Found this beauty, on my travels, yesterday.... It dates from around 1874.... The makers name was Maggie E. Davies, from New York... She was born in 1861, and was thought to have done this, when she was 13. She was later a Dress Maker, at her home.... The Sampler is mounted on, what
appears to be, it's original stretcher... I fell in love with this, because of the motto, it's so true... and all of the glorious detail....{if you 'click' on the image, you should be able to read it....}{ and, I Love the girl, who had it... she's a keeper...} it does have some tearing, in a few places... but, I guess I would too, after 136 years.... It's pretty large... 28x23...and, if it never sells... well..... guess I'll just have to keep it myself....{how sad...} I have all sorts of stories, from
Allyson's, and my trip... I'll tell ya later...
Barb C.
What a beautiful old sampler...love the sentiment. You find the BEST stuff!
Beautiful Sampler! I found your blog through another and I will visit you again, I became a follower. Carolyn from Des Moines, Iowa
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