Saturday, February 29, 2020
Anything...but, mine.
Found my way, to the rabbit hole, today.
: )
I, can't tell difficult, it is.
It takes....Every Bit....of Gut, for go, there.
Seeing Geri's...and Peg's....'things', Michael....has brought, over the last few months,
I'm Grateful...
but, so...very....heavyhearted.
: (
I started going through boxes,
began...with the small...stuff.
The precious things.
The 'things'...that Geri, held...closest to her.
Michael, said... "Ma, never had much, so...I'm sure, there's nothing valuable."
: (
I, knew...Geri.
I, Knew...her, in a different way.
She...didn't keep things, because they had monetary value.
Geri, kept things...because they were 'Priceless' her.
<3 <3 <3
I, get....that. : )
So...going through her 'precious'....memories, has been a bit...
I found several...Beautiful, Beautiful...pieces, that will go back, to Michael.
I, know...the Grandchildren...will love, to have them.
There are several...Gold pieces, that the Family....needs to have.
<3 <3 <3
I...knew Geri, differently, than her Family. Michael, "People are multifaceted.
You knew one facet. I,, too. "
The Facet, I knew...was of an Amazing....Creative, Woman.
A Traveler. A...Wanderer.
'Free Spirit'.
<3 <3 <3
A 'Gypsy'...maybe, with a Lot...of Class.
; )
She, was so soft, and gentle....but, Hard, as Nails.
: )
The Stories...she shared with me, over the years...are Priceless.
<3 <3 <3
I, admired...her, so.
Seems, the upside down, most...days.
Seeing the rabbit hole, in such Chaos....seems, Normal.
I'll hang on, to that.
<3 Ya.
Barb C.
{Geri, would've understood...The Last Waltz. <3
We, had common. : ) <3
She lost her Soul Mate, long....ago, too. <3 }
We, had common. : ) <3
She lost her Soul Mate, long....ago, too. <3 }
Thursday, February 27, 2020
Seems, I can't go..anywhere.
: )
Ran to the grocery store....this late, afternoon.
A woman...came up behind me, and said....
"I'm sure you don't remember me, but....didn't you have Horses, off of Center Point Road, years ago?"
{That...would've been...over 40 years ago. }
Yes, I did.
She said...
"I was just telling my husband, all about you, the other day....
as we were driving through Fairfax,
I'd...heard, you live"
{yes...for nearly 40 years. : ) }
She went on...and said...
"I told my husband, what an amazing rider you are.
You...weren't afraid, of any Horse.
You...were so daring, and...I was so amazed, at how were,
and...would climb on any Horse...and Go!!"
I couldn't believe she recognized me.
: (
{I, don't recognize myself, most....days.}
She said...
"You haven't changed a bit."
{oh, yes....yes, I have. : ( }
She said, "I marveled at how you rode."
I, told her...
"I...'Lived', on Horseback, before....I could walk."
{Dad called our Horses... 'Babysitters'. <3 }
Horses, are Amazing...Gifts, from God.
<3 <3 <3
They taught me, so much...growing up.
<3 <3 <3
I never, or...rarely...rode with a saddle.
Bareback....and, a rope, {no bridle, much...either.}
I've ridden...a Million Miles, on Horseback.
: )
We Broke...All of The Rules.
: )
when...I was young. You.
Barb C.
{I feel so Blessed, by the Amazing...Critters, 'Friends',
that have carried my sorry butt. : ) <3
May God Bless, YOU.
<3 <3 <3
I, Thank You, from my Entire Heart. <3 <3 <3 }
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Admiral and...I, were just coming in, from a 20 Mile....Trail Ride. It was an endurance. There were a thousand Horses, on that ride. Many, didn't finish. We did. <3 Bareback. <3 |
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John took this picture...the last time, I rode....Scout. <3 Nicky, watching...over me, making sure....I was o.k. <3 Scout, was being a Pistol...that day. : ) |
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
This morning, while sippin' my brew, I was thinking....
{always, a scary thing. : ) }
I...was thinking, about 'why'....some 'things' get 'so'...under my skin.
