Oh My...Romantic....Staffordshire....
Yes... I will be using much of what I purchased today, from Carolyn W.,...at The Garden Party...for Servers... oh...MY!
{I'll have images of Alice's 'Treasures'...and Carolyn A.'s, as well...soon... COOL STUFF!}
Alas...{sigh...with a weary hand...at my brow......}another non-productive 'Rabbit Hole'....Day...
But...was Grand... in all other respects...
Started at Green Endeavors... {on hi-way 30, across from Palisades Park...Mt.Vernon...} This new Garden Center...is absolutely AMAZING!!!! I'll be writing much more about them, soon... It will blow your socks off...
Then.... I really intended on heading back to Cedar Rapids... and Home... work.... but...When I got to the end... of Cathy's lane...{Green Endeavors...} It was either... west... {home}{the structured....responsible....direction...}... or East.... Antiquing...in Mt.Vernon...}{the FUN.... SOCIALIZING....GNARLY GATHERING... EXPEDITION....DIRECTION!!!}
The Little Ford...decided to Head East....{oh dear, what can one do...}.... Spent the day in Mt.Vernon....Alice's Wonderland....{ found some very cool stuff...} Skillet...{great Lunch!}.... Fuel...{ahhh.... Tommi's}{not to mention.... very cool Antiques...that Tommi Hand Selects!} ......Best Coffee in The State!{AND! Her Mother's Scrumptious Baked Goods!!!} I shared a bit of my Lunch...with Sweet Tommi...{'Fuel' Proprietress...} Lovely... Lovely.... Then...on to Sweet Polly's...{Pollyann's}... Spent Hours...shopping...and visiting.... Her Store is the Best I have ever Seen It!!!! {Be Sure and Look Her Up...at The Collector's Eye, Sunday, the 10th!} Wow!...Then...the Schoolhouse...{it is now Filled with Wonderful Shops!} Carolyn W., What a Beautiful....Gentle Spirit.... I found such amazing...Early Treasures there... She and her Darling Son....John... have the most incredible knowledge... I Love Shopping With Them!!! { earlier, while I was having lunch with Tommi,
John W. called, from Smokehouse, in Amana... wanting to stop by my Shop.... I said he should stay home...in Mt.Vernon...I was in HIS backyard.... we all laughed!} I ran out of time...wanted to stop by Wolfe's... and First Brick... I don't think my little pink purse could have taken another Shop...oh dear....
Carolyn A. is having a Yard Sale...she invited me to stop by.... oh my...{the Little Ford, was Agreeable...{God...I Love That Truck! the pink purse...ahhh...not so much.....} Carolyn A. has some Great Stuff... I bought some Gnarly Treasures...and...am... pretty much...Penniless...what's new....
As Pal, Mark, would say..."I'm the Winner!"..... I am... really....
The day was...'Priceless'...
Love to ya...
Barb C.
{post title from the Wonderful, Danny Elfman's 'Alice' lyrics.... I had to put 'Lady Marmalade'...as only....Miss. Patti LaBelle, can do it...on...as lead, tonight.....Guess I'm in a 'New Orleans'.... mood.... I'm ready to go back...oh...yeah...Baby...}