Perfect describe how the shop is coming....{again...lyrics by Danny Elfman's 'Alice'...} It's been difficult to get much one swipe.... Interruptions.... Polly had to go to the Vet...that's an hour and a half... road time... {seems MUCH LONGER...She isn't a good rider...oh dear...} She is going to have surgery, in two weeks... oh dear... That took the wind, out of my sails...this afternoon... but...went down to the shop...and worked 'til 9:00....That was enough...for today...I'll get on it, in the morning... I have to pick up a Load of Curly the morning... then get back on the shop.... It's coming....I get lost, there... and... it feels good...
Love to ya...
Barb C.
Hi Friend. It's so amazing how things happen. Just taoday I started planning for future events at Sisters(House Things). And then the photos you post are of things that will work perfectly for my design ideas. Hopefully they are for sale...lady above the doorway and the church light. By the way, your new profile picure (Mad Hatter) is absolutely amazingly perfect...Love It!!!
What does Polly have to have done. Hope she is all right!
It's so comment, today... You were on my mind...over and over, last night...I was taking the Clematis down... in the Greenhouse...I remember you being here, for that last trial! You got trapped in the shop... oh dear!
The light is for sale... the other pieces... not yet...
I'm sure I'll have a few other treasures...that will be exciting for ya!
Love to Ya...Sweet Pea...
Barb C.
{a.k.a. Mad Hatter...oh dear...}
Hey Wanda...
It's not real seious... it's just... we have a bad track record, when it comes to this stuff... and...she is 7...around my her life... so..she ain't no Spring Chicken...tho...she'll always be my Baby...
Thanks for asking...
Love, to Ya...
Barb C.
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