: (
{IDOT, and Fairfax, City Hall. : ( }
The phone rang, as I was processing.
It was a Gal, who'd asked for our Estate Sale Services, then...
decided, a while go another direction.
She asked if I had a little time, to chat.
I said..."Sure, I'm just sittin' here, stretched out in John's recliner... sippin' my coffee,
smokin' a stogie...and watching Perry Mason. : ) "
She got a Kick...outta that.
: )
It...was The Truth.
: )
See...that's what Folks are so afraid of, it seems.
The Truth.
This...potential 'Client', probably....doesn't smoke stogies, or....lounge, in old Lazy Boys, Perry Mason, in the morning. : )
{or...wear heart shaped shades, or...color her hair Bright Red, a 21 year old, F250,
{with a 12 inch Lift : ) }
Powerstroke Diesel,
with a
{Son, Justin...installed. : ) }
so it can 'Roll Coal'....out of those Amazing...
Chrome Stacks}
: )
I suppose, I could've sounded busy, and 'on the ball', to impress.
That, wouldn't have been the Truth.
Not, entirely.
I can shift gears, rather quickly....
and get down to Business,
whether I'm in John's recliner,
watching Perry Mason,
or...standing up front, in a business suit.
Being 'Genuine',
and...making no excuses...
beats trying to be something you're not,
every time.
That's...what's making me Crazy, about what's been going on around here.
{IDOT, and City Hall. } don't know an answer, say so.
I'd much rather hear...."I don't know, let me look into it." {and Follow Through}
'Silence'...or 'Lies'.
Just...tell the Truth.
: )
People, most likely...will respect that, even if it's not...what they want to hear.
If they don't...well, that's a good sign, to move on.
; )
There is Nothing...that'll make me run faster, from someone....than when I pick up....
in their 'ways'.
Over the years, looking back....
the Folks, I've admired most....
have been
I remember, watching my Dad, visit with Folks.
He was always....always, who he was.
: )
Old Boots, worn out...clothes, from working hard...every day.
He had Friends, from every walk of life. Homeless, I suppose.
I...never knew 'who' was 'who', growing up...just knew, they were Dad's Friends. : )
He treated them all...the same. <3
His Pals, liked him...for who he was. : )
Dad, never tried to put on airs.... or, be something, or someone... he wasn't.
: )
Dad, was Genuine.
John, was the Same...way. : ) <3
May God Bless...Those, who are 'Genuine'.
: )
<3 <3 <3 You.
Barb C.
{The 'potential client'...asked if we'd be willing to take their Sale, on.
The 'other', wasn't going to work out.
Told her, we'd take another 'look'. : ) Help 'em...if we could. : ) }
Be who you are.
Mean, what you say.
: )
Like the old...'Seuss' saying goes,
'Be who you are...and, say...what you feel.
Those who mind, don't matter.
Those who Matter, don't....mind.'
As the sign from Edith Lucielle's Bait Shack...says,
{Great Cedar Rapids Eat!!}
"We don't care...
Who you are,
who...Your friends are...
you Think, you are...
Who...your Daddy, is."
My Favorite Chrome. ; )
Hahaha. : )
Love That Tune. : )
At the End...of the day,
I know...Whose daughter, I am.
May God Bless...Those, who take a Chance....
walking beside, a 'Mad Hatter'. <3 : )
That, truly...must be a Leap...of Faith, for them. : ) <3
My Favorite Chrome. ; )
Hahaha. : )
Love That Tune. : )
At the End...of the day,
I know...Whose daughter, I am.
May God Bless...Those, who take a Chance....
walking beside, a 'Mad Hatter'. <3 : )
That, truly...must be a Leap...of Faith, for them. : ) <3
Sunday, February 23, 2020
650 Mile...Run, and...Then, Some.
Peanut, The Ford,,
took off on Mom's Birthday, and headed for St.Louis.
: )
It was Peanut's very first...Road Trip.
: )
650 a Hurry.
She did...Great.
It was a Long, Fast....Day.
