Monday, May 16, 2011

God Doesn't Make Junk....

I was flipping through my
I'm tired...and sore... and...a bit overwhelmed...
But...not discouraged...{what a blessing that is...}
I read through some wonderful messages...then...stopped, and read, the one, that was written for my Birthday...on the 6th.... I didn't take time to read it, then....I was too busy... thinking about my Birthday.... and what a Beautiful, fun day I was going to have...and...did...
The last paragraph reads....
Dear Friend, God may send you some Valuable Gifts...wrapped in unattractive paper....for you can be sure that inside, He has Hidden Treasures of Love...Kindness, and Wisdom... If we simply take what he sends... and Trust Him...for the Blessings Inside, we will learn the meaning of the Secrets of His Providence...Even in the Darkness....
It also reminds, that diamonds....are not beautiful, when they are first found... what they endure, before they are able to sparkle...and shine....{the key is...not to dismiss them... because they look  like an old chunk of coal...even coal... is a blessing...on a cold night}
I am so Thankful...for everything... and...everyone... who puts up, with how crazy I am...these days... trying to figure out this 'Journey'.... and Really Thankful... for the ones who hold out a hand... and help me up, off my skinned knees...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
{I'm jumping in Sally... and picking up a new camera.... I fell when I was loading, last night....the camera went sailing through the air... it was in it's padded case... but, when I went to take an image, this morning... I found, I have more padding, than the case... the camera was's a good thing, God makes us Tough....}
{I will admit... now...I was scared....about doing the show alone....I take Monsters...that big men struggle with.... and...I always will....that is, what I do...and who I am... but...every thoughts, crept to that way of thinking....the thought, immediately, took precedence..."You Never Walk Alone".... and We Never worries...}

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