It was a toastie day, in the 'Simply Iowa Rain Forest'... But alas... Put long handled, tree trimmers in my hands, and uninterrupted time, a roaring weed whip, and a push mower... I am a dangerous woman... I'm on the road, so much, that when I have a moment, to devote to the lawn, well... get out of my way... I have to get 2 months work done, in 12 hours, or less... oh my... I got most of what I wanted done, done... The Bittersweet, I have decided, needs another arch way... I didn't have time to construct one, today, and, you can still walk under it... I'll fashion one out of old iron porch posts, next week, and get it wired up... Other than that, the yard is looking pretty good... Me, well... not so much... I stink... I think I have sucked up at least a gallon of water, today... and sweat out, a gallon and a half!
I'm hittin' the shower!
Barb C.
Hmmm.... on second thought.... Sally is lookin' at me, through the kitchen window... and she doesn't care if I stink... with the top down, who would notice... think I'll go for a quick ride... shower... later....
Barb C.
What a great day-working in the garden, making beauty out of God's green earth- and then cooling off by driving down the lovely Iowa countryside in a cute little ole Mustang! Sounds like a great time! Everyone needs days like this! Glad you had a great day.! Luv~Betty
Did you stay out of the water today?
Peg will be soo proud jk.Between the mosoon and the heat it's a wonder anybody can get any yard work done. looking good
Have a good day.TAKE CARE OF YOU
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