There is barely...and I mean...barely... a path, through...'half' of the 'Rabbit Hole'... I was working inside... trying to reassemble... and I heard the Green House Door... It was a sweet Girl...{center}...with a broad smile, on her face... asking if I was open.... {I stood at the door... in horror..... as you know...I posted this morning...I would be CLOSED... until...Showtime.... } The Girl {Melissa} pleaded... through the debris, all stacked... in the Green House.... She said, she wouldn't be more than a few minutes... her, plane, for home... was coming in, shortly.... so ... she would love to just look around.... Oh my.... I said...come on in... but be very careful...I don't care about the stuff... I just don't want anyone to get hurt.... not realizing.... her Aunt...and Grandmother...were waiting to come well... oh my... {to say I was humiliated... would be a Huge... understatement...} It was single file... but the Gals, kept saying, not to worry... it was fine...{oh my gosh....} Then...I started visiting with the Grandmother...and...It Was...Fine...{Gerry...{left}...} She said, she was also an Antique Dealer.... she had picked up...a little, 'Remember Me', cup...and much.... I said... "you take that home with you...for being so brave....and...remember me...".... she said... "I love pretty things... pretty dishes...".... I told her..."me...too"... She asked..."do you know how old I am?".... I said...I never see people, by age... she said..."I'm 79"...oh my....I said...{thinking she was pretty sharp, and agile...for 79....} then her Granddaughter said..."how old...Grandma?.... you have that backwards.... you're 97"... I Nearly Fell Over.... She was Amazing.... Sharp as a Tack... Brave...and... Sure Footed! I think they all had Fun... digging through the Carnage.... and I was Delighted...they braved it! Blessings! They Made My Day!!!!Gerry...Melissa...and Nancy.... little Angels...
I looked at Gerry... {before I knew how old she is...and I so connected, with her...what a Soulful Spirit...} She and I agreed.. on how silly people buy...the 'new'... ah...'stuff' is so...'nothing' 'soul'... I sooo could have just kept her...right here... in my little rabbit hole.... she was amazing...'got it'... an Angel....
Amazing... Simply...Amazing....
I invited her back,{ and her family...} for Wine, and conversation... during the Garden Party... {and...a chance to see the Shop...on it's ear.... I so Hope they can Make It!}
What a Blessing...
This is Why...I do what I do...
The Amazing...People....
Love to Ya....
Barb C.
{if this little shop...could only talk... it always Welcomes me Home... and seems to somehow, draw folks, with the most Soulful Spirits...inside... no matter, how much I may is a Real Blessing...It always leads me on the most Wonderful Journey...down..the Rabbit Hole... }
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