Oh My...Romantic....Staffordshire....
Yes... I will be using much of what I purchased today, from Carolyn W.,...at The Garden Party...for Servers... oh...MY!
{I'll have images of Alice's 'Treasures'...and Carolyn A.'s, as well...soon... COOL STUFF!}
Alas...{sigh...with a weary hand...at my brow......}another non-productive 'Rabbit Hole'....Day...
But...was Grand... in all other respects...
Started at Green Endeavors... {on hi-way 30, across from Palisades Park...Mt.Vernon...} This new Garden Center...is absolutely AMAZING!!!! I'll be writing much more about them, soon... It will blow your socks off...
Then.... I really intended on heading back to Cedar Rapids... and Home... work.... but...When I got to the end... of Cathy's lane...{Green Endeavors...} It was either... west... {home}{the structured....responsible....direction...}... or East.... Antiquing...in Mt.Vernon...}{the FUN.... SOCIALIZING....GNARLY GATHERING... EXPEDITION....DIRECTION!!!}
The Little Ford...decided to Head East....{oh dear, what can one do...}.... Spent the day in Mt.Vernon....Alice's Wonderland....{ found some very cool stuff...} Skillet...{great Lunch!}.... Fuel...{ahhh.... Tommi's}{not to mention.... very cool Antiques...that Tommi Hand Selects!} ......Best Coffee in The State!{AND! Her Mother's Scrumptious Baked Goods!!!} I shared a bit of my Lunch...with Sweet Tommi...{'Fuel' Proprietress...} Lovely... Lovely.... Then...on to Sweet Polly's...{Pollyann's}... Spent Hours...shopping...and visiting.... Her Store is the Best I have ever Seen It!!!! {Be Sure and Look Her Up...at The Collector's Eye, Sunday, the 10th!} Wow!...Then...the Schoolhouse...{it is now Filled with Wonderful Shops!} Carolyn W., What a Beautiful....Gentle Spirit.... I found such amazing...Early Treasures there... She and her Darling Son....John... have the most incredible knowledge... I Love Shopping With Them!!! { earlier, while I was having lunch with Tommi,
John W. called, from Smokehouse, in Amana... wanting to stop by my Shop.... I said he should stay home...in Mt.Vernon...I was in HIS backyard.... we all laughed!} I ran out of time...wanted to stop by Wolfe's... and First Brick... I don't think my little pink purse could have taken another Shop...oh dear....
Carolyn A. is having a Yard Sale...she invited me to stop by.... oh my...{the Little Ford, was Agreeable...{God...I Love That Truck! the pink purse...ahhh...not so much.....} Carolyn A. has some Great Stuff... I bought some Gnarly Treasures...and...am... pretty much...Penniless...what's new....
As Pal, Mark, would say..."I'm the Winner!"..... I am... really....
The day was...'Priceless'...
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{post title from the Wonderful, Danny Elfman's 'Alice' lyrics.... I had to put 'Lady Marmalade'...as only....Miss. Patti LaBelle, can do it...on...as lead, tonight.....Guess I'm in a 'New Orleans'.... mood.... I'm ready to go back...oh...yeah...Baby...}
ok! You could have stopped by to see me and I would have handed you a paint brush! I am painting and changeing. Never done never ending!
Love what you did with the Mad Hatter Invites you picture!! how cool - how'd you do dat???
I'm going to check out Green Endeavors they are not far from where I live.....I never go by there on my way to Mt Vernon...cause I take the back way - thanks for reminding me they are there
Have a good (productive) weekend
Hey Wanda...
I don't know nothin' 'bout paintin' nothin'....Really....I Do Not Paint....Yeash!
It was LATE....when I left MV! You were already sippin' a Martini....while I was Beatin' myself down the road....Yee Haw!
Love to ya!
Barb C.
Hey Amy Girl....
I think The Mad Hatter looks pretty realistic!...see that crazy aura... you've seen that....most all of my Dearest Friends have...Like a Force Field...oh dear...
Love to Ya...Sweet Pea!
Barb C.
Check out Green Endeavors.... oh my...when she gets all of her plants out... They Will Blow Your MIND!!!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
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