I received a lovely e-mail, from pal, Sue, yesterday... and it got me thinkin'... About growing up, how I was raised.... My childhood...This song, by Dottie West, pretty much says it all... It always has... I remember thinking that, the first time I heard it... I was around 9 years old... I grew up, barefooted...skinny dippin' in the pond, basking in the hot, July sun.... we loved walkin' the creek.... looking for crawdads, and fishing... riding the horses, bareback, just swing up, and go....The years have taken me, all over this country... but, I'm always ready to come home... I guess the old saying is true... "you can take the girl, out of the country... but, you can't take the country, out of the girl'...
I feel honored, to have been able to experience this, as a child... and so very blessed...While writing to Sue, a shiver went up my spine... Are those days gone... forever... Will any other generation, ever experience the days without electronics...I don't ever see kids outside, period... Oh, what they are missing... Maybe, it's my age... I talked to Peg, about it, last night...We decided, our childhood was the best...Not much money....not many toys { we made our own} but, the World was our Oyster....Maybe, we all feel that way... just about different things... I don't know... I guess... we need to find happiness, where we can...
Life is...what it is....
I'm heading out to get a load of limestone, this morning, then getting everything loaded for the show.... I have concrete to pick up, and lots of garden chairs, and gliders to load on the little Ford... So the stone has to be taken care of... Sounds like it may rain, Sunday.... I'm glad we have a tent this year.... Peg and Liz will be helping, and Peg is bringing her Gourds... I can't wait to see them....It's going to be a Great Show... It poured, half the day, last year, and we had a Great Show! { and we didn't have a tent...} I've talked to several people that are doing this show... and oh my... There is going to be some Wonderful Stuff!!!
I'll have a list, and images, either tonight, or, in the morn!
Have a Great Day...
Barb C.
We missed last year due to rain. Jeff said, "NO WAY are we going to let rain get in the way of our Fourth of July Tradition!" I'll look for you!
I'm can't wait to shop!!! How early do folks open? I want that little shopping cart, how much?
See you Sunday
I love reading your posts. We grew up much like you -- but my mom would have NEVER let us skinny dip. We took g'son Sage to camp this week down this long dirt road with all electronics left at home & he had such a good time. Hope you have a wonderful 4th & a hugely successful sale. I'll look forward to pics. Tell Polly "hi". Jan
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