a good time Sat. It's good to get away once in awhile
So glad you had a wonderful day! Thanks for taking the time to check out our neck of the woods. You write such inspiring words! And hope that strawberry pie hit the spot after a good, hot day!
Had a Great Time....Saturday...!!!
I'm sure the Pie was Wonderful! Allyson Loved your Tea, as well...{I was soooo busy shopping...I forgot to get some!}
You all did a Beautiful Job!
Thank You!!!!
Love to Ya!
Barb C,
cannot wait to see you in that hair! Tattoos?
Got the color tonight....I did my hair in a beehive, last night..... EASY!
Tat's...not so much...my kids have enough, for me...
{I really DIG...the Hair...oh dear...I missed my calling...should have been a hair dresser!}
Actually...Should have been in the Theatre...Hair...Make Up...Set Design...oh Baby...Get Out Of My Way...
Actually...a man told me, once...I really should have been a Gay Man...{he was gay...and really liked my booth, at a show...} I was stunned...{that was 15 years ago...} But...just think...where I might be today... if I were a Gay Man...I have it all down... {I am quite the 'Diva'...at times... I like Men... I'm just short...one little thing...
Love to Ya!
Yah I could never decide where to get a tattoo. I like change and that you cannot change once you have it. Did see one on the back of the neck under the hairline that was not bad. Only saw it when you had a ponytail. Behive sounds fun!
On My Neck??? It was probibly a Frickin' Bruise!!! Not a Tat!!! {or dirt...from an old barn...I'm a Red Neck...Baby!}Tho...I do kinda look like a Biker Chick...{I'm actually wearing a tattered Harley T-Shirt...right now...oh dear!}
I'll put your hair up...anytime... we could take on Waubeek...!
Barb C.
~♥sucha shame about Amy,what you said about her voice was so right on...heard today on radio, her death at 27 same as James Morrison, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin & some others, sad so much talent, gone wayyy too soon. we can relate & too bad the demons take over! others do need to step into those shoes. yep, crow is better warm!
looks like a fun day with Allyson, will havta hitch a ride sometime.
those 'lil heart♥ padlocks are just too frickin' groovy! LoVe! them...will havta come & see what ones you saved for me & the doorknobs...all sooo cool! tats are okay, but hate needles, so dunno if i could do it. dixie chicks got one that time of a chick, now we need one that represents iowa chicks! take care m'dear. keep cool. loveya with many hugs & blessings, vikki♥~ xoxo
Hey Vikki!
Anytime ya wanna run...ring me!
No Tat's for me... {I have one, on my hip...that I did myself...when I was 15...W.C., My Horse, White Cloud's initials...oh dear....}
I'm a Hair Freak...That's the way I express...Big...Long...Back Combed...Short...Spiked...Red...
Black...Since I've had the shop open...I haven't been as crazy, with my hair... but...I am kinda getting back...to some of My Wild Ways!!!
I'm gonna do a Beehive...at Gold Rush...when we go to Michaels...Saturday Night...in Memory of Amy Winehouse...I really liked her style...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
{as Formal as Michael's is... they ALWAYS take me, which ever way I come...Whether I may be in Dirty old Jeans...{and sweaty...and grungy....}or a Long Black Dress... They always treat me like the Goddess I Am! I LOVE MICHAEL'S In ROCHESTER!}
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