This is a Darling Little Step Back.... that came from the Chelsea, Iowa Estate Sale....last week.... John is getting the hardware on it...and screws fitting better, in the door.... It's all square nailed....and... very...sweet....Love It!
 John and I got this Big Girl Loaded, last night... Oh Boy! We worked Hard, yesterday! It was Record Hot out... {in the 90's....} but... I really didn't mind the's been so cold... and felt Great soaking it all in.... I visited with Steph, yesterday...{Stephanie Brandenburg Studios} she's headed to Salt Lake a Big Truck.... to do a HUGE Market Show.... alone....{seems... she is running into the same wall...I am...} I told her how emotional...I got... the night before...{sometimes... when someone hurts me... it takes me a while to 'get it'....I am always blindsided... I guess... I just never see it coming... from the ones, I love most...} We both decided to have a Martini Lunch... when we get home... and do a lotta Soul Searchin'.... She and I seem to run parallel, to one another...we also, tend to blame ourselves....way too much... I always say... how difficult I am to work with... I'm done with that... I'm not so bad....I Treat Folks with Respect... Treat them Fair...Give My Friends... ' my Last Dime... Help 'em....Whatever The Case May Be...I Give 'em my Best... I Also Bust my Butt... and Love What I Do! No Apologies! {ahh...the 'respect' thing...I Really Don't Tollerate....Lack..of brings the Mad Hatter out... pretty quick... No Apologies} I'm looking foreword to Gold Rush! and.... if I get too worn out.......Ya See That Fricken' Louis the XV Sofa! That's where you'll find me... Baby!!! {oh yeah.... I'll have a bottle of Gnarly Head.... for late... in the day... reclining... on...Sweet Louie!} Back to Loading! Love to Ya! Barb C. {here's a short list, of what's goin'... I'll write more, later...} 3 Gnarly Cool Well Pumps... A Wonderful, Old, Old Metal Stock Trough A Sweet Yellow Wheelbarrow Very Fun Vintage Floor Lamp Multi Drawered Bin Wonderful, Early... Hand Dovetailed Cradle{With HEART Cut Outs, on Each End!!!} Paul Bunyan {he's so Excited to see all of his Old Pals in Rochester! {and tell everyone, all the Gossip, from his trip to Heart of Country!} A Sweet Chimney Cupboard The Darling Step Back A Very Sweet Jelly Cupboard {no pun intended} from the Chelsea, Iowa Farm an Old Red 3 Drawer Stand with Great Cast Pulls A Darling Single Door, Primitive Hanging {or sitting} Cupboard Loads of Glass...Lace... Textiles...Wooden Ware....Ironstone... Transferware.... I have 3 hours... or less... to get unloaded...this is a partial listing... oh my.... Steph says... 'No Worries'... Funny... I really Don't... have any Worries... it is.... what it is.... All Good! Love to Ya! Barb C.
What we need to do sometimes is put ourselves first -- why's that so hard to do? Hope you have a great sale & don't let anyone be mean to you. That couch is amazing! Jan
Thanks Sweet Pea!
I don't think my friend was being mean....he, probably thought, he was sparing my feelings... I'd much rather hear the truth...even if it hurts... than have someone pee on my shoe...and tell me it's rainin'... will discover, it's pee... and oh Stinks to High Heaven!
The Truth Never Smells...
I Love him... anyway...
And...Love You Too!
Barb C.
{the sofa.Is...AMAZING!!!}
Hi Barb, sounds like you have a great load for the show. It's a good thing I'm unable to go because I'd drool all over that fantasticly amazing sofa!!! Be safe and enjoy yourself.
Oh Brandon...
What's a Little Drool....I would So...So...So....Love to have you.... I need a 'Helper'...God Knows!
{I am taking some really Dreamy Stuff...Oh Dear!}
the more I think about it.... sitting back....resting in Louis... sippin' wine... and letting the customers rummage through stuff.... sounds kinda good...forget about setting the booth... I'll let the Gnarly Old the Talkin....Yee Haw!
I'll be headed out, around 10... if you wanna go... the Chariot Awaits!
Love to Ya...Sweet Pea!
Barb C.
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