This was Tommie's Booth, right in front of her wonderful Coffee Shop, and Bakery... FUEL!!!!!Oh my gosh.. Tommie and her Mom, saved me, Sunday morning... I was Out of It.... They came buzzing through our booth, and asked if I had expected them to bring coffee? {The disappointment was all over my face, I am sure, as they slipped through, empty handed...} They felt so bad.... So, agreed to deliver me a 'Tommie's Special', Brew.... and asked what I wanted in it...{ This is how 'whacked' I was.... all I could say, while scrambling for words... was"ah...water"...} They laughed, and in no time, they brought me my 'JOLT'! I made it through the day!!! THANKS GIRLS!!!!

Ahhh, one of my Sweetest Neighbors, at the show! Ginger! {fellow Blogger} {virginia rose} She and her darling Hubby, Garth, are always so much fun...

This booth belongs to a Darling Girl... Jan... and Fellow Blogger...{gracies cottage} Oh my Gosh... I loved all of the unusual treasures she carried...

Sweet Cathy R., She and Tom, are also our neighbors.... They had thee most wonderful stuff... I loved the Rope Bed... I wish I would have gotten a picture of it... It was amazing... The best one, I have ever seen... Oh my...

Our booth... well, half of it... we had tons of gnarly garden stuff, to the right... we sold tons of it... I bought a wonderful plant stand, that is tall and gnarly... It's shaped like a tree... I put all of the Staffordshire tea pots, and bowls on it... It's perfect for display... hope it never sells... I also bought the wonderful old stained glass window, with the star...and an 1840's Empire Chest... { I LOVE EMPIRE FURNITURE!!!!} The most wonderful Photographer's chair... It sold, to pal Lil... It's a perfect fit, for Gals like us! {Mad Hatterish, I mean,,,}

Here's a shot, down one side of Main street, at the end of the day... { too busy, before....} This show has doubled, since last year... it's going to be an amazing 4th of July Event... It reminded me of a quaint, little Outdoor, Paris Market... The town is darling, and so historic... Wonderful food, and drink... Just Sweet as Pie... We are doing it, again, the Good Lord Willing, and really looking forward to it...

Here's a Darling, I bought, over the phone, at 5:30, Sunday morning.... It needs a good bath, but, that's it! It has 4 doors across the top, 6 drawers, 2 doors, and a wonderful, working bin... Thankfully, it's 2 pieces... it's HEAVY! And, not all that big... Maybe 6 feet wide, and a little over 6 feet tall.. But a Stout Lad, to say the least!!!

Here's Bill! He reminds me of John, in so many ways... His better half, Kathie, is standing in the back.... We think a lot alike... She is a fellow blogger { this girls art}... She is absolutely Amazing... Love them Both!

Here's Peg... Wiped out... She sold and sold her Wonderful Gourds.... People were just drooling all over them... They are... Truly Amazing... So is Peg...

This is the Empire dresser, I purchased, with the Beautiful Window, behind it.... I wish they wouldn't have started cleaning down the old varnish... I may try and match it, or, simply chalk it up, to the 'Journey'... I LOVE the Amazing Hand champhoring, dovetailing, and planing...A few scars, well, are to be expected, I guess, when you reach a 170, or so....
I HAVE that same empire dresser in my bedroom, but mine has these huge pressed glass knobs- big as doorknobs. I got it from Glenn at Wolfe's...It holds so much stuff!
Wish I could have been there. Maybe next year. Everything looks great. Jan
oh barb
thanks a heap for your continued support of my little corner of the world. i appreciate you so much!!!
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