DON'T MISS IT! CHECK OUT {gatherings} {I follow her blog!}
{Wanda's open house runs through the weekend!!! I'm goin' tomorrow!}
Here is Peg.... last night... finally sitting down....and... still tweaking... She kept saying..."People have no idea"... I just smile....She is right... People who don't have a shop...or do shows...truly... have no... idea...but...the grunt work, is a very small part of it...
Oh my... we have laughed...and grunted.... groaned... ate dirt.... then...laughed...again...{I mean BIG BELLY LAUGHS!!! 'til your side hurts... "laughs"}...
The shop isn't even close, to being put back together.... Peg has worked her tail off...all week..and... this is her last day, here... {she'll be back, for the Garden Party the 8th, 9th and 10th...with a new batch, of Amazing Gourds!!!} I will have it all done...
She looked so sad, yesterday...knowing, she was going to have to leave...and, not having things more in shape.... Peg... had no idea....what a disheveled, trinket box, she was falling into...
She and I are 'detail driven'... you can see it in everything she does...I can't work, with many people...Peg, is one of few...
She said, I need to have a 'follower', work with me....{believe me... Peg isn't a 'follower'....She is an Incredible Artist....with Amazing 'Vision'...} I don't need a Follower...... I need to have a 'detail driven person'... Her Artwork, is the very same way...to her......as the Little Shop...is...to me... it's all down to the tiniest detail...that is, what makes them so incredible....My Shop...'Is' my canvas...My expression, of a Living Art Form...It's taken me years, to figure this out... The Booth...at every show, I do... is my canvas...maybe... that's why, I take things, very personally...and work equally hard, whether it may be a small, one day show... or.... Heart of Country... it is an expression, of who I am...and..how I see, all of the Soulful Gatherings...when I put them together... they sing like the Church Choir....Like... Peg's Beautiful Gourds... Steph's Amazing Fabric...Stanley's Incredible Paintings...
I have taken the rap...and have always said... I must be difficult to work with... I burn up show partners... pretty fast...But...looking back... the Partners I had... that had an artist's eye... and Passion, for these Wonderful Treasures, from the past...well... we worked hand in hand...
It's not about the work... the heavy stuff... the dirt... it's about the 'Vision'...'.Passion'.... the 'Art Form'....and... most importantly... the 'Soul'....
I have been in a 'Block'... as Peg has kept going... People who know me... know... I always get it done... Sadly... just as Peg, is getting ready to head home... I laid awake last night...with all sorts of plans... I simply could not 'Think'...this week... but I'm getting it...
I'm looking forward to Spring... The Garden Party... Gold Rush..{even knowing... I'm all alone, this time... I know it will be just fine...a wonderful challenge...} Then... The Memorial Day Weekend Sale... I'll be running Hard.... but... it's going to be a Great Year....
Hope Everyone Has an Amazing Day!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
{I can't begin, to Thank Peg... enough...she has helped get the Creative Juices Flowing.... Has made huge Headway... and am I'm energised... I think... tho, all of the work she and I have done... isn't what has motivated me... the most... it's been the laughter...
Seems...it gets harder and harder... to laugh....with 'life'...
once again...
it's all about the 'Journey'...}
Those who don't... don't stay long... Interesting... it's the 'right brain'....'left brain'... thing... I'm thankful, to the ones, who don't appreciate.... I buy from them...}
{The little camera, and I were tired... last night... so...the images are a bit blurry... like the photographer...}
~♥the lil' rabbit hole is looking like a wonderful looking glass...it always does...there is always soo much to see in there & LoVe!it! you work hard & unless you have done things like this, or whatever you do that you LoVe! others do not have any idea...we are blessed by Gods' creative kisses & the angels that tap their wings upon us {'specially the earth angels ♥!} the creative kisses sometimes come at moments when we least expect them, won't let us sleep, find us in the middle of something & when we have the time or help they are nowhere to be found... =) but they are in our hearts ♥ tucked in there with His LoVe! it will be a fantabulous garden party! all your shows are lovely with wonderful treasures! just breathe m'dear friend {not the dirtball air!} you will have it looking wonderous! it already is...even tho i know there is still alot to do in your mind {would be in mine, too...thought awhile back a good name for a shop... neverdone...=)} loveya m'friend... take care with many hugs & blessings, vikki ♥~ xoxo if u need help...u know lemme know...
Hey Little Earth Angel, You!
It's comin' along!
And...I know...you know.... the challenges... and... the Rewards...
It IS an Amazing Journey...
Look how it has brought us all together...
Ahhh...for The Love of Old...
Love...to You...
Sweet Vikki!
Barb C.
Absolutely MAGICAL Barb. Please keep the pics coming for those of us who can't be at the party.
Hey Bev,
I so hope to see ya this year...
I will keep getting images... we are taring into the 'Primitive' area, now... Oh My...
I'm sending a cupboard home with Peg... so...a HUGE FLIP TODAY!!!!!
Good to Hear from CANADA!!!!
Love to ya Sweet Pea!
Barb C.
Lookin good!!!
which cupboard is she taking. They called the sawhorse a Paul Bunyon sawhorse.! Sound like a cupboard you know? Great turnout today!!! Thanks!
Hey, Steph...
Peg was teary eyed...tonight...said the shop kicked her butt... It's worse than when she arrived... not true.... nope... you can't walk through the shop.... but... I have 2 weeks.... and she really moved mountains... I just need to relocate the debris!
I'll get 'er done!
See Ya Soon!
Barb C.
I'm so Glad!
I knew it would be GREAT!!!!
{gatherings} I follow her blog...
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
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