I'm glad I did... found a sweet dry sink... a gnarly old quilt, on a frame.... {and lots of Great Smalls!}PERFECT for the Garden Party!
But... Angels where whispering in my ear,{along with Carole...} to go to the 'sworn off' place.... That old quilt, on the frame...was waiting there, to save me...and anyone behind... Had I not stopped... and found the quilt, on frame.... that had to be strapped, in front of the big...heavy...glass top... I would have lost it.... on the Interstate.... with overwhelming traffic... The ratchet, that was holding the glass piece, cut, in two...{I watched the kind man, helping me load... run my strap, through the wire mesh, of the truck... I knew better... but didn't re-tie... the mesh cut the strap} Thankfully... I had ratcheted the quilt, in front, of the glass... they both, still, nearly went, with the strong winds... {I was going 50, one eye, on the road... the other, on the rear view mirror...and caught it, as soon as it let go...} It was ugly... in the wind.... on the Interstate... trying to re strap...I pulled the little Ford, way down into the ditch... didn't want to get sucked under a Semi! Whew!!!
It was a Great Day!!!!
I'm Alive!
I'm unpacking smalls, tomorrow!
Barb C.
OMStars! God certainly put a hedge of angels around you! And the quilt (Seven Sisters) is awesome! **swoon**
Does the dry sink have a home yet? I know someone that may be interested. If it's avail give me a ring or an email and let me know dimensions.
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