<3 <3 <3
We had to pick up, two... Twin...Pier Mirrors, east of St. Louis.
Above, is the Home....where they came from.
: )
They are 8'9 Tall, and...about 30 inches wide.
: )
Two of the Things that seem to make my heart Flutter.
If it's Old...Heavy, Awkward...and, Fragile....
I, most likely...will Dig It!!
Above is the Darling....Family, who are restoring the Huge Victorian Home.
<3 <3 <3
I was so nervous about leaving Peanut, in The Ford....I didn't go through their Beautiful Home.
It's Absolutely...Stunning!
You can check their progress on Instagram, ' RemainDesign '
It was a Long...Day, but...a Good One.
Unloaded the Massive Pier Mirrors, in The Rabbit Hole, this early afternoon.
So MUCH...has come in, and...So Still Coming.
Helper, Brandon...and, I...brought in two Truck Loads, this afternoon.
Another Partial Estate, is coming in, next week.
Oh My.
Michael, helped us this afternoon, while bringing his Mom's {My Friend, Geri's} Treasures, from her Home.
Brandon and I...were Pressed HARD, to find Room.
I, have No I'll get the things in, next Sunday.
It's like fitting a Whale, into a Sardine Can.
: )
I...HAVE to get the Rabbit Hole, in Order, and....get OPEN!!!
: )
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Peg's Beloved....Michael, said...I look a little tired, today. : ) Yep...I reckon, so. : ) Inside and Out!!! Oh My!! |
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Peanut, is feelin' pretty Good. : ) Goof Ball!! <3 : ) |
I thought Michael...was going to Flip....when he walked inside the Rabbit Hole, today.
Oh My.
The Place, is Turned Completely....Upside Down!!!
oh my.
Even...Helper, Brandon....was a bit, perplexed.
: ) have to be a Mad Hatter, or...The March Hare, to understand,
It'll All...
Come Around.
: )
Since my accident, I don't move as quick, as I used to...
but, It'll Come Around.
; )
When I first sat down, to write...the Patsy Cline Tune, 'Stop The World, and Let me Off'.... came to mind.
: )
Then, I thought of 'The Eagles' tune...
'Take it Easy'. <3
{Dad, always used to tell Folks, at the end of a conversation... to 'Take'er Easy'. : ) }
Then, I thought of 'The Eagles' tune...
'Take it Easy'. <3
{Dad, always used to tell Folks, at the end of a conversation... to 'Take'er Easy'. : ) }
{yes....I, too....was a Bit, overwhelmed....after loading, and hauling.
Trying to Pack that Whale, into an Upside Down...Rabbit Hole. : )
After...a Gin and Tonic, and...a little time, to catch my breath, I'm not too concerned.
It'll Come Around.
Step, by...step. : ) }
Barb C.
{Please...remember, to keep those who are Your Prayers.
Prayers...Matter. <3 <3 <3 }
{The next person who tells me, I look tired...
is gonna get a 2x4 across their shins. ; )
Just....Sayin'. : ) <3 }
Friday, February 21, 2020
Happy 100th. Birthday...Mom.
Thinking of Mom...
this morning.
<3 <3 <3
Rose Marie.
She would've been 100, Today!
She nearly made it.
Mom left us, March 20th, 2014...she was 94.
Mom was born, on the Farm, near Garner, Iowa...
in 1920.
The Doctor who delivered her, told my Grandmother, that he didn't expect her to survive, more than a few days.
: )
My Grandma, thought differently. : )
Mom, was Quite a Woman.
<3 <3 <3
I'm posting a tune, above...that I remember my Dad, singing to my Mom.
<3 <3 <3
He Loved...her, so.
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
I'm posting a tune, above...that I remember my Dad, singing to my Mom.
<3 <3 <3
He Loved...her, so.
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
I'm on the road, today...
Long Haul.
Takin' Peanut, which...could be an Adventure, in itself. : ) All.
Barb C.
{Visited with a Dear, Dear...Friend, yesterday.
She just found out...that she has stage 4 cancer.
