Sunday, July 31, 2011
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Don't Think's alright....
I'm Thankful for this Sweet Dolly....
I'm Thankful She waited for Me.....
{of course she did....another God Wink...}
a very precious teacher....
Love to Ya....
Barb C.
It is all about the Journey....For...All of us....
and....God Bless the hands...that are always outstretched....Just like...the Sweet Dolly's....
Friday, July 29, 2011
Smokehouse Square Antiques....Whew! {319-622-3539} and...Sweet Mary Ellyn...
Mary Ellyn has been in the Antique Business...for Many Years... She has done the Very Best The Favorite...Heart of Nashville...She did the very first one.... Just a few years ago, she helped Cindy B., at Round Top...She did a booth....and Cindy had one....Mary Ellyn Blew the Doors off... She is so respected in the business... and is willing to share all of her Amazing Knowledge.... People flock to her...Mary Ellyn also, does The Chicago Botanic Garden Show, in Chicago....Michael and I missed her, in the crowd, this year.... She Always does an Outstanding Job....Mary Ellyn closed her store, in she can travel, and do a few shows...She's always on the go...She Amazes Me!!! Love Her... Admire Her...and...
Respect Her....
Cindy busts her fanny... and has Gathered the Most Amazing Dealers!!!{like Mary Ellyn...} I found some fun treasures...even...a couple she had to deliver....{I was Driving Miss.Sally...remember...} It was a Great Day...{nope...I didn't get the lawn's supposed to be dry, for a few days! I'll get it done!
When in the area....Smokehouse Square a MUST STOP.....
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
Below...are a few images...holding a THIMBLE FULL...of what Awaits!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Big Red....
{it looks a little splotchy...john had just washed's just a little wet....the Grungy Old}
Love to ya!
Barb C
Old Pantry, or Pie Cupboard...
This is one...I could easily keep....It's straight off the farm.... is Older than Dirt...all square nailed... Amazing 3 board board is around 20 inches wide...Love the feet cut outs.... it's a tad short, on the back feet...but I'm leaving them...all they need is a little shim...There is something about this Old Cupboard....I like it more, and more...each time I touch it...
I like the way the shelves are set... perfect for loaves of bread.... or pies, to slide into... or...a great place for canning jars...
As soon as the weather cools a bit...I'll give 'er a Gentle Bath...
Friends from the East!
Here is Sweet Arlene....and Lovely Family....They stopped in, this Morn....I warned ' was going to be hot! was...
Arlene and I came acquainted, when Liz's darling Maggie passed away...Arlene read my blog....and called me.... she was so kind.... and yesterday, her beloved Retriever passed away...thankfully her oldest daughter was home...with him....I truly didn't know what to sorry I am....
They are such a sweet family....I really enjoyed our visit...I sent them places I thought they would enjoy...with not much time left, on their trip...
I was honored they came to see me... wish the weather wouldn't be so rotten... {just an hour north of us, they got between 10 and 14 inches of rain....last night... not...good...}
I wish they could have come during the Fall Sale...oh well...I was just very happy to meet them all...
My Prayers are with them...
Safe Journey...
Barb C.
Arlene and I came acquainted, when Liz's darling Maggie passed away...Arlene read my blog....and called me.... she was so kind.... and yesterday, her beloved Retriever passed away...thankfully her oldest daughter was home...with him....I truly didn't know what to sorry I am....
They are such a sweet family....I really enjoyed our visit...I sent them places I thought they would enjoy...with not much time left, on their trip...
I was honored they came to see me... wish the weather wouldn't be so rotten... {just an hour north of us, they got between 10 and 14 inches of rain....last night... not...good...}
I wish they could have come during the Fall Sale...oh well...I was just very happy to meet them all...
My Prayers are with them...
Safe Journey...
Barb C.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
a... Bloody...Blue...Martini...
This is my very own...Blend...
Vodka...{your Fav.} Famous Dave's...Devil's Spit... Bloody Mary Mix...
and...{from Sweet Ed...} Blue Moon Beer....oh my...what a Lovely Concoction!
it spells..T.R.O.U.B.L.E.
See...what happens...on a Hot... Humid...Iowa Day...
Way too much time...on my hands...
Back to the morn...
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{hey...these Martini's...are pretty good.... try one...}
Ahhh...The Dancer...
Whew... it's 90....with Crazy Humidity...{the Corn....oh my... has Grown Like Crazy!} Me...I have hid for the most part... put new songs on the blog...{did house work...and..colored my hair.... as promised...I'm doin' a Bee Hive...for our Supper Michael's Restaurant, Rochester, Minnesota...{my Happy Minnesota!}Saturday Night...August 20... Gold Rush Weekend!!! In Amy Winehouse's Memory....} EVERYONE is Invited!
