This incredible, in person... I have a Post Card, from the Pavilion, in Davenport, where it came was discarded, way back....when the Pavilion was demolished... and a neighbor, rescued was purchased at their estate sale....several years ago....I guess it weighs between 2 and 3 hundred pounds.... that would be Conservative....I won't say, how heavy Dick, thought it was....he didn't measure, in pounds....oh dear...
Where...oh I begin....?
Have you ever had a day...that seemed like a Dream... it was so backwards? Down...The Rabbit Hole...?
My mind would not wake up, this morning...I awoke at 5....but simply could not roll out, 'til 6:30...then I had to RUSH!!!! Had to be in Durant, Iowa, by 8:30....
Got the shower going... but...forgot my clothes...upstairs.... had to Streak through the house.... oh dear... then...I was nearly out of coffee... just open my eyes...
Then...had to fuel up the Ford....the pump wouldn't work, at Casey's...I was trying to put on my make up on, the truck... then the guy from Casey's came running out...wanted to know if I needed help...{by then, I thought the pump was going....} wasn't... I had used my license, for the credit card...oh dear....{I apologized...profusely....he was very sweet...and said, if that was the worst thing that happened to would be a great day...oh dear...}
Then... I drive and drive...and get to Durant...where I think Durant is.... oh dear....{I had been there only once, in my life....} so...I called Dick....the Cat I was hooking up with....ahhhh... I needed to turn around...I had went too far...and...Durant...wasn't where I thought Durant was....{still falling....}
I spun a 'U'... and doubled back...running late....Dick was talking so fast...I couldn't gather...What Exit????'....oh dear...
I finally found Durant.... kept going and going...and Bless His Heart...Dick was standing at the edge of the road...where I needed to turn....{I swear...I never would have found him....otherwise} Then....we had to figure out a way to load the Amazing... Carved Limestone Bust...{it weighs between 2 and 300 pounds...I really don't want to know...for sure...} I thought if I backed into a ditch... and we formed a ramp...we could do it...Thankfully...there was a ditch...and a nice young man, helped Dick and I cart it up, and into the Ford.... Then...Dick invited me to his Lovely Home...again....I got totally lost... {I just stopped to get Coffee...thought I would have No Problem...finding his house, in such a small town! WRONG!!! Again...he was standing on the I was circling the block...over and over...{still Spinning...}
We had many Laughs... {he was involved in the 'Spoon' being put in my purse...I just found 'Sugar Packets' in there as well... oh my...paybacks....}
Then...on my way...It was a shame, I close to the Mississippi...and the shops I wanted to go to, are closed on Wednesdays....however... I really wanted to check out a friend, I had never been to his home ...only bought from him, at shows.... so I looked for his number...and can't find it.... then the phone rang... when I hung up...there was my friend's number... I still don't know how it came up....
I called him...and got directions.... I had already passed his course...anther turn around....and double back...15 miles...{still falling...still spinning....}
Then...of friend has 3 Store Tables...2, 14 feet long.... 1, 13 early hand dovetailed workbench...7 feet long...{the box on the Ford is 7 feet... My friend asked when I'd be back to get them... }
With fuel pushing 4.00....I'll be taking them, now... He and his brothers, thought I was crazy...and...they would be right...I guess.... but...I made it home...and so did the load....
I made a huge mistake, of eating fast food, and I am suffering...feel like I have a knot in my chest.... Bad....
I hooked up with Pal, Gail H., tonight... she always makes me smile...
I have had enough...
Still Falling...Spinning...and...Exhausted...
Love to Ya...
Barb C.
{I received several calls, today from folks bringing stuff for the sale...Oh My Gosh....It's Gonna Be Great!!!}
OK, you've exhausted me again. Hope you're in bed by now & getting a good night's sleep. By the way, the tables look great. Jan
Looks like the tired were rubbing with that load!
meant to say tires but might be both with that load!
Ohh my, and I thought I had a terrible day yesterday. I mowed my whole yard and our lot without putting the blades down. Duh!! I blame it on my sinus
Have a better day today!
Hey Missy!
You had it Correct....either way!
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
Hey Jan....The FUN NEVER ENDS!!!!
Love to Ya!!!
Barb C.
Oh Erin...
I think I would Have CRIED!!!!
I Hate to MOW!!!!
I'd rather stick needles in my eyes... that...and painting.... YUK!
At least you can blame a pill....It's my Brain Cells...{or lack of them...... that scares me!}
Love to Ya!
Barb C.
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