Thursday, October 21, 2021

Jerri's Estate Tag Sale. December 2, 3,4, and 5.

We visited Jerri's Estate, yesterday.
Took many images, here...are a few.

This is just a tiny snippet.
Visited with her Lawyer...this morning, we decided...
Jerri's Estate Sale, should be scheduled for December 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Jerri's still living there, and that would give him, and us...ample time.
; )

This is going to be a Lovely...Sale, Jerri.
She...was such a Wonderful...Fun loving...Soul.

Every Old...Cupboard, is Full.
Jerri...Loved her Treasures.

There's a Basement...Main Floor, Upstairs...and Full....Attic.
Loads on both Porch's as well.
Garden Items.
Lots, and Lots.

I...was taken the Beautiful Rose, that Jessica, Jerri's Wonderful Neighbor, told me, Jerri's late...and Also...Wonderful...
Husband, Keith...had planted for Jerri, many years ago.
Jessica said it's Bloomed Three Times, this year.

We'll have many more images, as we go.
The Sale....will be located about 30 minutes West, of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.

Stay Tuned.

Love to Ya...
Prayers, for All...

Barb C.

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