Love the Darling Concrete Block...My Pal...and Sweetest Neighbor, Cathy B. presented to me, this afternoon...That She MADE! I am soooo Surrounded by the Most Creative Goddess's! {Cathy IS Amazing....}
Well, now.... That, makes sense, why I would choose...'Simply Iowa'...
It goes back to the Mad Hatter...and The Rabbit Hole...where Nothing is Quite, what it Seems....
The Green Pie Old..Old...Old....Three...huge boards, create the back...and it's all square nailed... It's also, straight off the Farm...I Love It!
And the Table... well...One can never have, too many Harvest Tables!!! This one is Walnut, with a two Board, Pine Top....I'm having John extend the's a bit too short, for folks our size...John does an Amazing Job, on Table legs...
His Birthday is Tomorrow... I will have to show you, what he has been working on...John is truly an Artist...I asked him to do this piece, three years ago...he pulled it out, a few months ago... and it's finally done...It Will Blow Your Mind....This Piece, should be in a Gallery...Wanda and Brandon got a sneak peak, yesterday... I wish I would have had a camera, and got a picture of their expressions....
It Was Priceless...
All I can say is....
Tune in Tomorrow...
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{The reason I created 'Simply Iowa', so many years ago, was .... we were doing Heart, in Nashville...I knew the customers wouldn't remember, my shop's name...or Julie's for that matter....but, I thought if we combined our shops, under that heading, we, would be the 'Simply Iowa' booth...I just wanted to get folks to Iowa, and Shop....whether it be with us, or any other Iowa Antiquers...we just needed to get 'em here... Iowa Is an Amazing Antiquing Area! Funny...not many call me by my name, out and about...they call me "Simply Iowa"...and...that's o.k. with me....}
{I just looked up the definition of Simply...
"easily understood, or done; presenting no difficulty."}
interesting....that describes Simply Iowa...{if your listening to the Mad Hatter!}
I liked the definition of Flamboyant...and Gaudy....
Now That's What I'm Talkin' About....
That's...Simply Iowa!
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