Much was gone, from mine, and Laura's booth...I took this early, before some of the Big Pieces were picked up....
The Attendance was I had predicted.... 3 Big Shows...all the same weekend...really divided the Vendors...and Customers....
But...all in all.... It was good...{I've done better...and worse...}
I'll have images on, in the Morn, of some of the other Folks....
I bought some fun stuff, for my sale...{less than 2 weeks away!}
I Hurt.... everywhere...and...I'm Exhausted... Ya....
Barb C.
{rumor has it... I was sleeping on Louie...Saturday afternoon.... and snoring up a Storm.... NOT TRUE!!!!} {I did do my share of Lounging.... on Louie....and... I was told by Many Folks...I looked Damn Good on it, Too!!!} {I even had Lot's of Folks Join Me! Yee Haw!}
Such hard work -- but that's why you make the big bucks. Thank the Lord for Ibuprophen. Jan
Oh....Dear...Sweet... Jan...
You are a Funny....Funny Girl!!!!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
{Aleve is my Counter Drug, of Choice... a and again ain't bad either...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
It looks amazing! You did great! I knew you would!
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