She asked me, to get The Prayer Angels....Beating Their Beautiful Wings, for her.
<3 <3 <3
So, I am.
Please...Pray for Mary, and...All, who are struggling.
<3 <3 <3 }
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
So Many... 'Good-Byes'.
The last...little over a week, have been filled with sad...
Two...dear Friends...have passed away.
Tom Nutt, Mark's Dad...passed away on the 11th.
He was Such...a Kind, and...Good...Soul.
<3 <3 <3
He, and his Beautiful...Wife, Cindy...have been Such Blessings, in our lives.
<3 <3 <3
My heart breaks, for Cindy, Mark...and their entire Family.
: (
My heart breaks, for Cindy, Mark...and their entire Family.
: (
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Tom, and...Cindy, are the two...on the left. <3 Many Friends, that Evening, <3 <3 <3 |
Geri, Peg's Mother in Law...left us, this morning.
She, was one of the Most...Beautiful People, I've ever met.
Inside...and, out.
: )
I was very Blessed, to have had many Wonderful visits, with her.
Her life...was such an Amazing Journey.
She Truly...'Lived',
and...was one of the Kindest...Gentlest...Souls.
Told her, often...the Best...Gift, she could've ever given me, was introducing me, to Our...
<3 <3 <3
<3 <3 <3
I've been staying close to the IDOT's carnage...unfolds, just feet away from our Home.
The house...rattles, and shakes.
A.J., from the IDOT,
{Very...Nice, Young Man. : ) }
called...and warned me, to take things down off of the walls, as in the next several's going to get very ugly.
{Very...Nice, Young Man. : ) }
called...and warned me, to take things down off of the walls, as in the next several's going to get very ugly.
He didn't have to tell me, I knew...from the last condemnation.
Our walls cracked, back then.
This time, they'll be driving Bridge Piles.
Lots of them. our Home.
I pray...the House, can take it.
It's like an Earth Quake...that doesn't stop.
Last week, our neighbors called me, as their house was shaking...a football field away.
We're less than a hundred feet away.
Nothing...will ever, the same, again.
Those carefree, days....with Geri, Peg...Tom...Cindy, many others, at 'Sale Time'. <3
It...was always, so, as we'd gather under John's Old....Oak.
We shared...So Much....Insanity!!
: )
<3 <3 <3
We were Very Blessed, to have had...Those Times.
<3 <3 <3
I met with Peg's Beloveds,
{Geri's Son, Michael, and Granddaughters,
Mel, and...Sarah.{and Bill <3 }} this evening, for supper.
<3 <3 <3
Sad, as it was...when we looked back, and started sharing Memories,
we Laughed...and, Laughed.
: ) : ) : )
Guess, that's one of the things I've missed the most.
The Laughter.
Those...were Truly...
The Days.
![]() |
Peg. Mel...and Michael. <3 <3 <3 |
Pegadoo... : ) Oh My. : ) | so intensely....Serious, these days.
: (
City Council Meetings,
Having to be a 'Watch Dog' the IDOT, is digging ever closer, and....closer.
Poor Peanut, is scared to go outside.
: (
It's like a War Zone.
: (
It Is... a 'War Zone'.
: (
A Big...Old...Battlefield.
: (
Not many smiles, to be had. You.
Barb C.
Monday, February 17, 2020
The...Broken Roads.
I'm Still...not 'There'.
I, simply...don't have the ability...
to put the Butchering, and Wrongdoing....
into words.
: (
The sad,
what, so many...don't understand,
is Just, the beginning.
: (
I've been down...
{The 'Last' Road...
oh my. }
: (
I will...find the words.
not... today.
: (
I know, looking back...over the last 4 years...
of This....Battle,
I need to Be Thankful, for the 'Broken Roads'.
they....have been.
It's All about 'The Journey'.
Many....Blessings, and...
Light Bulbs...have illuminated,
because...of These, Broken...Roads.
There will be, Many...more.
<3 are ever, requested to set on a Jury, concerning 'Condemnation'....
<3 are ever, requested to set on a Jury, concerning 'Condemnation'....
