{this was taken, last November.... Peg and I were hunting pine branches, at a place my old friend, Julie goes, to get hers.... I spied this wonderful old fountain, in a pile of rubble... slammed on the brakes, backed up, and when Peg saw it, in the concrete refuse, her eyes got as big as saucers.... I was having a horrible bout, with my asthma... no air...{ that means, about half of my normal strength...} Peg, is a little over 100 pounds... My mind is racing, on who is close enough to come help lift 'Big Daddy', 4 feet up, to the truck's bed.... Peg kept saying " we're not leaving this!" "Barb... We are Not Leaving This!" I looked at her, and said, " Peg... I don't think you and I can get this loaded".... "let me think... who can I call..." She said, " I can do this... grab a hold... " so... on the count of three, we hoisted that massive bowl, into the truck... I have kept it, and it's never been for sale... it's a wonderful memory... no wonder Peg signs all of her art work, with an ant... Peg truly can move that rubber tree plant....}
Mike, Peg's husband, called yesterday afternoon... Peg was admitted to the Hospital, yesterday morning... she is terribly dehydrated... They are pumping her up with fluids, and antibiotics.... Mike said, while waiting for her room, Peg was in a wheel chair, he walked away for a moment, when he came back, Peg had crawled out of the wheel chair, and was curled up on the waiting room's sofa... asleep...She is so incredibly weak, and exhausted... Peg called, last night... she said she was feeling better, already...and didn't want me to worry...{ whatever...} I told her, that she is in all of our prayers...They aren't sure what the problem is, yet... They are treating her for Lyme, and another 'tick illness', that is a bit more common, in Missouri...
I'll keep ya posted...
Barb C.
{ thanks to everyone, for the sweet e-mails, and 'well wishes', for Peg... Thanks to Wanda, {Gatherings}, she called, yesterday, and pretty much said, they needed to do, what they are FINALLY doing! {we were going to kidnap Peg, and bring her to Iowa, today, if they hadn't got movin' on her!}
I am so glad to hear that Peg is getting the medical care she needs. I hope they figure out what is going on and get her back to feeling herself in no time. Please give her a big ole hug from me. Take care! Luv~Betty
Wow barb, I'm So very happy that peg is feeling better. That lymes Stuff is very nasty stuff. I've seen 1st hand what can do. A friend of ours contracted it while mowing the lawn. He went from a big burly biker guy to a weak frail man. ( He went to long w/out diagnois)A speedy recovery PLEEEZE!
I am glad the iv is working and she is getting some nourishment. That will help everything start to fight whatever is going on.
Soo glad to hear Peg is doing some better,we still need to keepher in our prayers daily.Keep us posted
Prayers are in the air!
So glad to hear she is feeling better!
I am so glad to hear that Peg is getting the medical care she needs. I hope they figure out what is going on and get her back to feeling herself in no time. Please give her a big ole hug from me. Take care! Luv~Betty
Wow barb, I'm So very happy that peg is feeling better. That lymes Stuff is very nasty stuff. I've seen 1st hand what can do. A friend of ours contracted it while mowing the lawn. He went from a big burly biker guy to a weak frail man. ( He went to long w/out diagnois)A speedy recovery PLEEEZE!
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