I asked my Facebook folks....
What does a Son of a Preacher Man... Poke Salad Annie..."Picture"...Trouble...and...Bonnie and Clyde, have in Common...well...that would be Simply Iowa...and, the Mad Hatter, of course...{Hey...I could have played Queen..."Fat Bottom Girls"...or...Fog Hat..."Slow Ride".... }
I kept it Cool....
John didn't get the Amazing Red Cupboard done, today...bless his was Flippin' hot! So...I'll have images, tomorrow....
For now... it's my Dancer... I Do Love her so... When I have a moment... I stop... and gaze... she is simply... amazing...
Love to Ya!
Stay Cool...
Barb C.
{I said to John...he never even noticed...I colored my hair...{ it's nearly Black...}he said..Yes I did... but... your hair is really getting long...{can't tell...if, that's good..or bad... in his mind...}all I have to say is....IT'S NOT GETTING CUT.... 'TIL I CAN SIT ON IT...if I Live that long... oh...dear!}{It's On My Bucket List...for Pete's Sake!}
Chomp! {from Poke Salad Annie...Good Lord...I Love this Song!}
Whew...what's really scary....every song I put on...has a my life.... oh...dear...
I am...kind of...a mess...
ah... all the Best People Are!!!
I asked my Facebook folks....
What does a Son of a Preacher Man... Poke Salad Annie..."Picture"...Trouble...and...Bonnie and Clyde, have in Common...well...that would be Simply Iowa...and, the Mad Hatter, of course...{Hey...I could have played Queen..."Fat Bottom Girls"...or...Fog Hat..."Slow Ride".... }
I kept it Cool....
John didn't get the Amazing Red Cupboard done, today...bless his was Flippin' hot! So...I'll have images, tomorrow....
For now... it's my Dancer... I Do Love her so... When I have a moment... I stop... and gaze... she is simply... amazing...
Love to Ya!
Stay Cool...
Barb C.
{I said to John...he never even noticed...I colored my hair...{ it's nearly Black...}he said..Yes I did... but... your hair is really getting long...{can't tell...if, that's good..or bad... in his mind...}all I have to say is....IT'S NOT GETTING CUT.... 'TIL I CAN SIT ON IT...if I Live that long... oh...dear!}{It's On My Bucket List...for Pete's Sake!}
Chomp! {from Poke Salad Annie...Good Lord...I Love this Song!}
Whew...what's really scary....every song I put on...has a my life.... oh...dear...
I am...kind of...a mess...
ah... all the Best People Are!!!
Rescued... smiled back...
Oh My... What an AMAZING SMILE! I had no idea...It must be 9 diameter...
it made my day....
I had a very busy day...2 Sweet Gals popped in... it was Hot...and I don't have air... but they were very determined...and took in the Rabbit Hole....{us Antiquers are a Sturdy Bunch!} They were so nice... we had a great time....Then...Val and Roxanne stopped...I hauled a shelf home for Roxanne, on the 4th...and she was picking it up...they buzzed though the shop...then I took them up to the house to meet Tin Victoria...They Loved Her!
I had been weed whipping...and was wearing my old Harley T....what a goddess...Val and Roxanne...looked Darling...they always do...
Then Patti, stopped by....{Fern Hill} RAGBRAI Folks...Stop at Fern Hill....they are going to have AMAZING FOOD!!! SHADE AND DRINKS!!!! SOUTH AMANA!!!!
They have been making home made Fudge...for the riders... as well...hundreds of pounds of it....and PIES....Wow!
She said, her car thermometer was at 101... no wonder I was sopping wet! I decided to weed whip....this morn...too hot... yesterday afternoon..
I took Sweet Tin Victoria, to her new home, last night...
She was Perfect....for the space!
She is Much....Loved...
John is working on cupboards...I'll have images, later..of one of them...
It was a late night... I wrapped it up, with a Cajun Martini...
I want to go back to K-Paul' New Orleans...
I want a Oyster Po Boy....and a Cajun Martini...
Let's Go!!!!
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
{I want to walk down Bourbon the warm rain....barefooted...Cajun hand...and...Gnarly Lampshade...on my head...oh...yea...
Let's Go!!!}
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Notes from Saturday!
Thank You...Laura...
Allyson and I made a few other stops...and gathered some very cool stuff... the truck was Loaded...the cab...was too...her Strawberry Pie...was pounced on, more than once, by the 'pink thing'! But...I'm sure it tasted just had a ruff day!