![]() |, Lone...Pine, where our Beloved...Pets, 'Family'.... are buried,, a Savior, to us. <3 |
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Looking through....the picture window, a few moments ago. The rolling in, tonight. it should. |
I was going through photo's from a couple years ago.
Found...these screenshots.
They...seemed fittin'...for, these days.
![]() |
Whoever created the 'Gibbs' character, must have known....John. : ) <3 <3 <3 'Jethro'. |
Love, to You.
Thank You...for your continued Prayers.
They, are...Much, needed.
<3 <3 <3
Barb C.
Saturday, February 15, 2020
Not quite ready...
to get into...
'Everything', from early in the week.
: (
: (
Spent the afternoon, pickin' up...the 'shed'.
: )
put away, 'Christmas'...
that was around John's, Peg's, Mom's...and our Critters',
Sat down...for a moment, to smoke a stogie...
Peanut, was sprawled out....on the sofa.
: )
She didn't let the vacuum bother her...a bit.
: )
I'd guess...where she's lived most of her short life....
a vacuum...
would be the Least...of her cares.
: (
I'm so Thankful....that Heather, and Daughter, Liz...
rescued her, last November.
My heart, can't go to the Shelters.
: ( : ( : (
Guess...I'm a coward.
: (
I'm Those, who can.
They...are Brave.
<3 <3 <3
For me, to 'spill'...about IDOT folks, the mayor...council...
bullshit, well...
That'll have to wait.
: (
Can't write about
I am...Grateful, to Those, who Carried my Broken Heart, over the mountain.
It...was an Ugly....first part of the week.
: (
The Lord...prepared me.
Long Story.
I'm going to post a tune...above, that reminds Much, of 'Peanut'.
: )
Found it, just before...Heather brought Peanut, to me.
Reminds me...of Everyone, I...hold most Dear.
We 'understand'...each other.
; ) You.
Barb C.
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Peanut....Today. : ) |
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Peanut, last...November. : ( : ( : ( She's blind. She's suffered massive head injuries. |
John's...Valentine, to me, a few years ago.
<3 <3 <3
Thursday, February 13, 2020
So Much... yet, so...little.
It was a Friday...the 13th., that February...1987.
I was 23, and I spoke with the Cedar Rapids Gazette, reporter...
The World...had come to an End.
Dad, was involved in a fire, he worked so hard trying to put it out, he ultimately had a
chest aneurysm, that wasn't the hospital, before it was too late.
The fire broke out...around midnight, Dad...passed away, at 7:37 a.m.
Dad had fixed up an old camper, had it situated on a patch of timber, he rented...where he kept his Beloved old Tractors, and Trucks.
He so enjoyed working on them.
He...could make Anything...Run!
It was unseasonably warm, that February...
Dad...insisted on staying there.
Dad...insisted on staying there.
He heated the old camper, with wood, and...that's how the fire started.
I worried about Dad, being there...but, he so there.
I took him his lunch, every day...whether he was staying there, or at Mom' night.
Dad, was his Happy Place, during the day.
No matter what. : )
No matter what. : )
Mom, Justin...and...I, went to visit him, on the 12th., for always.
I'd baked Dad a heart shaped cake... for Valentine's Day, that morning.
Thought...he could snack on it...throughout the day.
After the fire, I...couldn't go back there. Never have.
Took me five years, before I could drive past it.
Thankfully, John...went, the next day...
and took a look...for me, to see what had happened, and...what might be salvageable.
When John returned home, he said...
"Everything is a total loss...but, I saw the strangest thing, inside the burned out camper.
There was a half eaten, heart shaped the middle of the camper, the fire, like...someone, had 'just'...set it there."
John, had no idea....I'd baked that cake, for Dad.
That...was my very First...'Heart Wink'. <3
I've been 'seeing' them...ever since.
John, sends them...Often, now... too.
<3 <3 <3
Somehow...I always know, if it's Dad, or...John.
Sometimes, Both.
<3 <3 <3
I miss Dad, every day.
I think of him, throughout each day.
