Tuesday, October 26, 2021


 Late....Sunday night, began feeling ill.
: (
: (

Spent most of the wee hours of Monday morning, through the day...

I don't ever remember...feeling so sick, and exhausted.
Weak as a new born colt.
oh my.

Had a Load...coming from Chicago, a big load.
Load's...of Bling.

Pal, Chicago Ray...was running late, on Monday, Praise God.
Told him...I'd be of No Help...unloading.
: (
Got ahold of Helper, Brandon...
he, and Chicago Ray...got everything unloaded.
{God Bless Them!! }

I didn't have a place for it all to go, so...told them just to bring it all in the house.
: (

Oh My.
Dozens of Them.

Ray...had sent me images of them, and two Mirrors.

Ray told me one of the Mirrors...was about 5'8....tall, the other...about 7 foot.

When Ray brought in the tall narrow Pier Mirror, I asked him where the other was.
He said...he and Brandon, had put it in the Gazebo.
I asked him..."why?"
He said it was all he and Brandon could do....to get it that far.
It took 4 Men, to get out of the Home...it was in.

I...was under the impression, That One...was smaller, than The Pier Mirror.
Like...a 'Wall Hanger'.
No...no, no....
It's more...Like a 'Wall'.
A Wall.
; )

Holy Smokes.

Told Ray....it couldn't stay in the Gazebo.
We'd have to get it inside.
Weather can't touch it.
: (

With 'puke bucket'....in hand, went out with them...did all I could, to help them.
Wasn't much help...but, it was all I could give.
We got it in.

There are close to 30 Vintage Chandeliers...and Sconces.
Many...from Theatres...we guessed.
The Home they came from...is going down.
: (
It's been closed up...for decades.
The Woman who lived there...until the early 1990's was a famous 
Opera Singer, back in the 1930's and 40's.

Her Home...was Amazing.
<3 <3 <3 
She...was Amazing, I was doing a little research on her...before I fell so Ill.
: )

I'll write about her, when I get the Chandeliers cleaned, and together.
{Sure didn't want to bring it all in the House.
There's Chandeliers...Stacked...Everywhere.
: (
No choice.

Can't do much...yet, still...very, very... weak, but...
did find the strength to clean the Mirrors, a bit, and a couple of the Chandeliers, today. 
30 years of dirt...on all of that Beauty, and Bling...
was buggin' me more...than 
'The Bug'.

Son, Justin...was also very sick...yesterday, still hurtin' today...too.
: (

He made it to work, today... told him, not to stay long.
{He made it in yesterday, then...turned around, and went right back Home.
: (
Somehow, we picked up the same Bug.
Not Good.}

I can finally...keep things down, clear liquids.
What a Mess.


Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All.

Barb C.

{When I began to clean...a snippet, of the 'Beauty', today... thought, what would the Original Owner like to hear...that I will clean her Lovely Things...to....today.
What...are All of These Beautiful...Things, waiting...to hear....once...
The first tune that came to mind, was 'Ave Maria'.
Then I searched, for the Woman's music.
Sadly...She was 'Before Her Time'.
The above popped up, tho, I didn't ask for 'Ave Maria'.
That...was a 'Sign'.
<3 <3 <3 }

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