I made deliveries,, I have folks coming my way....and I deliver Sweet Tin Victoria...This Evening! I'll be getting the New Weed Whip...whippin', this afternoon...whew...I live in a JUNGLE!!!
Hope ya'll have an Amazing Day!
Love to ya!
Barb C.
{I'm still dancin' to Rehab...I hear some criticise Amy Winehouse....well... Bless Their Hearts! What they don't understand, is...folks with addictive behaviors...are filling a gaping hole...or running from something...something...that rehab...can be a tool, to help fix...I prefer, looking up...looking within...and talking to my friends...the ones, who love matter...{I call them Angels..} I count my blessings, everyday...some folks, haven't found their Angels, yet...}
Those that are casting stones, at Amy...well...they must all be perfect...and have a perfect life....
Good for Them...Me...I kind of one could spiral...and, me...I Cast No Stones...She was an Amazing her her Parents... me...... and countless wide......we all can relate...a bit...on some's about walking in some one's shoes...try it...} {ultimately...even the perfect ones...have to, eventually walk a tough road...that's just how life is....Crow is a bit easier to swallow, if you keep the 'stones' out of it...}
Monday, July 25, 2011
As I am, for the Loss of Amy Winehouse.... her Art...was so...Amazing...I keep playing 'Rehab'...over and over...and am dancing in the kitchen....Man...what a Woman...What an Artist...
What a Loss...
Think I'll go Black...again...with my hair....and do a Big Beehive... Just for Amy...
{I have always liked that look...she wore it...well...Bless her Heart...}
Barb C.
{seems...the ones that burn the brightest...are sadly....short lived...}
What a Loss...
Think I'll go Black...again...with my hair....and do a Big Beehive... Just for Amy...
{I have always liked that look...she wore it...well...Bless her Heart...}
Barb C.
{seems...the ones that burn the brightest...are sadly....short lived...}
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Well...this is how it begins...TROUBLE!!!!
They say...knowledge is power...I's TROUBLE!!!!!
another collection!
{see Kay...I think your Dad and I...would have been very good Bud's!}
John looked at my keepers...and asked if I kept these because they are neck nearly spun of my I turned to him...{he knows me better than that!!!} NO!!!!! I said....Do you know what these where used for????? Mostly Pooch Collars! They Are COOL!!!! and.....on Hounds...that were so loved....PRICELESS!!!!!!!
Saturday, July 23, 2011
OPEN Noon 'til 4...SUNDAY!
From The Rusty J.B. Knackers...and Barntiques... WOWZA!!! We CRANKED!!! {hit a few Great Eating Establishments...and other Antiquing Watering Well....!}
A Good GREAT DAY!!!! {on so many levels...}
I'll be sharing today's adventures, tomorrow...come visit the shop....
Oh.....and Tin Victoria.....has found a Wonderful Home....more on Her...later...
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
{Thanks, StephL...I was thinking about you, today...and telling Allyson, we MUST come Visit!}
Miniature Padlocks...Hundreds of them....
Victorian Door Knobs....Hundreds...of them....
Kay's Dad collected Door Knobs...Keys...Padlocks...and other Gnarly, Fun Stuff! Me Too! I bought a Bunch from them...and when they call...I'll buy a Bunch More!
Cool Stuff!
It was Great Meeting them...
{and did I have fun...when we got home...tho so tired...sorting through hundreds of the most Beautiful Door Knobs....I must be a bit like Aunt Clara, in Bewitched...
{tho John says I'm much more like Endora....{ times...I will admit...}
Aunt Clara Collected Door Cool is That?}
{actually...Aunt my Mother....oh dear...}
Friday, July 22, 2011
Tin Victoria...Takes a Bow....
Tin Victoria, has made her way into the house...She's Done....
I think her back is as cool as her front....She seems quite happy, in the house...and Polly thinks she's GRRRRREAT! {but she is still partial to the Old French Sofa!} a good thing... Victoria is on hold....she may not be staying with us long.... but...if she does...YEAH!!!! We have become good friends!
Thanks Again....Everyone...for your Support....John did a lovely job...{he has about 50 hours in this piece...oh my....} Can't wait to find another Gnarly...Soulful... have him Work his Magic on!
Corner Cupboard Trade....
This Old Pine Corner Cupboard, is all square nailed...and needs a little height...and, Some Milk put her back the way she many years ago...{about 140, I would guess...} I would love to see her Black...or...Blue.... but...the original traces, I see, on the Old Gal....are, she will be....and...I would bet, she's lost about 6 inches.... She needs her feet back....John does an Amazing job....on base reconstruction...he's working on one now... that will be a Beauty....