: )
He, was such a my life.
Taught me so much, in the little time...we had together.
: )
He was Such a Kind, and...Loving...Man.
{He never knew a stranger. : ) Dad, was many, from every walk of life. : ) }
Mom, always said that I, was the Apple of his eye, and...he thought the Sun...rose, and set...on me.
The Feeling, was Mutual.
I, couldn't see Dad, every day.
I, Loved...being with him.
Dad would take me with him... Everywhere, when he could.
Mom told me, his friends...would tease Dad, about changing my diapers.
After all...back in those days, That....was Women's Work.
: )
He'd take me to Farm Auctions, and Livestock Auctions...before I could walk.
: )
I many Miles...we covered together, bouncin' down these old country roads.
He and I...talked, and...talked.
The Wonderful...Stories, he told. : )
He...was Quite an Adventurer.
Sometimes...he'd say..."Sing for me. : ) I...sure love to hear you sing."
<3 <3 <3
Our old trucks, rarely had working radios. : )
Looking back...
Many of them...didn't have 'much'...that 'worked' all.!
I remember, an old...Dodge Truck, that Dad drove for a while....that didn't have a windshield, or...a seat, for me.
Dad rigged up a 5 gallon bucket, turned upside down...for my perch.
: )
The funny thing, is...
I, didn't think a Thing...about it.
: )
Life...was Good, if Dad...was in it.
: )
The Adventures!!
{Who needs to go to The Fair... when you Adventure, every single day.
That's... Priceless. : ) }
He taught me how to drive...when I was 7.
I remember sitting on phone books, so I could see over the steering wheel.
: )
I remember him telling me to drive, the first time... pulling a truck out of a ditch.
{there were many...after. : ) }
"I've got the chain hooked up....when I get in the truck {stuck}...I'll beep the horn.
You...put the car in drive...go real...easy, until you feel it stop, that's when the chain...will be tight.
Then...keep giving it gas, until we start to move.
Don't give'r too much gas....: )
We don't want your tires to spin. : )
I'll beep the horn, again...when you should let off of the gas. : ) "
Oh My.
: )
He taught me how to drive a stick, when I was 10.
I was tall enough, then...
: )
Overheard my oldest Sister, Jo Ann... scold Dad, when I was little,
because she thought, Dad....wasn't letting me be a 'kid'.
He was making me grow up...too fast.
: (
{she was about 23 years older than me. }
How Wrong...she was.
When I heard her lecturing Dad, {I...was about 9}
it made me so mad, and...sad.
: (
Thought to myself,
If Jo Ann thinks, I'd prefer to her children live, oh my.
She...was wrong.
Fancy clothes, pretty bedrooms, everything...
neat...and tidy.
That...wasn't Livin' far as I...was concerned.
Feel the same way, today.
Dad...was a Gift, in my life.
<3 <3 <3
I, could go on...and, on.
: )
Guess, Dad gave me...his 'Gift of Gab'....too.
It's been so very difficult, here...over the last two days.
I was going to write about it, was February 13th.
I, won't Dad's memories...with, this 'Hell',
Probably...will wait, until the 15th., to catch you up.
I, won't give 'Valentine's Day'...away, for 'this'....either. You.
Barb C.
{I of the Best Gifts, Dad...ever gave me,
was to See the Beauty, in what, and...who, so many....
dismiss, and...overlook.
: )
<3 <3 <3
Dad...also...believed in me.
He taught me...I could do Anything, if I truly believed in myself.
What Greater Gifts, could a Father, Give...a Daughter. }
{I of the Best Gifts, Dad...ever gave me,
was to See the Beauty, in what, and...who, so many....
dismiss, and...overlook.
: )
<3 <3 <3
Dad...also...believed in me.
He taught me...I could do Anything, if I truly believed in myself.
What Greater Gifts, could a Father, Give...a Daughter. }
: )
I think...of the tune, 'My Way'.
That, was Dad.
: )
He never had much 'money', but...on most every other level....
Dad...was one of the Richest People...I've ever been Blessed to have known.
<3 <3 <3
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