I made my way...out of the House...today...
Went to the store...and picked up...a few things...
I bought a Turkey...for Thanksgiving...
It got my mind....thinking about...the meal....
When I got home...I pulled my Favorite...
Old...Cook Book...out....
It's 'The Buckeye'....
from 1880...
Most anything...anyone...could ever need...is written...in that
Old Cook Book....
As I flipped through the pages... I found the Pressed Flowers....
I don't remember ever seeing them...before...
I look at this book... always...over the Holidays....
Have had it...Forever...
Somehow.... I missed them...
They...made me smile....
Love...to ya...
Barb C.
{I Love...finding 'Pressed Flowers'...in Old Books... I find them...often.... and...they...always... make me...Smile...}
Wonder... what the Girl...was thinking...when she gathered...these Flowers...so....Long Ago....
Wonder...who...she was with....
maybe...a Little One...
or...her Beau...perhaps....
Maybe...she just...escaped....for a moment...
and found...some..'Peace'...gathering...
I never knew...how Lucky I was...
I had a Four Leaf Clover... right here... under my nose.....
{wonder...in her...wildest...dreams... she could...Imagine...
I would be writing about them...on a computer...
for...The World....to see...
oh my....} |
I enjoy...finding Old....recipes...in this book...and create them...over The Holiday Season....
I cook...with a Stove...from...1908... so...when it says...a 'Quick Oven'... I know what it means...
{my Old Stove....doesn't have a pilot...or...a thermometer...but...it's pretty easy...to use....I have gotten....used to it...and wouldn't have...a new one....}
This Old Cook Book... is easy to read...and...I never measure...anything...anyway...
It's a 'pinch of this'... or... a 'dash'...of that.... pretty much...everything...I do...is by taste...
I don't own a mixer....{well...I have Mom's old one...but...I don't get it out...}
Nor...do I have a use...for measuring cups....or measuring spoons....
{a tea cup...and my old table and tea spoons...work just fine....I rarely use them...
I put dry ingredients...in the palm of my hand... and...can eyeball it...close....enough...}
When it says..."Butter... the size of an Egg"...I get it... : )
{I love it, here... where it calls for "a Wine Glass...of Brandy"...Lord knows..I have Plenty of Wine Glasses! Some...are Much...Larger...than others.... oh my... : )}
I was...hunting...for a Good...Pumpkin Pie Recipe....
"A Kentucky Girl's Pumpkin Pie"....
Is...Exactly...what I'll be fixin'....
: ) |
{John just walked by... {I always sit in the Kitchen... at the Dough Board.... when I write ...}
He Is Not...Fond...of this song....{ I won't tell ya...what he said...
: ( }
oh well...
I think...it's Perfect....
It's 'The Civil Wars'...they...are...Amazing....}
{as you can hear... I took his music critique...to heart.... : ) }
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