I always disclose what has been done to a piece... I make no apologies...I let the customer decide if they can live with a restoration...some, are purists...and some...just want it to look good...I love OLD... if it touches me... that's all I need...Seems like this Old Stuff, eventually finds Just the Right Home....I'm proud to have been a stop on their Journey...
{and the Old Cupboards...and tables...and counters....ect... are blessed, John can put them back...very close, to the way they began...}
Allyson and I are taking a Road Trip, to J.B. Knacker's, in the morn...It will be a Fun Day!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Speckled Hen Beer...Wine Samples...and a Hot not mix...
Whew...Remind go down That Path...again...after a Hot...Hot day...Loading and unloading....oh tastes great....but my head was in a TIGHT VISE...all night long....
I think the combination of the Stout Beer...Red and White Wine....Not much food...and HEAT....Turned my brain into a Pulsating Bouncing Ball... LORD!!!
I made my deliveries....and pick we are going to unload the Big Corner Cupboard....and bring Tin Victoria, inside the house....{She's on 'HOLD'...for two different folks....} Peg and her husband, Mike, are stopping by, today.... so I'd better get the Big Dust Rabbit's Corralled!...another friend is swinging by, this well....I just watered everything...and took Polly for a walk....then...promptly cracked my skull on a hanging cupboard, in the kitchen..when I was unsnapping her leash!..I have a Lovely Goose Egg on my forehead....Man!
Here are a few treasures I gathered, yesterday...More, images later....
Love to Ya!
Steph and I stopped at Henry's Market, in Homestead, Iowa {one of the Amana Colonies} I bought my lunch there...{a bag of dried first mistake....they were good...but not very Hearty...} I also bought some fresh Dill....I LOVE the smell of Dill....I'll hang some in the house...and a little in the shop....mmmmm......Barb C.
I think the combination of the Stout Beer...Red and White Wine....Not much food...and HEAT....Turned my brain into a Pulsating Bouncing Ball... LORD!!!
I made my deliveries....and pick we are going to unload the Big Corner Cupboard....and bring Tin Victoria, inside the house....{She's on 'HOLD'...for two different folks....} Peg and her husband, Mike, are stopping by, today.... so I'd better get the Big Dust Rabbit's Corralled!...another friend is swinging by, this well....I just watered everything...and took Polly for a walk....then...promptly cracked my skull on a hanging cupboard, in the kitchen..when I was unsnapping her leash!..I have a Lovely Goose Egg on my forehead....Man!
Here are a few treasures I gathered, yesterday...More, images later....
Love to Ya!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Meet Tin Victoria....
John's Masterpiece! This is a Wonderful, late 1860's, or Early 1870's Victorian Settee....Walnut...all Hand done....I bought her a few years back...completely stripped of all of her fabric...Her bones were Beautiful.... I told John, how wonderful she would be, covered in tin...{I save old sheets of tin, when I can find them...this tin, was part of an old Grain Bin Floor....} John is a Master, with metal....Every piece is hand cut....hand bent...with very primitive tools... he covered every inch, where fabric would have been...{even the original wood supports, below the arm rest...}then, with old Amana lumber, he created a slight bow, on the seat frame, so it was full...and able to set on....He used a liquid solder, on every seam, so there are no sharp edges.... Then...hand rubbed the She's smooth as a Baby's Butt! She's a Beauty!!! I'll get better images..... It was 110, outside, this afternoon, with the heat index...we weren't messing around....{these images don't begin to show how Gnarly this Piece is...}
This truly is a Work of Art...
{click on image to has very cool detail...}
When Brandon saw it...{house things} I thought his jaw hit the floor...he said he never thought he'd see a piece like this, in a garage, in Iowa...{He knows better....all the Coolest stuff, comes from Iowa....He's living proof!}
I have all sorts of Ideas...swirling in my head....for John's next Project....{and so do a few other folks, who have seen this one....oh dear...}
I have no idea how to price a piece like this...he says, sell it...bills to pay....
It is John's Birthday, today... and he spent it...working in a HOT Shop...on Old, Tin Victoria...
What a Man!
{here he is with Scout....standing at the water trough...I gave Scout a bath, this afternoon....he was dripping with sweat....Scout just stood I took buckets of cool water... and slowly ran them over his neck, and back and rump...then just kept brushing him....John was splashing him, too... Then, Scout would go roll in the dirt...then come back for was a}
{I snapped this image, in the breeze way, of our 6:30, this eve....WHEW!}
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