This wonderful Old Dry Sink, is one, of two, I picked up, yesterday afternoon... It's solid as a rock, zinc lined, and a real Sweetie... The other one, came from the same Farm House, and is a 'Sister', to this one... but it's 'well' isn't as deep...The other, is the older, of the two... it is also, adorned in, turn of the last century paint, old white { the dry sinks are earlier than their surface...} {'Oyster' to the Country Folk} It has paneled doors, a more elaborate base cut out, has a wonderful, hand chamfored, single board back, and is constructed of Walnut... I'll have images of that one, later....They are both, Darlings...{and need a good bath!}
Wish they would have found the can of mustard paint!
That is wonderful!!!! I wished I had a spot for it! Thanks for sharing. Carolyn
Love this dry sink!!!
Hey Wanda...{gatherings}
About the 'Mustard Paint'....
It Is... What It Is....
My Love to Ya!
Barb C.
Love it can't wait to see her sister,your hard work paid off.
Take Care G
Any chance this is still available?
Sorry... no. : )
This sold... right away... If you follow this blog... or simply iowa on facebook... I post new gatherings...daily...
Thanks... for asking, tho... : )
Barb C.
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