Spent an hour...{or better..} man handling two Boudoir Chairs...and Sofa...
Round...and round... in the same, small niche... down the 'Rabbit Hole'...
"Must make them fit... Must make them fit..." oh...dear...
Then had very Sweet Interruptions... from the Vintage... Upholstered... Merry-Go-Round....
Amy...and Sweet Lydia... came calling... {the nest} a Darling Duo.... {they even signed the "Barbie All Grown Up"...case...!} I love those girls... Amy will be having her Open House... very soon... I Can't Wait! Cool! Cool!
Then...back to the Merry-Go-Round...
Sweet Polly... rang...{pollyanns}...was driving by.... Had a Wonderful Gift... For the old Mad Hatter.... She knows my Passions... and one... is... Brown Transferware... oh my... what an Angel....Love It!
Rose, called to pick up her prior purchases... all good...{Love Her...}
Then...Mike and Jim...it was Great to See Them!... It's Been Way Too Long!
They were so fun to visit with...{actually.. I did most of the talking... Bla...Bla...Bla... oh my...}
Then... Dale... popped in... and... that was the end... to my day...
I had planned to go to Wanda's....{gatherings} Spring Open House... and.... make deliveries...oh dear... too many irons... too many fires...
I visited with Wanda... made my apologies...for not getting there...however... She Never Even Missed Me! She Kicked Butt! {her store is...AMAZING!!!} What can I say... I'm a Loser!!!! {I can guarantee... I will roll in, next week... and still find the most Wonderful Treasures....she always has Great Stuff!}
Love to ya...
I have watched, in wonder... as the Old Fountain, in the Greenhouse... has transformed... I keep adding water... but... never really 'clean' it... I have let Mother Nature do Her Thing...It is amazing... the Moss... that has grown, all over... the seeds, I poke in it... grow...and grow...
Barb C.
Oh Honey! I can't imagine where all these great chairs and sofas are going - I can just see Peg shaking her head : ) I'm stopping back out sometime this week as I'll only believe it if I see it with my own eyes - LOL
I'll give you a call - have a great week
Peg High Tailed it outa here... I truly don't think she could take another moment...of it...
Bless Her Heart!
Wait 'til the END of the week...
I have had a CRAZY DAY....BUSY!!!!
Making deliveries...now... Think I will turn the phone off, all next week...
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
Bless Her Heart!!! toooo funny. Sounds good I'll give ya a call Thurs or Friday & see how you are doing - Take Care
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