Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Lead to City Council Meeting 10/12/21 Video.


is The City Council Meeting 'Video' from last night.

{I'll be editing this time goes on.}

{the entire meeting was recorded by another Citizen}

I wrote a long post, concerning it....a bit ago.
Hit a button, it was gone.

Here's the Deal.
I'm posting this...for my records.
The horrible.
{Fairfax...Really Needs to Go Live.}
Good enough, for my records.

My Lawyer requested a 'Public Record's Request', from Fairfax...a month ago, or better.
Nothing...yet, from Fairfax.

When a Neighbor called, Monday morning...and told me about number 29, {then changed to 31} on The Agenda...
stating Fairfax was going to 'Destroy' Old Records...I, was a bit concerned. The Community, were.
When they discussed it during The Meeting, and explained what they were came across as being humorous, a them.
I, saw nothing funny about it.
The Agenda, was far too vague, often is.
As are The Minutes.
That's scary.
Another Reason...These Meetings Must Go Live.

There are several interesting facts, on this short video.

The Mayor...Council...and IDOT, had better watch it closely.

It was concerning to me...The Lead Engineer, for Fairfax...went blank...concerning DD#1's Bridge Elevation, it's the Bridge adjoining our property, for a Trail under it.

His Firm...has held Fairfax in it's palm...for over 30 years.
They Know...every Project.
Top to Bottom.
Inside, and Out.
They are paid handsomely to Do That.

A Councilwoman...again, Assured me, Fairfax Has No Trail.
oh my.
Sound's exactly like the same tune, the Mayor and Council sang, in 2018, at meeting, after meeting,
"It's Never been 'Fairfax', It's all The IDOT."
: (
{as angry as I am...and, tired, as I am...can't help to recall...
In 2018, after being told by the Mayor, and Council...the First time, at a Public City Council Meeting,
'This Trail is all on The IDOT, we have no choice".

I called a Man, at District 6, the very next day...after the above meeting,
 {I wrote about it, all of this...back then.}
After talking with him, felt...I had a 'Friend', at District 6...
when this all began.

 Felt, he was Honest...with me. 
He said...back then, 
when I told him, what The Mayor and Council...had said...
at The Meeting, 
He laughed...
went on to say......
" 'IDOT' isn't in 'The Trail Building Business'... We Build Roads."
I Believed Him.

May God Bless Him. <3 
When I refer to 'One' District 6, that I've dealt with...
 That's Him.}

There's been a 'misstep', or Many...
by Others at District 6, and Fairfax City Hall...
{not all of them...}
in my opinion.

They need to be addressed, and corrected.
Made Right.
Just like our recorded settlement agreement.

My advise, to Fairfax's Mayor...Council.....
Do Your Homework...
and, IDOT, 
Take a Peek...
 Our Recorded Agreement.
Be like That 'One' District 6, way back...and Ames/Des Moines.
Tell The Truth.

This is what They've done, to us...
All for a 'Trail'... neither...IDOT, or Fairfax...wish to claim.

Our Home, flooded for the 11th. time, yesterday....because of this wrongfulness.
If I sound angry, I am.
More than that....
I'm disappointed.

It takes Everything I've Attend Those 'Meetings'.
I Get Physically Sick, before...and After, Every Single One Of Them.

I can't Stand...being Constantly Lied to.
 Can't stand it.
This...Should Never, Ever... Happen, to Another Soul.

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