These are a few of the treasures I gathered, while taking a road trip, with Maurina... We had a great day, ate a great lunch at Jumer's Casino, { we don't gamble, but, the Buffet is wonderful!} and had a nice load, for the day....
{Peg called, today... Still in the hospital... she did get to eat a little, today.... Tests are coming back, with no answers... It's not Lyme... It's not Hepatitis, it's not H1N1... It's not, alot of things... We just want to know, what the heck, is it.... They are still treating her with loads of antibiotics.... She sounds better... It's going to be a ruff, several months, I'm thinkin'....She wants me to Thank Everyone, who has sent Prayers.... and 'Well Wishes'....Peg was so amazed when I told her about all the e-mail's... Thank You...
I'll keep you updated...}
I had written a long post, last night, about my experience, yesterday.... Oh my... I didn't post it...
It was a burner... All about respect... or, the lack of.... and... Road Rage....and Angels... and Smokin' rear tires... and spinnin' a u-turn... and confrontation... and... people...oh my... I told Peg, about it... I hadn't been in a situation like that, in 18 years... She was very happy, she wasn't riding shot gun... It was a true, Mad Hatter Moment...{ and, it was such a wonderful morning...before this unfortunate incident...}
These are the observations, I have made... Men should never assume, they can intimidate a woman, by the size of their vehicle, body, or mouth... Before you threaten someone, you had better think it over...Not everyone will turn the other cheek...they may just stand.... toe to toe... with you...
And... It is, what it is... Lets just get along....{I can say that now... yesterday, it wasn't just the tires that were smokin'...}
I know Angels were riding shotgun, with me.... and, with that man...a very good thing...
Barb C.
I hope Peg (I don't even know her and I'm calling her by her first name lol) can soon have a diagnosis and start recovery.
Did you get my email about my friend with similar symptoms? It took a while for him to be diagnosed and quite a while for him to recover. While he was still recovering we went to Brimfield! He had to take frequent rests, but he was at Brimfield! Not much keeps us from Brimfield. . .
I would not want to be the other person involved in your event yesterday. Tell us more.
It sounds to me like ranacross somebody whose mouth was writin checks his ass couldn't cover. With a little luck he will carry this lesson on.
Praying for Peg G
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