What's that old saying..."He Understands Me..."
It's true, we can't choose our Family...if I could....Charlie would be one of my Brothers.... We Think so much alike....With his call...I made a bee line, for his Farm....and Gathered all sort's of 'My Kinda Stuff!"... as I was putting some of my purchases in the cab of the Ford, I told Charlie, I had just cleaned it out, but, it sure looks a mess again....Charlie looked me in the eye, and said..."A Clean Truck, ain't makin' no Money"....I paused, for a moment....then smiled... Charlie was Right On! A Neat and Clean Shop....ain't either!!!! {I have always said that....when the shop is too organized...and tidy....well...It's not Crankin'....Thank God for Messes!}
Charlie was Just what I needed, today... A small dose, of my Dad...He's a Scrapper....like Dad... We speak the same language... " Junkman's Lingo"...so rare...these days....
I told Charlie, about a conversation, with a woman, I had, very recently.....She dropped me, to my knees...{tho, I didn't let her know she hit a nerve...bless her heart...} She said she simply could not understand, why people, would buy the 'garbage', I buy.....{you truly could have blown me over with a feather...ahh...but...the Mad Hatter...not...so...much....} actually... I considered the source...and thanked her, for continuing to buy the trash, to resell, to folks, like me.... Thank You....soooo Much....The "Soulful Treasures"....{She scoffed..."is THAT what You call that Junk?"} Oh My... BLESS HER HEART!!!
Oh Well....Charlie just laughed...He and I both know... Junk...is a mighty Good Thing.... and We Love It!!!! Every....dirty...grungy....rusty....faded...tattered...chipped...tarnished....ounce of it....
And....God Bless...Those Who Stand with Us....
God Bless Those....who don't.....
Charlie...was Exactly...the Medicine I needed, after the Poison, I had consumed...
Bless His Heart....He...Understands... Our Coat, of Many Colors....
Barb C.
{I'm sure, I was being tested, by the person, above, mentioned.......This old...soulful stuff... well...it's pretty dear to me...I only buy things, that touch my heart....
Another time....another place.... well... it wouldn't have been me....dropped to my knees....It would have been someone else....literally....
I was hurt, yes....and what was said...was meant, to hurt....all I can say...is...truly....Bless Her Heart....I am sad, she can't see the Beauty, in these old...well loved....treasures...
That....truly....makes my Heart Ache......} {guess...she never had a Coat of Many Colors....how sad...for her...}
{Ahhh...and if you had any doubt, about Angels...Charlie's call was Like Streams in The Desert.... Thank You! my little Guardian!}I just opened my streams....The first thing I read...Genesis 4:9..."Where is your brother, Abel?"
Then, the next thing...
When I cannot understand my Father's Leading...
And it seems to be hard and cruel fate...
Still I hear that Gentle Whisper...ever Pleading...
God is Working...God is Faithful...only...Wait....
Oh Yes...another "God Wink"...all the more reason...to be Thankful....for Everything....
I also...want to Thank All Those...and...Their Families...who Sacrifice...for our Freedom....
as I was driving home, from Southern Iowa...Late, this evening....I saw many Flags....Lighted...at Half Staff.... God Bless...Those Who Have Given...Their All....
You don't see the concrete statues like you used to... I remember driving the old highways and there would be occasionally a business than molded the statues. They would have hundreds of every shape and size. oh... and a few of the round mirror balls.
I know....not so much, around anymore...I think it's a lot of hard, heavy work...and when the Giant chain Stores started selling it....like everything else they swallowed up...so went the little concrete guy....{and his little family....}
Love to Ya....
Barb C.
This post gave me goosebumps. Your Charlie is my dad. Growing up on a farm my dad as been a constant 'junker'. But not in the junk sense. Everything has a purpose so why get rid of it. He and I spend many nights and hot summer days side by side at auctions... many times I'm one of the few women there. I'm with my dad, his passion is my passion. People wonder why I bother, but there is purpose in what we do. Even if you don't have your dad anymore, Charlie is a great blessing... and so is my dad. Thanks.
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