Saturday, October 16, 2021

Elberon Fall Fest...was Wonderful.

Elberon is a tiny little Town, in Tama County, Iowa.
but, oh my....
It's BIG, on so many Levels.

This was the second Fall Fest, to raise money...for their Library.
It was Great!
Thanks to So Many... who Donated, Generously...
and to Those...who bought raffle tickets.
{The 'Basket' with Raffle Tickets, was overflowing. }

The Children...All, had Much Fun.
There were, I'd guess...around 200 people, that attended, but...there were Many More, who...Kindly...donated, for the Cause.

This little Town, really works hard, for The Community.


I was So Proud, of them All.

It was A Lot...of Work for them, I know.
All Volunteer.

I'll write more, tomorrow.
Have more images.

My heart Swelled, when I saw The '49 Ford...sitting at The Elberon Library, with Pumpkins on his Hood, when Jethro and I...pulled up.

Had to get a picture with The '49.
He's a 'Rock Star'... to me.
; )

The '49...pales in comparison, to our Daughter...

Liz, So Loves...this little Town.
She, and Adam...have Truly found a Wonderful 'Home' Elberon, for their Family.

Watchin' Those Two...
is like watchin' 
'Lucy, and Ricky'.
: )

Oh My Lord!!!!


Love to Ya...
Prayers...for All.

Barb C.

{Jethro, and I...left, before the Movie. It was getting Cold...and, I'm a wimp, when it comes to Cold, these days.
; )
The Kids...from The Area...LOVE This. 
Love It!! }

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