Little over 5 feet tall... but could put the fear of God, in me... with a very few words...and the tone in her voice...{even when I towered over her slight frame....oh my.... I don't remember a spanking... ever... she didn't have to.... a look... and a tone.... oh my...} {what am I saying..."could" 91.... she still does!}
She was an Amazing Cook... Seamstress... Homemaker... She could make a 10x40 trailer.... like a Palace... She reupholstered... re-painted... made curtains...and all of our clothes, when we were little...{I'm sure she made the dress, she is wearing in this image....} She was a 'Beauty Operater', as they were called, in the day... did all of our hair.... {oh dear....I remember Merry Jo, crying her eyes out, more than once... when she didn't like her hair cut.... I only remember once.... for me.... I always kept my hair very long...when I was 8, or 9... I could sit on it....but... I was always with the horses... and my hair was always... a gnarled mess....I would squawk...when she would brush it out...{I remember Mom taking the vacuum to it... on more than one occasion... sucking the straw out of it.... oh dear...} so...Mom, one fateful day... trimmed it... to my neck.... I Cried!!!!}
Mom was a penny pincher... had to be....{there would not have been many Christmas'...without Mom... pinching pennies... or... Birthdays...or...a lot of things, we got... Mom was the one... who...somehow...made it happen... Dad... really wasn't good with money.... oh dear...} She could make a Wonderful Meal... out of very little....
She was a hard worker... and so compassionate...towards Critters...She was very 'Proper'... and Lady Like... Could Dress, on a dime... and look like Jackie....She wore little make-up... but never went anywhere, without wearing red lipstick...{I can see her now.... putting it on...while looking in the rear view mirror...} She was Always....always.... 'put together'...{ know.... I am much more like Dad...oh dear...}She could sing...beautifully... did...often...especially Sunday Mornings.... she would sing in Czech, with the Sunday Morning Czech Party, on the radio...and dance, in the kitchen...while fixing Sunday Dinner...When Mom laughs.... and.... she laughs...often.... everyone is drawn, to her....
She would roll her eyes...and scold me, for carrying a roll of Charmin on the dash of the old Ford...she'd lower her voice, to a whisper.... {tho, there wasn't a soul around, for 200 feet....} "get that off your dash.... that looks terrible"...{I still use Charmin... instead of Kleenex... I Don't... put it on the dash....much...} or, if any of us would be arguing... in the house...again... in a whisper..."shhhh... do you want the neighbors to hear?... " ahh... again... 200 feet away...... and her favorite saying... "Don't Air Your Dirty Laundry!"... now...they call it Therapy...
Mom was a terrible driver...{she was so was hard for her to see over the hood, of those old cars....} She was even a worse, passenger.... I started driving, on the road, when I was 12.... many times, when I'd be coming to a stop sign... or approaching a rear bumper, of the car ahead of me.... Mom would Brace for Impact! I swore her feet were going to go right through the floor board! I always stayed calm...when she would carry on... Guess... I'm like Dad, that way...
I remember when Merry Jo and I would argue, in the back seat.... she'd get that tone... " You Girls Are Making Me a Nervous Wreck! Do Want Us To Have An Accident???Do you want me to stop this car????"...ahhh... we didn't.... {and she Never Had To....} oh my...{I gotta tell ya... I crack up...every time I think about it.... her voice would quiver...{she was kind of theatrical!} oh my... when I was little... it scared me...and Merry Jo... when we were older... ahhh... not so much... but... we complied...}
She was a Very Beautiful Woman.... I always thought she looked like the actress, Barbara Stanwick...
A very Strong... Beautiful...Woman....
She was 43, when I was born....
What a Woman...
I Love Her...
Happy Mother's Day...To All...
{the Dads... who have been 'Mom'...too... Happy Mother's Day...}
Barb C.
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